SHAREHOLDERS of Carrefour, a French retailer, must feel as bewildered as shoppers lost in oneof its giant stores. In the past two years the company has suggested several new strategies tolift its sagging share price, such as selling emerging-market businesses or spinning off itsproperty, only to abandon them. Profit warnings have come thick and fast.
The latest surprise was a plan to merge Carrefours Brazilian business with CompanhiaBrasileira de Distribui??o , a local competitor. This week the deal evaporated after afurious protest from Casino, a rival French retailer which already holds a stake in CBD.
More surprises may be in store. Carrefour has two powerful shareholders: Bernard Arnault, theboss of LVMH, a luxury-goods group, and Colony Capital, a property-investment firm. Thetwo jointly own 14% of Carrefours shares and 20% of its voting rights, mostly through avehicle called Blue Capital. They are desperate to rescue their investment, made in 2007 whenCarrefours share price was more than twice as high as it is today.
Blue Capitals original plan, drawing on Colonys expertise, was to make a one-off profit byhaving Carrefour sell all or part of its property portfolio. The retailer would then wrap up thecash in plastic bags and hand it to shareholders with a smile.
But some investors have argued that forcingCarrefour to pay rent would weaken it. Carrefourproposed a partial sale of its property in March,along with the sale of Dia, a successful Spanish hard-discount chain. Minority shareholders forcedCarrefour to abandon the property sale in June,but Dia was sold this month.
Mr Arnaults latest gambit, to merge with CBDs P?o de A?car, an upmarket food chain inBrazil, was more in the long-term interest of Carrefour. The combined company would havebeen a retail powerhouse in a fast-growing market. But Casino, an archrival of Carrefour, owns37% of CBD and is poised to take control next year.
阿尔诺最近的建议是希望家乐福兼并巴西百货旗下的高端食品连锁店P?o de A?car,这个举动将为家乐福带来长期利益。二者的联合将在巴西这个快速增长的市场上打造出一个强有力的零售巨人。不过家乐福的死敌Casino拥有巴西百货37%的股份,而且将在明年得到巴西百货的控制权。
Its opposition, together with an outcry against further concentration of the Brazilian retailmarket, scuppered the deal. The Brazilian Development Bank, which had planned to invest in themerged entity, withdrew its backing on July 12th. The same day Abilio Diniz, the boss of CBD,said he was suspending his offer to merge with Carrefour. The Brazilian deal had attractivefeatures, but it was absurd to imagine that Casino could be excluded from the discussions,says Eric Knight of Knight Vinke, an investment manager which has stood up to Blue Capital.
Casino的反对,以及反对西班牙零售市场进一步整合的呼声使这笔交易无果而终。巴西开发银行此前虽然计划对两者的兼并提供投资,也在7月12日收回这项支持。巴西百货的老板阿比利奥?迪尼兹也表示,将推迟和家乐福合并的交易。此外,站在蓝色资本对立面的Knight Vinke 投资经理埃里克?奈特也表示:这笔交易确实有很多有利的因素,但是如果将Casino排除在外,就不合情理了。
Meanwhile, Carrefours problems in France show no sign of going away. This week it saidoperating profits for the first six months of the year would fall by 23%, mainly due to anabysmal performance in French hypermarkets . These huge, out-of-town stores are ailing as people opt for smaller, closer shops.Carrefour still shifts plenty of food, but it struggles to beat specialist electronics and clothingbrands.
The firm also admitted to a big mistake on pricing. This year Carrefour passed on commodity-price rises to consumers several months before its rivals, such as Leclerc and Intermarch.Shoppers objected. Carrefour lost market share. The firm now needs to deliver a knockoutblow in pricing, says Christopher Hogbin of Bernstein Research. As Carrefour is the worldssecond-biggest retailer, it should have the clout to cut prices by more and for longer than anyother supermarket chain in France. But that might displease Blue Capital, as short-term profitswould suffer. Some of its rivals are privately-owned, and so feel less short-term pressure toperform.
公司承认在定价方面存在重大失误。家乐福今年比其他的竞争对手,如 Leclerc 和Intermarch 提前几个月将商品价格的上涨转嫁给消费者,引起了顾客的不满。家乐福因此失去了部分市场份额。伯恩斯坦研究所的克里斯托夫?霍格宾认为,家乐福目前需要在价格上采取更大的让步。由于家乐福是世界第二大零售商,因此本有能力比法国其他零售企业更持久地提供更多的降价优惠。不过这种举措却会招致蓝色资本的不快,因为公司的短期利润将蒙受损失。家乐福的部分竞争者是私营企业,因此在短期利润表现方面承受的压力相对较小。
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