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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Choking on the Three Gorges


  Chinas government at last owns up to problems atits monster dam


  RAIN along the middle and lower Yangzi River this week has helped alleviate the regions worstdrought in 50 years. But it has not doused a storm of criticism of the Three Gorges damupriver, including allegations that it contributed to the disaster. Opponents of the colossaledifice have been emboldened by rare government admissions of environmental and otherurgent problems caused by the dam.


  In private, officials have worried about the project for some time and occasionally their doubtshave surfaced in the official media. But the government itself has refused to acknowledgethem. When the project was approved by the rubber-stamp parliament in 1992, debate wasstifled by the oppressive political atmosphere of the time, following the Tiananmen Squaremassacre three years earlier. Last July, with the dam facing its biggest flood crest sincecompletion in 2006, officials hinted that they might have overstated its ability to controlflooding. On May 18th, with the dam again in the spotlight because of the drought, a cabinetmeeting chaired by the prime minister, Wen Jiabao, went further in acknowledging drawbacks.

  在私下里,政府官员们在很长时间里已经对这一工程表示过担心,他们的怀疑偶尔会在官方媒体上抛头露面。但政府自身并没有承认。1992年的国家会议上,当三峡工程未经审核就被批准时,正值3年前天安门事件发生不久,反对声音被当时压抑的政治氛围所笼罩。上个7 月,随着大坝面临06年竣工以来的一次最大的洪水,政府官员暗示,他们可能高估了三峡防洪的能力。5月18号,干旱再一次使三峡成为热点,在温家宝主持的政府会议上,进一步承认其存在弊端。

  Having called the dam hugely beneficial overall,the cabinets statement said there were problemsrelating to the resettlement of 1.4m people, to theenvironment and to the prevention of geologicaldisasters that urgently needed addressing. Thedam, it said, had had a certain impact onnavigation, irrigation and water-supplydownstream. Some of these problems had beenforecast at the design stage or spotted duringconstruction. But they had been difficult toresolve effectively because of limitations imposedby conditions at the time. It did not elaborate.


  The confession has triggered a flurry of articles in official newspapers about the damsdeficiencies. Some recalled a warning given by one of Chinas most famous critics, Huang Wanli,before his death ten years ago that the dam would silt up the reservoir basin and sooner orlater have to be blown up. The Oriental Morning Post even filled its front page with a picture ofMr Huang, who was persecuted by Mao Zedong for his criticism of the Sanmenxia dam on theYellow River. Sanmenxia was the nations pride until its reservoir silted up. On June 7thShanghai Daily, an English-language paper, called the Three Gorges that monstrous dammingproject.


  Its effect on the drought is difficult to prove. Officials deny assertions that the dam and itsmore than 600-km reservoir might have affected the regional climate. But oneofficial, Wang Jingquan of the Yangzis Water Resources Committee, conceded that the damhad lowered water levels in two of the countrys biggest freshwater lakes, making the impactworse. The rapid lowering of the reservoirs level has also raised fears of landslides andearthquakes. Probe International, a Canadian NGO, published a report on June 1st by Chinesegovernment experts saying the dam had caused significantly increased seismic activity.

  三峡对干旱的影响很难证实。当局拒绝声明大坝和它超过600千米的储水区会影响区域气候。但有一位官员,长江水力资源委员Wang Jingquan承认三峡降低了国内两大淡水湖泊的水位,导致干旱更加严重。急速下降的库区水位同样增加了滑坡和地震的危险。中国政府专家根据加拿大的 NGO国际调查,于7月1日发布一篇报道,表示三峡大坝已经引起了严重的地质活动。

  This debate has erupted at a time of heightened political uncertainty as the Communist Partyprepares for sweeping leadership changes next year. The governments decision to be openabout doubts that had previously been harboured in private could reflect struggles betweenoutgoing leaders and their still-influential predecessors. The earlier generation had beenresponsible for getting the project started in the 1990s. But President Hu Jintao and Mr Wendid not attend the dams completion ceremony in May 2006.


  For liberal intellectuals, the furore has provided anopportunity to push back against hardliners .One liberal newspaper published an interview withMao Yushi, a prominent economist who has beenfiercely denounced recently by hardliners because ofan article he wrote attacking Mao Zedong. Mr Maocontributed to a book criticising the Three Gorgesdam which was published in 1989, shortly before theTiananmen protests. It was later banned.

  对于自由知识分子,这一热议为反对政策制定者提供了机会。一家自由报刊发表了采访Mao Yushi的报道,他是一位杰出的经济学家,最近由于写了一篇文章批判毛泽东,受到领导层激烈抨击。毛先生在天安门事件发生不久前,于1989年发表的著述中批判了三峡大坝。随后就被封杀了。

  In the interview Mr Mao accused the government of shuffling off responsibility for the dam 20years ago by ignoring anti-dam experts and then getting the legislature to approve theproject. If there are any problems in future, you wont be able to find anyone. There is nobodytaking real responsibility, he said.




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