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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  A RUNNER cannot sprint all the time, noted ShengLaiyun of Chinas National Bureau of Statistics, afterthe release of Chinas new growth figures on July 13th; he must pace himself so that he canrun better later. Over the past four quarters Chinas economy has recorded what runners calleven splits, keeping a steady pace, lap after lap. It grew by 9.5% in the second quarter , having grown at a similar rate in the previous three.


  The figures helped allay fears of a hard landing for Chinas economy. But they raised somedoubts about whether the economy is landing at all. Consumer prices rose by 6.4%. in the yearto June. The economys pace may be steady. But is it too fast to sustain?


  Chinas macroeconomists, if not its consumers, can take some comfort from the nature of theinflation. Two-thirds of it was due to food prices, and much of that was due to pork. Farmersresponded to low pork prices last year by breeding fewer pigs, some of which have since fallenvictim to porcine diarrhoea. That pushed up prices by 11.4% in June alone, an annualised rateof 265%. This has played havoc with many economists inflation forecasts. Perhaps I shouldhave become a veterinarian, says Andy Rothman of CLSA.


  The source of Chinas growth is more worrying thanits speed. According to Mark Williams of CapitalEconomics, investment comprised 62% of theeconomys expansion in the second quarter, itsbiggest contribution for 18 months. Investment infixed assets, such as buildings, factories andequipment, has grown by between 21% and 26%,year on year, for the past four quarters, despite thegovernments efforts to tighten credit. Thisresilience may be because so much investment iscarried out by state-owned firms, which are at thetop of the pecking order when banks make loans. It may also be a sign that financing is not astight as the hawks would like.

  与经济增长速度相比更令人担忧的是中国经济增长的根源问题。Capital Economics的经济学家MarkWilliams称,投资在第二季度的经济增长中占据62%的份额,这是它在过去的18个月的最大贡献。尽管政府做出了紧缩信贷的努力,固定资产的投入,如建筑物、厂房和设备, 与去年同期相比,在过去的四个季度已增长到21%26%。这种回弹可能是由于国有企业大量投资的缘故,而国有公司是银行发放贷款的首要对象。这可能表明融资并不像鹰派所期望的那样稳固。

  On the face of it, banks are feeling the pinch, charging each other high rates in the interbanklending market. They made new loans worth 634 billion yuan in June, typically astrong month for lending. This puts them on course to add less than 7.5 trillion yuan to theirloan books this year, according to Peng Wensheng of China International Capital Corporation.


  But other analysts think financial conditions are looser than they appear. The central bankpublishes a broader measure of social financing, which includes corporate bonds and someloans repackaged by trust companies. By this measure, financing could reach 14.5 trillionyuan this year, according to Fitch, a ratings agency. Even that total may be too low. Fitchbelieves a better measure of financingwhich includes letters of credit loans from Hong Kongand more of the credit from trust companies and similar firms could exceed 18 trillion yuanthis year. That would take Chinas stock of financing to 185% of GDP, up from 124% in 2007.

  但其他经济分析家认为金融条件比它们所呈现的更加宽松。中央银行颁布了一个范围更广的社会融资方案,其中包括公司债券和一些重组的 信托投资公司贷款。评级机构惠誉指出,通过这一措施,融资可达到14.5万亿元人民币。然而总数可能太少了。惠誉认为更好的融资方案应该包括来自香港的信贷投资以及来自信托投资公司和类似公司今年的总数将超过18万亿元人民币。这需要中国的股票融资占国内生产总值的比重由2007年的124%上升至185%。

  Yet China seems to be getting less bang for its financial buck. In 2007, Fitch reckons, it took1.28 yuan of extra financing to produce an additional yuan of GDP. Now it takes 2.38.Chinas growth may be remarkably even. But its financial system is having to pump harder tomaintain the pace.




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