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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  A DEMOCRAT sits in the Oval Office, preparing to run for re-election. Barack Obama is aformidable campaigner and fund-raiser. In 2008 his campaign raised a record $745m; thistime his haul may exceed $1 billion. Gearing up to oppose him are a squabbling bunch ofRepublicans, united in relative obscurity save for the front-runner, Mitt Romney. By rights theleft-leaning Netroots Nation gathering should have been jubilant, and the Republican LeadershipConference doleful and panicky.


  But that would overlook the lefts capacity to rain on its own parade. Despite the bigDemocratic reforms of the past few years, the leftor at least the roughly 2,400 lefty bloggerswho attended Netroots Nationoften sees the Obama administration as hesitant andincrementalist. Joan McCarter, who moderated a panel called What to Do When the President isJust Not That Into You , said that MrObama has been not necessarily as progressive as we hoped he would be.


  But progressives may also have been more docilethan Mr Obama had reason to expect, and a runningquestion at the conference was whether activistsshould defend or put pressure on the president.Recommending pressure was Dan Choi, a formerarmy linguist who was discharged in 2010 aftercoming out as gay. He had become the countrysmost prominent advocate for a repeal of themilitary Dont Ask, Dont Tell policy, and that sameyear was arrested after handcuffing himself to theWhite House fence. We were drama queens, andwe were damn proud of it, and our message was, Were going to get crazier, Mr Choiexplained. The policy was repealed some months later, although the repeal has not yet beenimplemented.


  Defenders of the more cautious approachand there were manymay be motivated less bylove than by fear. Mr Obama may not be perfect, but even gloomy progressives realise he isbetter than the alternative. Imagine the enforcement and regulating of the Affordable CareAct under President Rick Perry, cautioned Eve Gittelson, a blogger from New York, at a panelon health reform.


  As it happened, among the Republicans so imagining at the RLC in New Orleans was Mr Perryhimself, in his third full term as governor of Texas and mulling over a presidential run. Hewarned that while states may face financial trouble now, theyre going to pale in comparisonto what well see in 2014 when that runaway train known as Obamacare hits our budgets. MrPerry was one of eight potential candidates to speak at the conference. Neither Mr Romneynor Tim Pawlenty attended, and Jon Huntsman cancelled his appearance at the last minute. Heand Ron Paul, standard-bearer for the partys libertarian wing, were the most rapturouslyreceived: Mr Perry left the stage to chants of Run, Rick, run!, while Mr Paul won theconferences straw poll by a hefty margin.

  与此同时,在新奥尔良的共和党领袖大会上也有许多共和党人在做同样的设想,其中就有裴瑞先生本人尚在德克萨斯州州长第三任期之内,正酝酿参加总统竞选。他警告说目前各州所面临的财政危机到了2014年将会相形见绌,那时所谓奥巴马医改的脱缰野马将把我们的预算冲得稀烂。 裴瑞先生是做大会发言的8名可能候选人之一。罗姆尼先生和蒂姆?帕伦蒂都没有参加,洪博培也于最后时刻取消出席。裴瑞先生和共和党自由派旗手荣?保罗受到最热烈的欢迎:裴瑞先生在现场观众有节奏的跑起来,里克,跑起来!的加油声中退场,而保罗先生则以显著优势赢得大会的民意测验。

  Such victories are nothing new for Mr Paul, whosesupporters are passionate and flock to such partyconferences, and he is no more likely to translatethem into broader electoral victory this year than hehas been in the past. Mr Perry, however, might provea formidable candidate. He has the executiveexperience of Messrs Romney and Huntsman butlacks their political baggageMr Romneys health-care reform, Mr Huntsmans service to Mr Obama asan ambassadorand their Mormonism, which is stillsuspect to many Christian conservatives. He hastea-party credibility, but boasts a far longer and more impressive track record than MicheleBachmann, Herman Cain or Rick Santorum. In a weak and divided fieldit is hard to imagine asupporter of Mr Paul succumbing to Mr Santorums religiosity, or a fan of Mr Romneys country-club Republicanism finding much to like in Mrs Bachmanns pitchfork populismroom exists foran all-things-to-all-men candidate such as Mr Perry.

  这样的胜利对于保罗先生并不陌生,他的支持者热情高涨,总是成群地涌到这样的党派大会,但是如同过去一样,他今年也不大可能将这样的小胜利转换为更大的选举胜利。然而裴瑞先生却可能是一个强劲的候选人。他有着罗姆尼和洪博培两位先生的行政经验,但却没有他们的政治包袱 罗姆尼先生赞成医疗改革,而洪博培曾作为大使服务于奥巴马政府,此外对于他们的摩门教徒身份许多基督教保守主义者仍心存疑虑。裴瑞先生有着茶党的代表力,又要比米歇尔?巴克曼、赫尔曼?凯恩和里克?圣多伦有着更长期和更能打动人的历史记录。在一个脆弱和分裂的阵营里很难想象保罗先生的支持者会力挺圣多伦先生,或者罗姆尼先生乡村俱乐部共和主义的粉丝会看好巴克曼女士的干草叉民粹主义,像裴瑞先生这样四面讨好的候选人有着很大的机会。

  Democrats should take no comfort from that divided field. In 2008 John McCain had theRepublican nomination sealed by mid-February, while the battle between Mr Obama and HillaryClinton dragged into June. Egos were bruised, but the base was motivated for the generalelection. Sometimes, true love waits.




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