IT TOOK a month or so, but the killing of TrayvonMartin, a teenager who was shot in Florida in lateFebruary, has developed into a predictablepolitical circus. Barack Obama has opined on it, ashave the Republicans hoping to wrest thepresidency from him in November. Rush Limbaugh,a shrill right-wing radio host, has weighed in, andso has Al Sharpton, an equally excitable butideologically opposite pundit-cum-activist. MrSharpton says he will occupy Sanford, the townwhere the shooting took place, until justice is done.
2月末,一名叫特雷万马丁的少年在佛罗里达州被枪杀。一个月后,这场枪击案已经迅速发酵,演变成一场意料之中的政治闹剧。巴拉克奥巴马已经对此事表明态度,而共和党人也希望藉由此事在11月的大选中将奥巴马从总统宝座上拉下来。 一名言辞犀利的右翼电台主持鲁什林堡加入论战。另一名同样易激动且思想上与林堡相反的人权领袖阿尔?夏普顿也加入战团。夏普顿称除非正义得到伸张,他将 占领 枪击案发生地点三福城。
An online petition calling for the arrest of the gunman, George Zimmerman, who is 28, hasattracted over 2m signatures. The New Black Panther Party, a confrontational protestgroup, has offered $10,000 in exchange for a citizens arrest of Mr Zimmerman. LeBronJames, a basketball star, wrote RIP Trayvon Martin on his shoe before a game on March23rd. He and other members of his team, the Miami Heat, also posed in hooded sweatshirtslike the one Mr Martin was wearing when Mr Zimmerman decided to follow him, convincedhe was up to no good.
一场呼吁逮捕28岁的枪手齐默曼的网上请愿活动已经征集了超过200万份签名。一个激进抗议组织新黑豹党愿意提供1万美元悬赏,奖给逮捕齐默曼的人。篮球明星勒布朗詹姆斯在3月23日的比赛前,在自己的鞋子上写上愿特雷万马丁安息的字样。他和迈阿密热火队的队友穿着帽衫拍了合影。那身穿着恰恰马丁当晚的穿着,就在那天晚上,齐默曼认为他 行为不轨 ,决定跟踪。
The shooting took place in the gated community where Mr Zimmerman lives. He hadrecently started a neighbourhood-watch scheme and he frequently called the police to reporteverything from potholes to people he thought might be involved in a spate of burglaries. When he spotted Mr Martin while outdriving on a rainy evening, he called the police from his car. The operator told him there wasno need to follow Mr Martin, but Mr Zimmerman did so anyway. From that point, details arescant: the two men somehow got into a fight, during which Mr Zimmerman says his nosewas broken, before he shot the unarmed 17-year-old. Mr Martin, it turns out, had beenwalking back to the house of his fathers girlfriend in the gated community, having boughtsome sweets and iced tea at a nearby corner store.
The local police did not arrest Mr Zimmerman, saying they had no evidence to dispute hisclaim that he had acted in self-defence. That decision prompted a cascade of protest, fromother branches of government as well as the public. Sanfords city council passed a motion ofno confidence in the citys chief of police, who is now suspended. The Justice Departmentannounced it would conduct an investigation into the killing. Local prosecutors said theywould convene a grand jury to consider the incident on April 10th.
Florida is one of 20-odd states to have adopted a stand your ground law, which exemptsthose with reason to believe their lives are in jeopardy from any legal obligation toattempt to retreat before resorting to deadly force. Many have speculated that the policethought that the existence of the law would impede Mr Zimmermans prosecution. Findingsof justifiable homicide have tripled since the law took force in 2005. But Mr Zimmermanslawyer says he does not intend to invoke the law if his client is arrested, while one of thelaws authors says it would not apply in this case, anyway, as Mr Zimmerman seems to havegone out of his way to confront Mr Martin.
佛罗里达州是采用无限防卫权法律的20多个州的一员。这项法律规定若行为人有理由认为自己的生命面对威胁,可以在诉诸致命暴力前免除首先尝试逃跑的法律义务。很多人推测警方可能认为这项法律是阻碍起诉齐默曼的绊脚石。自 2005年,这项法律生效以来,正当杀人的案件增长了两倍。但是齐默曼的律师表示如果他的当事人被捕,自己并不打算援引这项法律。同时这项法律的一名起草人表示不管怎样,这项法律并不适合这一案件。因为齐默曼本可以避免遇到马丁。
Others have focused on the role of race in the killing. The National Association for theAdvancement of Coloured People, for instance, has complained that the authorities neglectedthe case because Mr Martin was black. Many assume that Mr Zimmerman, whose father iswhite and whose mother is Hispanic, decided that Mr Martin looked suspicious simplybecause of the colour of his skin. Mr Obama seemed to allude to such a view when he said, If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon.
Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich, two of the four remaining Republican presidentialcandidates, saw that as an opening, as did Mr Limbaugh. They declared themselves appalledthat the president would view the shooting through the lens of race. From the left, Mr Obama has been criticised for notspeaking loudly enough about the racial aspect of the killing. No incident is too tragic, itseems, for political point-scoring.
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