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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  3.besides / except

  besides this photo (this photo included) / except this photo (this photo excluded)

  4. borrow / lend

  sb borrows sth from / sb lends sth to sb else

  5. accidentally (出乎意料,突然性) / occasionally (时间频度)

  6. afford / offer

  can / be able to afford to do / offer sb sth / offer to do

  7. alike/ the same ( as) / similar to

  8. alive / lively / living / live (adj. / adv.)

  9. alone (adj./adv.) / lonely (adj.)

  10. enjoy / amuse

  sb enjoys sth/doing sth; sth amuses sb

  11. another / other

  another + 单数名词; other + 复数名词

  12. answer (v.) / reply to (vi.)

  13. look / seem / appear

  look / seem / appear + adj.

  seem / appear to be / do

  14. catch / arrest

  15. ashamed / shameful

  sb is ashamed of sth / shameful behavior

  16. suffer (vi.) / pain (vt.)

  sb suffers from / It/sth pains sb to do

  17. spend / take

  sb spends on/in / it takes sb to do

  18. contain / include

  sth contains sth / sth/sb includes sth (in)

  19. accept / receive

  accept a gift/ receive an education / a blow

  20. by doing / in doing / on doing

  21. cause / make

  cause sb to do / make sb do

  22. company (公司;陪伴) / companion (伙伴,伴侣)

  23. competition / race (in speed)

  24. end (结束)/ finish (完成)

  The meeting ended. / He finished the job.

  25. continuous (without break or stop) / continual

  26. cost / spend

  sth costs sb sth / it costs sb sth to do

  27. cut (with sharp tools) / pick (with hands)

  28. damage / spoil

  29. deny / refuse / reject

  30. missing / lost

  31. miss / lose

  32. else / other

  33. earn / gain

  34. discover / invent

  35. disguise / pretend

  36. even so / even though

  37. expect / wait for

  38. fancy / imagine

  39. firm / solid / stable

  40. force / strength / power

  41. for + 一段时间;since + 时间点

  42. likely / possible

  43. glance (at) / glimpse (vt.)

  44. goodbye / farewell

  45. way / method

  46. guide / lead / show

  47. happen to do / occur to do

  48. insist on / persist in

  49. instruct / teach / learn

  50. job / work

  51. manner / means

  52. able / enable / possible

  53. know / meet

  54. lay / lie; raise / rise; drop / fall

  55. live / stay

  56. look / see /watch

  57. matter / mind

  It doesnt matter. / I dont mind.

  58. mood / temper

  59. noise / voice / sound / tone

  60. notice / observe

  61. open / turn on

  62. place / room

  63. put off / wear / dress

  64. queue / row

  65. reach / arrive at/in

  66. remember /remind

  67. rob / steal

  68. view / sight

  69. sign / signal

  70. soil / ground

  71. somewhat / somehow

  72. common / usual

  common 可以指 普通的,平常的,常见的 ,而非特殊的:

  Robbery is not common in this area. 这个地区劫案不常见。

  usual 指 最常见的,通常的,惯常的(customary) ,但一般不修饰人:

  She arrived later than usual.

  73. Wonder / Wander

  74. Case / Situation

  75. what / as

  What matters is your self-confidence. /

  As is his custom, he takes a walk after a meal.

  76. Normal / Ordinary

  lead normal lives(过正常的生活);

  in ordinary living(在日常生活中)

  77. Regard / Look at

  78. if only / only if

  79. Receipt / Reception

  80. but for / except for

  81. Favorable / favorite

  82. Considerate / considerable

  83. Desirous / desirable

  85. Uninterested / disinterested

  86. Effective / efficient

  87. Economic /economical

  88. Imaginary / imaginative / imaginable

  89. Industrial / industrious

  90. Installation / (buy) on installment

  91. Pessimistic / optimistic

  92. Practicable /practical

  93. Sensible / sensitive

  94. Resource / source

  95. Special / specific

  96. Successful / successive

  97. Vacation / vocation

  98. Whatsoever / whatever

  99. Worth / worthy / worthwhile

  100. surprised / surprising, excited / exciting, etc.

  101. Give / given

  102. Consider / considering

  103. suit/fit

  104. ever / once

  105. sometime (未来某个时刻)/ some time (一段时间)/ sometimes



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