Go East, young bureaucrat向东方学习做官吧!
Emerging Asia can teach the West a lot aboutgovernment
WHEN people talk about Singapores educationmiracle, they normally think of rows of clever youngmathematicians. The hair-design and beauty-therapy training centres at the Institute of TechnicalEducation are rather different. The walls arecovered with pouting models, LOral adverts andtelevision screens. There is a fully fitted-out spa and a hairdressing salon. It all seems rathermore Sex and the City than Asian values, though the manicurists, pedicurists, cosmetologistsand hairdressers toil diligently.
Asked whether he wants to go to university, the holy grail of most Asian families, a youngbarber called Noel replies that he would rather open a hairdressing salon. Mei Lien wants to setup her own beauty salon; Shuner would like to work in hotels abroad.
当问及是否想上大学进入许多亚洲家庭心中的神圣殿堂,年轻的理发师Noel回答说他宁愿去开家美发沙龙。Mei Lien则说希望开家自己的美容院。而Shuner则想去国外的宾馆工作。
Until recently ITEdubbed Its The End by ambitious middle-class parentswas the dark sideof Singaporean education. The city state streams pupils rigorously and is unashamedly elitist:one school claims to send more students to Ivy League universities than any other secondaryschool in the world. But such a system also produces losersand many of the bottom thirdwho do not make it to university come to ITE.
在不久之前,工艺教育学院的缩写ITE还被望子成龙的中产阶级家长嘲讽为是It s The End的缩写,被视为新加坡教育不光彩的一面。这个城邦国家严格地将学生三六九等分,毫不掩饰其对精英的崇拜:有一所学校号称比世界上其他任意一所中学向常青籘联盟高校输送的学生都多。但是这样一个体制也会生产出失败者很多排名倒数几名不能上大学的就去了工艺教育学院。
Since the 1990s the government has worked hard to change ITEs image. It has not only spenta lot of money on new facilities and better teachers but also put a great deal of thought into it,scouring the West for best practice in vocational training. And it has encouraged students whoare used to failure to take pride in their work. That has involved discipline but also fun outside the classroom: ITE has sports teams andconcerts just like any university.
This attention to detail has paid off. Many of thegraduates have to compete with cheap migrantworkers, especially in service jobs, but most of themare snapped up quickly. The hairdressers and beautytherapists are off to the new casinos, or integratedresorts, as they are prudishly known. Singapore,already near the top of most educational leaguetables, has created yet another centre of excellencethat is beginning to attract foreign visitors.
Singapore is important to any study of government just now, both in the West and in Asia.That is partly because it does some things very well, in much the same way that someScandinavian countries excel in certain fields. But it is also because there is an emergingtheory about a superior Asian model of government, put forward by both despairing Westernbusinesspeople and hubristic Asian chroniclers. Simplified somewhat, it comes in four parts.
First, Singapore is good at government . Second, the secret of its successlies in an Asian mixture of authoritarian values and state-directed capitalism .Third, China is trying to copy Singapore . Last, Chinas government is alreadymore efficient than the decadent West .
Fact or fiction?真相还是小说?
For all the insults hurled at Disneyland with the death penalty ,Singapore provides better schools and hospitals and safer streets than most Western countriesand all with a state that consumes only 19% of GDP. Yes, that proportion is understatedbecause it does not include the other fingers the government has in the economic pie, such asits huge landholdings, the Central Provident Fund andTemasek . Yes, it is easier to serve 5m people on atiny island than 309m Americans on a vast landmass. Yes, it has relied on immigration, which isnow creating strains . And yes, Singaporesbureaucrats can make mistakes, such as letting an Islamic terrorist escape in 2008. But itsgovernment does pretty well.
The Chinese are fascinated by it. There is good social order in Singapore, Deng Xiaopingobserved in 1992. We should draw from their experience, and do even better than them. Itsends streams of bureaucrats to visit Singapore. One of the first things that Xi Jinping did afterbeing anointed in 2010 as Chinas next leader was to drop in on Lee Kuan Yew,Singapores minister-mentor, who ran the island from 1959 to 1990, and his son, Lee HsienLoong, who has been prime minister since 2004. The Chinese are looking at other places, toomost obviously Hong Kong, another small-government haven. But it is hard to think of anyrich-country leader whom China treats with as much respect as the older Mr Lee.
So what lessons are the Chinese learning? There isan odd imbalance between the things thatSingapore and others make so much noise aboutand the reasons why the place works. In particular,the Asian values bits of Singaporeitsauthoritarianism and its industrial policythat theChinese seem to find especially congenial are lessvital to its success than two more humdrumvirtues: a good civil service and a competitively smallstate.
The island that Lee built李氏岛
Singapore is certainly a fairly stern place. It has been run by the Peoples Action Party for half acentury. The older Mr Lee, a Cambridge-educated lawyer who was originally seen as a bit of aleft-winger, set up a parliamentary system in which it has proved curiously difficult for theopposition to do well. From 1966 to 1981 Mr Lees PAP won all the seats. It has opened up abit, and in the most recent election in 2006 it won only 66% of the votes and 82 of the 84seats. The media, and particularly the internet, have also got a little freer.
新加坡当然是个法治相当严厉的国家。已经由人民行动党执政半个世纪了。老李,作为一名剑桥毕业的律师,原本被认为有点左倾,建立的议会体系使得反对派办事异常艰难。自 1966年至1981年,李光耀领导的人民行动党一直赢得国会所有席位。现已开放了一点,在最近的2006年大选里,它只赢得了选票的66%和国会议席 84个中的82个。媒体,特别是互联网,也自由了一些。
The Singaporeans argue that they have the perfect compromise between accountability andefficiency. Their politicians are regularly tested in elections and have to make themselvesavailable to their constituents; but since the government knows it is likely to win, it can take along view. Fixing things like ITE takes time. Our strength is that we are able to thinkstrategically and look ahead, says the prime minister. If the government changed every fiveyears it would be harder.
新加坡人称他们在责任与效率之间达成了最好的折衷。政客定期受到选举的检验,对选民来说必须随叫随到;但因为政府已经知道自己很可能连任,它的目光也看得长远了。调整一些东西,像工艺教育学院,就需要时间。 我们的长处就是我们能够从战略角度思考,从长远角度出发,总理这样说道。如果一个政府每五年就换一次,这可就不容易了。
There is more truth in this than Western liberals would like to admit. Not many people inWashington are thinking beyond the 2012 presidential election. It is sometimes argued that anAmerican administration operates strategically for only around six months, at the beginning ofits second yearafter it has got its staff confirmed by the Senate and before the mid-termscampaign begins.
Yet even assuming that voters are happy to swap a little more efficiency for less democracy,Singapore still seems a difficult model to follow. Not only is it manageably small, but balancingauthoritarianism and accountability comes down largely to personal skills . More generally,Singapores success as a planning state has a lot to do with the sort of people who run it.
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