the rise of the redback
IN 1965 Valry Giscard dEstaing, then Frances finance minister, complained that America, asthe issuer of the worlds reserve currency, enjoyed an exorbitant privilege. Chinaspresident, Hu Jintao, does not have quite the same way with words. But on the eve of his visitto America this week he told two of the countrys newspapers that the international currencysystem was a product of the past. Something can be a product of the past without being athing of the past. But his implication was clear: the dollars role reflects Americas historicalclout, not its present stature.
Mr Hu is right that Americas currency punches above its economys diminished weight in theworld. Americas share of global output , trade and even financial assets is shrinking, as emerging economies flourish. But many of those economies,such as South Korea, still sell their exports for dollars; many, including China, still peg theircurrencies to the greenback, however loosely; and about 60% of the worlds foreign-exchangereserves remain in dollars.
This allows America to borrow cheaply from the rest of the world. Its government has been ableto overspend, secure in the knowledge that its IOUs will be bought by foreign central banks,which are not too fussy about price. America would show more self-discipline, many Chinesebelieve, if the dollar had a little bit more competition.
Could the yuan become a rival? Chinas economy willprobably surpass Americas in outright size within 20years. It is already a bigger exporter. It is proddingfirms to settle trade and even acquire foreigncompanies in its own currency. That is adding to apool of redbacks outside its borders. Theseoffshore yuan are, in turn, being tapped byborrowers, issuing dim sum bonds in Hong Kong.
But as the dollars history shows, economic clout is not enough without financialsophistication . If foreigners are to store their wealth in yuan, they will needfinancial instruments that are safe, stable and easily sold. Dim sum makes for a tastyappetiser. But the main feast of Chinas financial assets is onshore and off-limits, thanks to itsstrict capital controls. The government remains deeply reluctant to let foreigners hold, buy andsell these assets, except under tight limits. Indeed, it is barely ready to give its own peoplefinancial freedom: interest on bank deposits is capped; shares are largely owned by stateentities; and bonds are chiefly held by the bankswhich are, in turn, mostly owned by thestate.
Over time China will relax its financial grip. But even if it could usurp the dollars role as theworlds currency, it will not replicate the American set-up. The United States takes advantageof the dollars position to borrow cheaply from the rest of the world, selling its assets in returnfor goods. China is a mirror image of this. It runs a trade surplus, selling goods in return forfinancial claims on foreigners. Its firms, households and government save more than they caninvest at home.
A different kind of perk
Rather than seeking to borrow in its own currency, China may harbour the opposite ambition:to lend in its own currency. The exorbitant privilege it may covet is a lower foreign-exchangerisk on its savings. On top of the trillions China has lent to Americas treasury, it also holdsstakes in Australian mines, African farms and Swedish car companies. But because none ofthese assets is in yuan, China suffers a capital loss whenever its currency strengthens. It wouldno doubt like to share some of this risk with the rest of the world. The model is not America,but Germany, an international creditor which holds 70% of its foreign assets in euros.
There is a catch, though. No one will want to borrow in a currency that is only ever going tostrengthen, increasing the value of their debts. So if China wants to yuanify some of itsclaims on the rest of the world, it will need a currency that can go down as well as up. To makepeople believe the yuan can fall tomorrow, China will have to loosen its currencys peg and let itrise faster today. China is different from America: it is a rising economic power and a thrifty one.But one rule still holds: China will have to open its financial system to the world if the yuan is tobe the dominant currency.
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