TO ERR is human. To gloat, divinely satisfying. The sequence of bad news from America andEurope has provoked its share of triumphalist commentary in Asia. What the subtitle to abook by Kishore Mahbubani, a Singaporean former diplomat, called The Irresistible Shift ofGlobal Power to the East seems to be happening faster than anyone expected. Many Asians,naturally, are inclined to cheer. But many find the shift rather terrifying.
人非圣贤,孰能无过。别人的灾祸却是我们的喜讯。来自大洋彼岸欧美的坏消息让亚洲振奋不已。新加坡前外交官Kishore Mahbubani所著的一本书的副标题《世界强国转向东半球,势不可挡》所映射的,似乎比预想中来得要早。很多亚洲人自然欢呼雀跃。但也有很多人发现这种转变很吓人。
No sooner was Americas credit rating downgraded than China, its biggest creditor, sent its first aircraft-carrier out to sea. For those living inemerging Asia, the memory of the devastating regional financial meltdown of 1997-98 is stillfresh, and now they see smug Europeans struck down by their own debt crisis. And althoughmany countries in Asia suffer political instability, none has been reduced in recent months tothe sort of anarchy that for a few nights this month afflicted staid old Britain.
These sundry calamities in the West have provided Asian commentators with an unmissablechance to unveil Western hypocrisy. Many Asian leaders have vivid memories of the lecturesthey endured in 1997-98 over their thriftless, incompetent economic management, and of theharsh medicine they were forced to swallow in return for IMF assistance. So some must enjoythe reversal of roles: emerging Asia as the model of steady, consistent economic policy andsustained growth; America, Europe and Japan mired in debt and slow growth or evenrecession. Mr Mahbubani, now dean of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy in Singapore,says every piece of advice that the Asians received has been ignored in the West.
A few weeks ago, Chinas prime minister, WenJiabao, rebuked Britain for its obsessive harping onhuman-rights abuses in its dealings with his country.How he must have relished hearing his Britishcounterpart, David Cameron, say this month thathis government would not let phoney human-rightsconcerns get in the way of hunting down rioters andlooters.
几个星期前,中国总理温家宝谴责英国纠缠于中国的人权问题不放。这个月当他听到对手David Cameron所说的不允许伪善的人权关怀挡住他们追捕杀烧抢掠者的路的时候,他将多么得意。
Even before these latest symptoms of Western decline, the perception of Chinas relative risehad taken root around the world. The IMF forecasts that, adjusted for purchasing power,Chinas economy will be bigger than Americas by the end of 2016. According to the latest PewGlobal Attitudes Survey, based on questioning in April, the proportion of respondents whothink China has already replaced America as the worlds leading superpower, or will do so oneday, was 63% in China, 65% in Britain and 46% even in America .
In the circumstances it is not surprising that Chinas press has adopted the finger-waggingtone heard so often from the West. The official news agency, Xinhua, told America to cure itsaddiction to debt. It also fretted that Americas irresponsibility would undermine thespluttering world economic recovery and that financial turmoil could come back to haunt usall.
That is one of at least three flies in the Schadenfreude. The Wests economic woes are alsoAsias. Even if renewed global financial upheaval is averted, slow growth in America, Europe andJapan will dent economic prospects across the region. Asia, too, is addicted to American debt,in so far as this finances imports from Asia, which then invests some of the proceeds back inAmerica. Singapores Straits Times argued in an editorial this month that all the talk aboutAsian economies decoupling from the West remains a pipe dream.
The second consideration dampening the regionalcelebrations is that many Asian countries aresuffering from serious problems of their own. Of thethree biggest, both Indonesia and, more acutely,India, are facing crises of confidence over theirgovernments failure to deal with corruption at theheart of their political systems. Even China is facing arash of political protests. In particular, the furycaused by the high-speed train crash at Wenzhou inJuly, in which at least 40 people died, has raisedtroubling questions about the railways safety and,more broadly, about the political system itself.
Commenting on the debt-ceiling fiasco in Washington, DC, Xinhua took American politicians totask, and asked: How can Washington shake off electoral politics and get difficult jobs donemore efficiently? But it is hard now for even the most nationalist Chinese commentators to goto town about the superiority of the Beijing model. One of its supposed advantages isprecisely that it gets difficult jobs done more efficiently. And one example it used to point toas a source of pride was the world-beating high-speed train system. Whoops.
Premature adjudication
The third problem with Asian triumphalism is that it isas Asian leaders well knowpremature.Western consumers remain big contributors to Asian growth. American defence spendingcontinues to dwarf Chinas, and it will be years before that first aircraft-carrier outingtranslates into a serious carrier-group capability. A recent study by the Asian DevelopmentBank projected that, on optimistic assumptions, China would by 2050 account for 22% of theglobal economy, compared with 14% for America . In another plausible, if less rosy,scenario, in which China and India find themselves caught in a middle-income trap, theproportions would be 11% for China, 21% for America and 6% for India. But even on theoptimistic projection, China would still be, per head, less than half as rich as America.
亚洲沾沾自喜的第三个问题是亚洲领袖对此也有自知之明 早熟。西方消费者依旧是亚洲发展的一大来源。美国的国防支出远超中国,而那才首次出航的航母要发展成一个航母集团也需要几年时间。亚洲开发银行新近作的研究表明:乐观点看,到2050年中国在全球的经济份额将占22%,而美国只占14%。另一个不那么美妙但也有可能的版本是:中国和印度陷入中等收入困境,到时中国所占有的比例是11%,美国为21%,印度为6%。但即使是乐观点看,中国的人均富裕度也比不上美国的一半。
Mr Mahbubani argues that, for other Asian countries pondering the future, it is the trend thatmattersand Americas is, at best, unpredictable. America insists it wants to remain an Asianpower, and has the military muscle to do so. But defence spending may be easier to cut thanentitlements. So Americas word may be less persuasive than Chinas ever more visiblepresence. Long-term trends can have big short-term effects.
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