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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Englishlandscape;Up hill, down dale


  TOM FORT pedals down the A303 in Britains soft south. Paul Barker trudges roundHebden Bridge in the hard north. Both writers are seeking something distinctive about theirchosen places. By the same token, both are sensitive to the idea of non-place, a phraseMr Fort uses to describe service stations, shopping centres, airports and the space-bubblesinhabited by drivers. Mr Barker does not name it, but he nonetheless conveys his sense ofthe same thingat the fancy grocers, selling Japanese wakame and cranberry press, or theexecutive houses with stone bed-warmers on the windowsill and Range Rovers in the drive.These places might be anywhere or, for his purposes, nowhere.

  Tom Fort 骑自行车从英国平坦的南部A303道顺道而下。Paul Barker在崎岖的北部的HebdenBridge附近艰难跋涉。两位作家都在寻找他们所选择的地点的独特之处。同样的,二者都敏感关注 非场所 这个概念:Fort 用非场所来称呼服务站、购物中心、机场或车手居住的太空泡泡车Barker虽然没有使用非场所这个词,但他却表达了同一种概念:在销售日本若目和蔓越橘调酒苏打水的花里胡哨的小店铺、窗台上放着暖床石壶的 行政 别墅,路途中的揽胜越野车。这些地方既可以是任何地方,而相对他的所求目标,又或根本不存在。

  Both try not to be nostalgic, but in the end neither can help himself. The conflict isroughest in Hebden Bridge, partly because the author himself is implicated. He grew upthere and in neighbouring Mytholmroyd. Back in the 1940s the place was enwrappe, as heputs it, in the old ways. Weaving mills and sewing factories that had claimed generations ofhis family were still in business, oblivious to their coming collapse. Mr Barker then madethe now classic move, the first in his family, to leave home for university, and never comeback, except to visit.


  Meanwhile, others came in, offcomers, with new wayshippies, artists, pagansjust inthe nick of time, as the demolition balls were swinging and the stone terraces falling. Theysquatted and protested. The planners retreated. Bookshops sprang up; mills and chapelsbecame workshops, galleries and flatsthen luxury flats, bringing different newcomers. Withgreat foresight, in the late 1970s Mr Barker began to tape-record the old inhabitants, whosestories now fill the most interesting pages of his book.


  Mr Barker has also taped an ageing hippy, a graphics designer, a tattoo lady,puppeteers and others, for he knows how much the place owes to them. But the book onlyreally comes alive when he is talking to the old sexton or the weavers who started work at 13 . Mr Barker knows these people and they know himand his uncles andcousins. They speak easily, casually, slipping out the detail that hits the spot: the smell ofcorduroy in the sewing room; a jar taken to the grocer for a haporth[注10] of treaclewords to a mill child for steadying himself with one hand and workingwith the otherBarker, we pay thee to use two hands.


  Tom Forts book, named for a well-used English road, is a smoother ride: elegantlywritten, with a dry humour and an eyebrow raised at the failed smart solutions oftransport ministers. His object is to reveal the special beauty of the landscape, particularlySalisbury Plain[ and Stonehenge . Mr Fort is a charming and knowledgeableguide, who can people the hills with shepherds, and the manors and rectories with eccentricantiquarians; who can tell you about an ancient system for flooding water meadows or thecommon names of chalk-loving flowers and butterflies. It is enough to make Wiltshire yournext holiday destination.

  Tom Fort的书以一条常被使用的英国公路命名,并且有着更为流畅的内容:优雅的笔触,带着些冷幽默,使读者在读到交通部长失败的聪明解决方案时扬起眉毛。他的目的是为了展现了风景的特殊的美丽,特别是索尔兹伯里原野和巨石阵。Fort是一个富有魅力且极具知识的向导,他可以与牧羊人一起居住在山丘上,也可以与性情古怪的古玩收藏家一起居住在庄园中。他也可以向你讲述无边草甸的古老制度或是喜钙的花朵或蝴蝶的常用名。这些都足够使威尔特郡成为你下一次度假的目的地。

  The bits that stick, though, are his non-places: the Little Chef restaurant at Popham,Amesburys Solstice Park, a business development, and above all a hilarious riff on TheAncestor, a huge sculpture outside a Holiday Innitself an example of Neolithic chic, thebrochure says. Very boutiquey, very contemporary.




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