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2017届高考英语一轮复习课时知能训练:人教版选修八 Unit 1《A land of diversity》

发布时间:2017-02-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Just before Christmas 1978,Kenneth was a passenger in a car as it drove through the Navajo Nation.The night was dark,and the driver,an elderly woman,__1__ and killed an eight­year­old boy.

  Later,when he saw how sad the boy's family were,Kenneth made a(n) __2__.He would “do whatever it takes to make __3__happy at Christmas time”.

  A year later,at the age of 18,he was living with his mother and younger brother.They were hardly making ends meet on his low wages,but Kenneth bought a used Santa suit and went around __4__ people as poor as himself to give candy and fruit for families even more needy.

  Just before midnight on Christmas Eve,he went knocking on doors of __5__houses in the poorest section of the Navajo Nation.Many of the darkened homes didn't have __6__.

  Some families were __7__ to open their doors so late at night.“It's a man! He has a big bag!” He __8__a boy,holding up a lantern and watching from behind the curtains,tell his parents.Kenneth convinced them he was __9__.

  At every opened door,he __10__ candies,oranges,toys and so on.Many Navajo kids had never seen __11__ before,so his old costume and store­bought beard didn't __12__ them.It touched Kenneth that the kids were excited by so __13__.

  He __14__ it up year after year,gathering more “elves (精灵)” to help him.His Christmas Eve __15__ have grown into an annual Navajo feast with gifts of clothing,tools and toys for over 700 people.Kids who can't make it to the event because they're sick or lack transportation get a personal visit from Kenneth or one of his elves.

  “My grandfather taught me that you learn to be a man by sharing and by keeping promises,” he says.

  【语篇解读】 圣诞节悲惨的一幕,使Kenneth许下了一个诺言:让所有的孩子在圣诞节快快乐乐。尽管自己很贫穷,但他还是给孩子们送去了节日的喜悦。同时也表达了这样一个信念:作为真正的人必须学会分享,必须遵守诺言。




  【解析】 考查动词词义辨析。根据上下文语境可知,司机打了那个小男孩并置他于死地。故A项正确。

  【答案】 A





  【解析】 考查名词词义辨析。conclusion意为“结论”;excuse意为“借口”;promise意为“诺言”;effort意为“努力”。联系下文可知,Kenneth许下了一个诺言。故C项正确。

  【答案】 C3.A.the family


  C.brothers D.his mother

  【解析】 考查名词在语境中的运用。联系下文Kenneth在圣诞时给孩子们分发礼物可知,他承诺要使所有的孩子高兴。故B项正确。

  【答案】 B





  【解析】 考查动词词义辨析。尽管Kenneth生活拮据,但他还是劝说跟他一样穷的人给更穷困的家庭一些糖果和水果。故B项正确。

  【答案】 B





  【解析】 考查形容词词义辨析。根据语境“in the poorest section”可知,这些房子很旧了。故A项正确。

  【答案】 A





  【解析】 考查名词词义辨析。根据下文“...holding up a lantern”可知,房子没电。故A项正确。

  【答案】 A



  C.afraid D.eager

  【解析】 考查形容词词义辨析。结合上下文内容可知,由于天太晚,又没电,好多家里不敢开门。故C项正确。

  【答案】 C





  【解析】 考查动词词义辨析。联系上文可知,Kenneth听到一个男孩和父母说话。故D项正确。

  【答案】 D





  【解析】 考查形容词词义辨析。gentle意为“温和的”;generous意为“慷慨的”;harmless意为“无害的”;helpful意为“有益的”。联系语境知,Kenneth想办法使他们确信自己并无恶意。故C项正确。

  【答案】 C

  10.A.reached for

  B.put down

  C.picked out

  D.handed out

  【解析】 考查动词短语辨析。reach for意为“伸手去拿”;put down意为“镇压,记下”;pick out意为“挑选”;hand out意为“分发”。根据语境可知,他把带的东西分给了他们。故D项正确。

  【答案】 D




  D.Santa Claus

  【解析】 考查句子理解。联系下文可知,这里许多孩子以前从未见过圣诞老人,因此他的旧衣服和买来的胡须并没使他们失望。

  【答案】 D





  【解析】 考查动词词义辨析。disappoint意为“使失望”;satisfy意为“满意”;attract意为“吸引”;please意为“使高兴”。联系上文知,A项正确。

  【答案】 A





  【解析】 考查形容词在语境中的运用。根据语境知,孩子们竟然为如此少的东西而感到兴奋,这让Kenneth很受感动。故C项正确。

  【答案】 C





  【解析】 考查动词词义辨析。根据下文可知,年复一年,Kenneth一直保持着这个习惯。keep up意为“保持;继续”。故B项正确。

  【答案】 B





  【解析】 考查名词词义辨析。根据下文可知,Kenneth的圣诞来访慢慢变成了当地一年一度的节日。visit来访。符合语境。

  【答案】 D


  The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese calendar.For thousands of years,the festival 1.________(mark) by eating zong zi and racing dragon boats in honour of Qu Yuan,who is said to have committed suicide(自杀) by drowning himself.

  Qu was a minister of the State of Chu 2.________(situate) in the present­day Hunan and Hubei provinces,during the Warring States Period (战国时期).He was upright,loyal and highly respected.3.________,he was dismissed from office.4.________(realize) that the country was in the hands of evil officials,Qu leapt into River Miluo on the fifth day of the fifth month.Nearby fishermen rushed over to save him but were 5.________(able) to recover his body.

  The people of Chu 6.________mourned Qu's death threw rice into the river to feed his ghost 7.________year on the day of his death.But one year,the spirit of Qu appeared and told the mourners that a huge reptile (爬行动物)in the river had stolen the rice.The spirit then advised 8.________to wrap the rice and bind it 9.________throwing it into the river.

  During the Duanwu Festival,zong zi is eaten to symbolize (象征,表示) the rice offerings to Qu.And the dragon­boat races symbolize 10.________many attempts to rescue and recover Qu's body.

  【答案】 1.has been marked 由时间状语For thousands of years可知,句子谓语动词应用现在完成时,表示端午节一直以来都以吃粽子和赛龙舟的方式进行庆祝,而且将来也会如此,故填has been marked。

  2.situated 表示某地方位于何地时,用be situated in/on,句中“situated...”相当于定语从句“which was situated...”。

  3.However 前后两句是转折关系,而空格前后都有标点,故应填副词However。

  4.Realizing 因逻辑主语Qu与realize是主动关系,故应填Realizing。

  5.unable 由but可知,渔民未能救活他,故用与able相反意思的unable。

  6.who 引导定语从句并在从句中作主语,先行词是The people of Chu,故应填who。

  7.every 根据常识,是指“每一”年。

  8.them 代替the mourners,在句中作宾语,故应填them。

  9.before 因“将它裹好、绑好”应是在“将粽子扔进河里”之前,才不会被河里的一种爬行动物偷吃,故应填介词before。

  10.the 因many/little/few等词在后面有定语从句或不定式等成分修饰时,其前面用the表特指,故该处填the。



  Parents often say,“I don't understand why my child is acting this way.We've given him everything in the world,and he just wants more.He's never happy.He doesn't enjoy what he has.”

  For some reason,we often feel that if we give our child everything he wants to keep him happy,he should behave the way we want him to.An important part of meeting children's emotional(情感的)needs is to set limits often and firmly in a loveing way.Pardnts who learn to set limits in a loving way set them more often because they don't have to wait until they've “had it up to here” to do so.

  A therapeutic(治疗的)way of setting limits is called ACT:Acknowledge the feeling,communicate the limit,and target the choice.Necessarily,you're saying to the child,“I understand how you feel.It's OK to feel that way,but you can't act that way when you feel like that.You can act this way when you feel like that.” It's also important to communicate this message in a loving way,not an angry way.

  Using ACT limit­setting teaches children to cope with their emotions and to find appropriate behavioral expressions that don't hurt the children themselves.It can also be used to teach children to delay gratification(满意).Here are some examples of how it works.If your child wants a toy when you're at the store and you don't want to buy it,you can say,(A)“You love that toy and want it right now,(C)but we're not spending any money on toys today.(T)You can put it on your wish list for birthday or Christmas.”

  Using this technique,you'll learn to set reasonable limits that work.If you set limits too severely,you're also more likely to give in,because you feel guilty.If you don't follow through with a consequence or you make one that's too severe,you teach your child not to trust you.

  【语篇解读】 本文主要向读者介绍了如何对待孩子的情感满足问题,着重介绍了“ACT technique”,什么是“ACT technique”,如何运用以及运用得当的好处等。

  1.The first paragraph is mainly to show that ________.

  A.parents can't get along well with children

  B.children's emotions are hard to meet

  C.parents don't understand children at all

  D.children are the real burden to parents

  【解析】 细节理解题。根据文章第一段,父母总是说孩子老是不满足父母已经给予的很多东西,总是想要更多,还常常不高兴,不享受他们所拥有的。这表明孩子的情感世界是很难满足的,故答案选B。

  【答案】 B

  2.As parents,once we give children what they want,we hope that ________.

  A.children learn to share it with us

  B.children act the way we want them to

  C.children should be thankful to us

  D.children should still do what they like

  【解析】 细节理解题。根据文章第二段和第一句话,作为父母,我们通常希望在满足了孩子的要求后,他能够如父母所希望的那样,好好表现。故答案选B。

  【答案】 B

  3.Which of the following is C in using ACT technique to deal with a child whose sister refused to play with him?

  A.Tom,I know you want to play with Lucy.

  B.You can play with her tomorrow.

  C.But Lucy has to do her homework now.

  D.Tom,you shall not disturb Lucy.

  【解析】 推理判断题。根据文章第三段“ACT”的定义以及第四段所举的例子可知,A项属于acknowledge the feeling,B项属于target the choice,C项属于 communicate the limit,D项过于严厉。故本题选C。

  【答案】 C

  4.According to the text,when using ACT technique,we should ________.

  A.use it in a loving way

  B.behave very seriously

  C.make efforts to be angry

  D.try to make children satisfied

  【解析】 细节理解题。根据文章第三段的“It's also important to communicate this message in a loving way,not an angry way.”可知,父母在运用“ACT”时,务必态度温和,不可语气生硬。故答案选A。

  【答案】 A

  5.What's the main idea of the text?

  A.The relationship between children and parents.

  B.The advantages of ACT technique.

  C.The way to deal with children.

  D.The introduction of ACT technique.

  【解析】 主旨大意题。通读文章内容可知文章着重介绍了什么是“ACT technique”,如何运用以及运用得当的好处等。故答案选D。

  【答案】 D


  In 2006,I spent 3 glorious weeks in South Africa.It was my first time traveling on the African continent and truly each day was filled with one adventure after another.That was the craziest and the most dangerous experience I have ever had.

  On the morning of the excursion,I met with my friends for breakfast,with little conversation.I supposed we were nervous about the day ahead of us.The coach then drove us from Cape Town to Dyer Island in Gansbaii.

  As soon as we got to our destination,we were quickly pushed into a boat.About 2 hours into the boat we spotted our first shark.It was one of the world's deadliest predators(食肉动物)—a Great White shark.Our guide told us that we had to get into the water immediately.Without any formal preparation or instruction,we put our thick wet suits on and jumped into the iron cage.

  There I was in this tiny cage with 3 Great White sharks circling around me.I tried desperately to take pictures with my underwater camera,not letting my hands and feet drift(漂)out of the cage.

  When I took a breath,life above the water seemed chaotic(混乱的).But,I would drop back under the water and life would seem to stop existing.And the sharks that always appeared frightening on TV or in photographs actually appeared peaceful in person.

  After an hour,I decided it was probably time for me to get out once the sharks started to become really aggressive.I waited until the very last second I could,since I knew I would probably never do this again.

  6.What is the text mainly about?

  A.My travel in Africa for the first time.

  B.The Great White sharks in South Africa.

  C.A thrilling experience of spotting Great White sharks.

  D.The way to protect oneself when meeting with sharks.

  【解析】 主旨大意题。文章主要叙述了作者在南非旅游时与鲨鱼相遇的刺激经历,所以答案选C。

  【答案】 C

  7.When the author and his or her friends had breakfast,________.

  A.they talked briefly about the plan that day

  B.they discussed the sharks carefully

  C.they were nervous about the coming event

  D.the coach arrived to send them to see the sharks

  【解析】 细节理解题。可从第二段“...I met with my friends for breakfast,with little conversation.I supposed we were nervous about the day ahead of us.”看出早饭时间大家几乎没有心情交谈,是由于紧张即将发生的事情,因此答案为C。

  【答案】 C

  8.On seeing the sharks,the author and his or her friends________.

  A.prepared themselves at once before getting into the water

  B.got known about the sharks from the guide's introduction

  C.jumped into the sea under the instruction of the coach

  D.got into the water with the protection of a cage

  【解析】 细节理解题。可从第三段“Without any formal preparation or instruction,we put our thick wet suits on and jumped into the iron cage.”可以看出作者和朋友们并没有经过任何正式的准备或指导,而是直接下水的,因此答案为D。

  【答案】 D

  9.According to the fifth paragraph,the sharks under the water seemed________.





  【解析】 细节理解题。可从第五段“And the sharks that always appeared frightening on TV or in photographs actually appeared peaceful in person.”可知在作者看来,鲨鱼在水下是相对安静的,因此答案为C。

  【答案】 C

  10.The author got back into the boat________.

  A.when the sharks began attacking others

  B.after taking enough photographs of the sharks

  C.when he or she felt too tired to stay under the water

  D.before he or she might be at risk of being attacked by sharks

  【解析】 细节理解题。可从最后一段看出作者坚持到鲨鱼即将袭击的最危险的一刻才上船,因此答案为D。

  【答案】 D





  【答案】 In this passage the writer mainly tells about his thrilling experience of spotling Great White sharks,which is the craziest and the most dangerous experience he has ever had.


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