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(江苏专版)2011高考英语一轮复习巩固提升:Unit 1《Living with technology》(详细解析)(牛津译林版·模块7)

发布时间:2017-02-23  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  Unit 1

  Living with technology

  Ⅰ. 单词拼写

  1. She said that she didn’t like it, but

  (就个人而言) I thought it was good.

  2. He never cares about others; he only thinks of his own


  3. I’m a new comer and not

  (熟悉的) with the local customs.

  4. Don’t e

  your skin to direct sunlight.

  5. He is poor, but he is u

  to accept the money the woman offers.

  Ⅱ. 用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空

  associate with/have faith in/wind up/

  spring up/be superior to

  1. They still found it hard to deal with problems


  cancer treatment.

  2. Though he didn’t keep his promise last time, I still _______


  3. The old type of telephone needed to


  before you got through.

  4. As the life step becomes faster,

  fast-food restaurants are


  all over the cities.

  5. They claimed that a vegetarian diet


  a meat diet.



  1. 他独自一人在家时,总是拿不定主意该做什么。(uncertain)



  2. 当向老板申请工作时,你应当提供详细的个人资料。(apply)



  3. 雇员们提高工资的要求遭到雇主的拒绝。(demand; turn down)



  4. 教授在几位助教的陪同下走进了报告厅。(accompany)



  5. 儿子通过考试使我大为欣慰。(to ones delight)



  Ⅳ. 单项填空


  1. A communicative satellivte

  _______ as much as 3.5 tons was sent up into spoke last week.

  A. weighing

  B. weighed

  C. to be weighed

  D. being weighed

  2. If you

  _______yourself to the job in hand, youll soon finish it.

  A. request

  B. appeal

  C. apply

  D. claim

  3. Scientific experiments

  _______ students without the teachers instructions can be dangerous.


  carry out


  carrying out by


  carrying by


  carried out by

  4. _______ is known to us all that only the theory

  _______ practice can be practical.


  Which; base on


  It; based on


  As; based on


  What; basing on

  5. Society is made up of



  some are good, others bad, and still others in between.

  A. a great deal of

  B. a good many of

  C. a variety of

  D. a large number

  6. He earned enough money to start his own business

  _______ offering guide services

  _______ tourists.

  A. by; to

  B. with; at

  C. on; for

  D. hrough; with


  I am of course

  _______ your work, which was _________

  me ten years ago.

  A. familiar to; familiar with

  B. familiar with; familiar in

  C. familiar with; familiar to

  D. familiar on; familiar to

  8. Teaching is an art

  _______ on science.

  A. basing

  B. based

  C. which bases

  D. that bases

  9. The poor boy read books in the light

  _______ the hole


  A. through; on

  B. from; at

  C. through; in

  D. over; to

  10. The government

  _______ all citizens to prevent the H1N1 flu efficiently.

  Which one is NOT RIGHT?

  A. asked

  B. required

  C. demanded

  D. advised

  Ⅴ. 完形填空


  A newly trained teacher named Mary went to teach at a Navajo Indian reservation. Every day, she would ask five of the young Navajo students to


  the chalkboard and complete a simple math problem from



  They would stand there, silently,


  to complete the task. Mary couldn’t figure it out.


  she had studied in her educational curriculum helped, and she


  hadn’t seen anything like it in her studentteaching days back in Phoenix.

  What am I doing wrong? Could I have chosen five students who can’t do the 6? Mary would wonder. No, 7 couldn’t be that. Finally she 8 the students what was wrong. And in their answers, she learned a 9 lesson from her young 10 pupils about selfimage and a(n) 11 of self-worth.

  It seemed that the students 12 each other’s individuality and knew that 13 of them were capable of doing the problems. 14 at their early age, they understood the senselessness of the win-lose approach in the classroom. They believed no one would 15 if any students were shown up or embarrassed at the 16. So they 17 to compete with each other in public.

  Once she understood, Mary changed the system 18 she could check each childs math problem individually, but not at any childs expense 19 his classmates. They all wanted to learn, 20 not at someone elses expense.

  1. A. go to

  B. come to

  C. get close to

  D. bring

  2. A. his

  B. their

  C. his own

  D. her

  3. A. happy

  B. willingly

  C. readily

  D. unwilling

  4. A. Anything

  B. Nothing

  C. Everything

  D. Neither

  5. A. almost

  B. certainly

  C. hardly

  D. never

  6. A. question

  B. chalkboard

  C. problem

  D. homework

  7. A. they

  B. it

  C. everything

  D. each

  8. A. asked

  B. questioned

  C. told

  D. understood

  9. A. outstanding

  B. surprising

  C. annoying

  D. frightening

  10. A. sunburned

  B. tender

  C. Indian

  D. naughty

  11. A. sense

  B. image

  C. way

  D. aspect

  12. A. had

  B. ignored

  C. respected

  D. cared

  13. A. none

  B. no one

  C. each

  D. not all

  14. A. Especially

  B. Even though

  C. Even so

  D. Even

  15. A. lose

  B. win

  C. achieve

  D. answer

  16. A. time

  B. situation

  C. chalkboard

  D. condition

  17. A. refused

  B. rejected

  C. tried

  D. promised

  18. A. if

  B. so that

  C. unless

  D. in case

  19. A. in favour of

  B. of

  C. by means of

  D. in front of

  20. A. and

  B. but

  C. so

  D. or




  It doesn’t matter where you work; at some point all organizations have employees who develop negative attitudes. The reasons can stem from stress, trauma, being overworked, being underpaid, personal problems at home, etc. Negativity is like a cancer, and can spread to even the most positive employees.

  So what can you do about it?

  It all starts at the top. Employee’s attitudes and performances usually reflect management and leadership. And if leadership shows negativity on a daily basis, it’s going to pass on to lower level employees as well. That’s why it’s important for management to act a positive, united front, even when things are not necessarily going well within the organization.

  People aren’t perfect so don’t expect them to be. Yes, point out their mistakes and weaknesses, but do it in a positive, caring way. By the same token(相应地), pat your employees on the back from time to time, to let them know you appreciate their efforts. You’d be surprised what a little positive support can do.

  If you spot signs of negativity, don’t ignore it. Acknowledge that there is a problem and deal with it immediately. Don’t allow the problem to fester(恶化) and spread. If you don't deal with the situation immediately, the problem is only going to get worse. On top of that, your employees are going to think that management does’t care about them and their job performance is going to suffer. Talk to your employees on a regular basis. Inquire about their families and hobbies. Show them that you care. Ask what you can do to help them do their jobs better, and make the work environment more pleasant for everyone.

  If you don’t already have a suggestion box, it is a great way to persuade employees to contribute positive ideas for improving the workplace. Just don’t be afraid to encourage your employees to use it. You can even make it a fun thing, by awarding gifts and prizes for the best suggestions.

  It’s very easy to get involved in the negativity, especially with employees that you’re particularly close to. Don’t do it. When the bitching, moaning and complaining starts, take control of the situation immediately and change the subject to something more positive and pleasant, until such time you can meet with the individuals privately.

  In a word, it is not unusual for organizations to go through periods of negativity. However, the way you deal with that negativity makes all the difference in the world.



  With Negative Attitudes

  Problem Negative attitudes exist


  and it may even


  the most positive employees.

  What to do Be positive leaders for


  usually conveys their attitudes and performances to lower level employees.

  Point out their mistakes and weaknesses, and


  them with some positive support.

  Acknowledge the problem and get it


  before it becomes worse.


  a box to collect useful suggestions.

  Get the situation under


  and talk about something more positive.


  It’s the way you deal with negative attitudes that



  1. _______ 2. _______3. _______

  4. _______5. _______6. _______

  7. _______ 8. _______ 9. _______

  10. _______


  Ⅰ. 1. personally

  2. convenience







  Ⅱ. 1. associated with

  2. have faith in

  3. be wound up

  4. springing up

  5. was superior to


  1. He is always uncertain about what to do when he is at home alone.

  2. When you apply for a job to the boss/employer, you should offer your information in detail.

  3. The employees’ demand for higher pays was turned down by the employer.

  4. The professor came into the lecture hall accompanied by several assistant teachers.

  5. To my great delight, my son passed the examination.


  Ⅳ. 1. 解析:选A。句意为:一个重达3.5吨的通信卫星上周被发射升空。weighing作定语,相当于which weighs。

  2. 解析:选C。句意为:如果你专注于手头的工作,你很快就能完成。apply oneself to ...专心于……,专注于……。

  3. 解析:选D。过去分词短语作定语修饰experiments,experiments和carry out呈被动关系。

  4. 解析:选B。考查名词性从句。it作形式主语,指代后面的that从句。based on practice是过去分词短语作定语。

  5. 解析:选C。A项修饰不可数名词;B项应为a good many;D项应为a large number of。

  6. 解析:选A。by doing ...通过……方式;offer ...to ...向……提供……。

  7. 解析:选B。be familiar with对……熟悉;be familiar to为……所熟悉。

  8. 解析:选B。based作定语,修饰art,相当于which is based。

  9. 解析:选C。光线穿过墙体的洞用through;洞在墙里故应用in。

  10. 解析:选C。可以说ask/require/advise sb. to do sth.但不能说demand sb.to do sth.。

  Ⅴ. 1. 解析:选A。每天让五个Navajo Indian(纳瓦霍印第安)学生上黑板做简单的数学题。

  2. 解析:选B。根据上文中的“five of the young Navajo students”可知,这里用their。

  3. 解析:选D。学生不愿意在黑板上做题。

  4. 解析:选B。她在教育课堂中学到的东西也不能帮助她弄清这个问题。

  5. 解析:选B。为什么学生不愿在黑板上做?Mary弄不明白了。她在教育课程中学到的东西也不能帮助她弄清这个问题,且她在Phoenix教学生的那些日子当然不会遇到这样的事情。

  6. 解析:选C。Mary开始反思:是不是我选了五个不会做这道题的学生?

  7. 解析:选B。情况不是那样。这里用it,代指上文提到的事情。

  8. 解析:选A。根据下文的“answers”可知,这里应该用asked。

  9. 解析:选B。由于以前没有遇到过这种情况,所以得到这样的问题感到很惊讶。

  10. 解析:选C。由上文可知,故事发生在印第安。

  11. 解析:选A。Mary从纳瓦霍印第安小学生了解到他们的自我形象意识和自尊感,这令她感到惊讶。

  12. 解析:选C。他们尊重彼此的个性。表示“尊重”用“respected”。

  13. 解析:选D。他们知道并不是所有的学生都能做出那些数学题。“并不是所有的”表示部分否定,用“not all”。

  14. 解析:选D。 even 在这里表示强调。

  15. 解析:选B。上文提到win-lose approach,对于形象意识和自尊感较强的学生,遇到这种尴尬的情况,必会失败。

  16. 解析:选A。他们认为如果任何人在黑板前被揭露出不会做或者感到尴尬,他们都会成为失败者。

  17. 解析:选A。他们拒绝在公共场所彼此竞争。这里要用“refuse”,reject 含有“拒绝接受”之意。

  18. 解析:选B。so that 以便。

  19. 解析:选D。in front of his classmates 在同学面前。in favour of支持,赞同; by means of以……的方式。

  20. 解析:选B。but表示转折。

  Ⅵ. 1. Dealing/Coping

  2. everywhere

  3. affect/influence/impact

  4. leadership

  5. provide 6. solved/settled

  7. Use/Prepare/Have

  8. control

  9. Conclusion

  10. matters/counts


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