1、 Part 1的题目80%延续了范围,剩下的20%加了几个不怎么出现的话题,包括collection, noise和shopping。
2、 Part 2中则加入了25%左右整个没有考过的题目,另外出现了15%左右题目的换汤不换药版。剩下60%左右延续了题目
1、 教过你某项SKILL的人a person who taught you some types of skills
2、 想从外国买的东西a product you want to buy from a foreign country
3、 家里面的老物件something old you kept in your family
4、 曾经丢过的一样东西something you lost
5、 想买的一样家具a piece of furniture you want to buy
6、 一封你收到的信a letter you received
7、 别人为你庆祝过的事something that other people once celebrated for you
8、 别的国家的一种文化a kind of culture from another country
新出现的题目 相似题目
1、 想去的国家想做的旅行
Another country you want to visit some traveling you want to make in the future
2、 想和别人一起吃的一顿饭你喜欢的餐厅/食物
A meal you want to enjoy with others your favorite restaurant
3、 一个电台节目一个听外国音乐的场合
Your favorite radio program an occasion you could listen to foreign music
4、 你小时候想做的工作一个让世界变得更美好的工作
A job you wanted to do when you were young a job that can make our world a better place
A bad weather you experienced a bad weather during your traveling
Some business you want to run your ideal job
1、婚礼 a wedding
2、一个好学生 a good student
3、资讯中你想见到的人物 a person in the news you want to meet
4、生活中你想做的积极地改变 something positive you want to make in your life
5、有钱你会买的贵的东西 something expensive you want to buy if you have money
bunk bed 高低床;closet/wardrobe 衣柜;shoe rack鞋柜;revolving chair转椅;nightstand 床头柜; dresser 化妆台; bookcase 书柜;drop-leaf table可以折叠的桌子;folding guest bed折叠床;sofa bed 沙发床;IKEA 宜家;Ready-to-assemble furniture 自行组装的家具;
Antique 古董;redwood furniture红木家具;old-style furniture旧时家具;jade 玉;calligraphy书法作品;painting scroll画卷;ancient coin古钱币;embroidery 刺绣;flower vase花瓶;ceramics陶瓷;pocket watch怀表;
Nostalgic 怀旧的; retro shop 复古商店;vintage style复古风;It is a faithful record of是一个信实的见证; aesthetic and artistic 审美的和艺术的;investments ROR 投资回报率;
part 3仍然是大量的涉及了考生对社会热点范畴的观点,请各位考生参考一下的题目总结,并且能够针对相关题目练就自己熟练的对应句型,做到自然、流利、观点明确。
1、 最重要的,务必从三个方面来装备自己的口语表达,1、直接核心单词2、口语动词短语3、常用表达句型。大家可以在我的公共邮箱里找到Simon针对最近的口语话题给各位准备的高频单词和句型。
2、 以口语十大中意类卡片话题来准备part2,有智慧能够串联和覆盖尽可能多的相关卡片题。这十大中意题包括Newspaper or Magazine/Restaurant/Foreign film/Book/Song/Shop/TV program/Advertisement/Animal/Job.做好两部分的工作,第一,能够用合适的英文叙述这个对象,推荐www.wikipedia.org.去总结自己要讲的4、5句话。第二,能够用三个观点来议论为什么自己喜欢,并且能够做出直接逻辑上的支持。这样,大家就离成功不远了,加油!!
Count your blessings?
Power play?
Coming to a head?
Sheep's skin
Sunshine laws?
Gilded Age levels?
Caught up in the moment?
Wenger’s red herrings?
Out-of-the-box solutions?
A long shot?
Stealing a march?
Nature of the beast?
A shot across the bows?
Foxhole mentality
Fall in line?
Far cry?
Father Time is undefeated
Stirring the pot
Down for the count?
Out and out?
Big hat, no cattle
Take a bow?
Let’s go shopping!
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