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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  NOT long ago, Barack Obama was hoping that high-speed trains would provide America with thedesired twofer. First, building the special tracksand locomotives would put a division or two ofAmericas army of unemployed back to work. Then,once built, the trains would get people out of carsand planes and to their destinations in a way thatwould be cleaner and use less foreign oil. But thosedreams have mostly died. Republicans havedecided that government spending, not outdatedinfrastructure, is the real bogeyman, andRepublican governors in Florida, Wisconsin and Ohio have rejected federal money to beginbuilding.


  Only in California does the dream live on. As Governor Jerry Brown, aged 73 and aDemocrat, likes to remember, another big railway project in the 19th century connected theyoung state to the rest of America. In the 1960s his father, Pat, served as governor and builtambitious aqueducts and highways. In the 1970s Mr Brown himself became governor for thefirst time, and had visions of his own grand projects. These, as much as his theological bentand his liking for meditation, earned him the nickname Governor Moonbeam.

  唯有在加州建造高铁的愿望尚存一丝希望。因为73岁的民主党州长Governor Jerry Brown喜欢回忆19世纪另一项宏伟的铁路工程,该工程使成立不久的加州与美国的其它地区相连通。20世纪60年代,Brown的父亲Pat担任州长时建造了宏伟的水道和高速公路,70年代 Brown首次当选州长,并勾画建造自己宏伟工程的蓝图。以上这些加之他对神学的虔诚及酷爱冥想, 因此人们称之为月光州长。

  Today Mr Brown still sparkles as he mocks the dystopian journalists and declinists whoobstinately fail to see that Californias population will grow from just under 38m now toabout 50m in 2030; and that, unless the state has something like Japans bullet trains,Californians will choke in traffic jams or go mad waiting for delayed flights in inadequateairports. Of late, he has compared his states planned high-speed train to the Panama andSuez canals. And he has added that if China, Germany, Spain and Japan can build one, thereis no earthly reason why California shouldnt do so too.


  Californias voters used to agree. In a 2008 ballot measure , they approved $9 billion in bonds to fund just such a train. Asadvertised, it was to connect the two big population centres, Los Angeles and the SanFrancisco Bay area. Speeds were to reach 220mph, giving a travel time of less than threehours; the project was to cost $33 billion and be completed as early as 2020.

  加州的选民之前对此表示支持。在 2008年的投票表决中,选民同意拿出90亿美元债券基金来建造高铁。如宣传中所描述的那样,该铁路建成后将连接洛杉矶和旧金山海岸地区这两大人口聚集区。到时列车的行驶速度将达到220英里/小时,两地的旅程时间将不到3小时。这项工程将花费330亿美元并预计最早于2020年完工。

  Then the iron law of infrastructure projects asserted itself. According to current estimates,the train would in fact cost three times as much or more, and take 13 years longer to build.Mr Obama still wants to help; he has asked Congress for $35 billion in railway funding overfive years, of which $3.5 billion may go to California. But even with the bond funds, thosedollops would cover less than 13% of the estimated cost. Republicans are in no mood toallocate more. 之后基建工程的魔咒又开始应验。根据目前的估计,这项工程实际支出费用将是预想的三倍或更多,并需耗时长达13年之久。奥巴马对此仍不放弃并给予一定援助;在过去的五年里他已向国会申请了350亿美元用于铁路建设,其中大约35亿美元用于加州。但即便如此,所有这些费用仍不足预计支出的13%。对此共和党人再无心援助更多。

  It gets worse. After the ballot measure, it was decided that construction should begin notin the two population centres but in the vast and flat farmlands of the Central Valley, wherebuilding is much easier. This means that funds could run dry before the big cities are evenconnected to the network. A high-speed train would then run through sparsely populatedcountryside, with hardly anybody riding it. Some call this a train to nowhere, others a whiteelephant. Using a rather more original metaphor Richard White, a professor of history atStanford, calls it a Vietnam of transportation: easy to begin and difficult and expensive tostop.

  更糟糕的是,在投票表决后,政府决定将铁路的起止点改建在中央大峡谷的耕地上,而非原定的两个人口密集区,与之前相比这里幅员辽阔,地势平坦易于施工。这意味着在铁路网与大城市连通前,资金很可能早已用光。那时高铁将穿梭于人迹稀少的乡村地区,当然也基本不会有人乘坐。一些人把它叫做无所适从的列车,其它人则说它是华而不实,赘而无用。斯坦福大学历史学教授 Richard White用隐喻的方法称其为越南式交通:开始,容易且简单;停止,昂贵且困难



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