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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Agriculture and immigration policy


  A hard row to hoe


  Georgias immigration bill will hit farmers where ithurts


  The war on onions 洋葱之战

  ATLANTA may sprawl, but drive a little way south or east and head off the main highways, andyou will see that what really powers Georgia is not its biggest city, but its farms. Agriculture isthe states biggest industry, employing 13% of the state workforce, and generating $11 billiona year at the farm level and $69 billion overall. In 2008 Georgia produced more broiler chickens,peanuts, pecans, rye and spring-harvested onions than any other state.


  Most of those onions were Vidaliasa sweet variety grown in the sandy, low-sulphur soil ofsouth Georgia, and protected by federal trademark. And most Vidalias are harvested by hand,by workers such as Edilberto, who came north from Mexico to work in the fields. He has pickedonions and other crops in south Georgia for 16 years. His three children were born here. Andthis summer he plans to leave Georgia to look for work in North Carolina. He will not be alone.

  大多数都是 Vidalias洋葱一种味道甜美的洋葱品种,种植于乔治亚州以南,低硫沙地土壤,受联邦政府商标的保护。大多数Vidalias洋葱都由工人人工收种,埃迪尔韦托就是其中一员,他从墨西哥来到北部这片土地上工作,在乔治亚州南部收种洋葱和其他庄稼长达16年。他的三个孩子都在这里出生。今年夏天他打算离开乔治亚州,到北卡罗来纳州寻找工作。像他这样的还大有人在。

  On July 1st Georgias new immigration law isscheduled to take effect. It empowers police tocheck the immigration status of criminal suspects.It requires employers with ten or more employees tocheck the immigration status of newly hired workerson a federal database . Applicants for public benefits mustprovide a secure and verifiable document ofidentification and must swear that they are in thecountry legally.


  Critics say the bill is unconstitutional, and indeed a federal judge will hear those charges on June20th and may stop the law from taking effect. A federal judge blocked parts of Arizonas anti-immigration law, which Georgias measure echoes, last year. But Matt Ramsey, one of the billssponsors in Georgias legislature, maintains that there is nothing in this bill that anyone herelegally has to worry about.


  He may or may not be right, but as far as the states agriculture sector goes, it may notmatter. Precise figures are hard to come by, but according to Erik Nicholson, national vice-president for the United Farm Workers union, as many as 70% of American agricultural workersmay be undocumented. According to the Pew Hispanic Centre, in 2010 Georgia had around425,000 such immigrants, putting it seventh among American states.


  It may now have fewer: 46% of respondents to a recent survey conducted by the GeorgiaAgribusiness Council said they had too few workers. Some reported that workers had left orwere planning to leave for other states by July 1st. And though that may be welcome news forpoliticians such as Mr Ramsey, it could portend disaster for farmers. According to Charles Hall,director of Georgias Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association, harvest crews during the busymonths of May and June had between half and two-thirds as many the workers they had lastyear. Migrant-worker crews follow the harvest north from Florida; this year many seem to beskipping Georgia. He estimates that the states $1.1-billion fruit-and-vegetable industry couldsuffer a $300m loss.

  现在农业工作者就更少了:乔治亚州农业综合企业委员会做了一次调查,46%的调查对象说他们的工人太少。有些人报道说,工人已经离开,或者打算在7月1日前离开乔治亚州到其他州去。尽管这对于拉姆齐这些政治家而言是好消息,但对农场主却预示着灾难。根据乔治亚州果蔬种植者协会会长查尔斯?霍尔所言,五六月这两个忙碌的季节里,一起参与收割的工人只相当于去年同期的一半到三分之二。移民工人潮从北部的佛罗里达州开始,随收割地而迁移;看来今年很多人会跳过乔治亚州。他估计乔治亚州11亿美元的果蔬产业,可能遭受3 亿美元的损失。

  Nathan Deal, Georgias governor, who signed the immigration bill into law, came up with a novelsolution on Tuesday: give the jobsof which there are around 11,000, according to farmerswho responded to a survey by Georgias agriculture departmentto unemployed probationers.How that will work in practice remains unclear. Nobody can force farmers to hire felons. Andpeople on probation must seek work but can decline job offers, such as those requiring hardphysical labour in the sweltering midsummer. As for the departing workers, Bryan Tolar, whoheads the Georgia Agribusiness Council, says, I dont know if they were legal. All I know isthey were working.




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