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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Book Review;Meditations onlove;Truly, madly, deeply


  Plato described love as a serious mental disease.Aristotle saw it as a single soul inhabiting twobodies. Tina Turner dismissed the feeling as asecond-hand emotion. The nature of lovehow andwhen and why and with whom humans fall for eachotherhas preoccupied thinkers through the ages.Now a philosopher and a scientist have a go in twonew and markedly different books.


  In his latest work, In Praise of Love, Alain Badiou, a French philosopher, identifies threeprevailing philosophical views of love. It can be an ecstatic encounter; an unsentimentalcontract; or an illusion, best treated with scepticism. He rejects all three. For Mr Badiou,love is the decision to live life through two perspectives, that of both the lover and thebeloved. As such, it is more than the sum of its parts. Love is a construction, he writes, alife that is being made, no longer from the perspective of One but from the perspective ofTwo.


  Mr Badiou sees risk as central to love. A loving relationship demands multiple and sharedperspectives, which always give rise to incongruences and tensions. He reserves specialscorn for dabblers in internet dating, who evidently believe that the search for a photo,details of his or her tastes, date of birth, horoscope sign, etc will ultimately net a risk-freeoption. This is to neglect the very essence of love, according to Mr Badiou, which involvesthe presence of risk, the possibility of failure and the need for vulnerability.


  The book s chatty style lends a deceptive simplicity to the ideas within. Get to work unpicking theseconcepts and it soon becomes plain that, like many French philosophers, Mr Badiou sacrificesclarity for linguistic zip and sparkle. Nonetheless, he leaves the reader with an incisiveoverview of philosophical thinking on love, from Plato to Kierkegaard to Lacan.


  Robin Dunbar s book, The Science of Love and Betrayal, isperhaps surprisinglyeasier toget to grips with. Dr Dunbar, a professor of evolutionary anthropology with a study in thisweek s science section , is best known for Dunbar s number, the limit to thenumber of people with whom one can maintain stable social relationships. He laments thatscientists have largely ignored the concept of love. In this book he bridges the gap betweenthe biological explanations for humans romantic behaviour and the psychological,historical, social and evolu- tionary contexts that help to shape it.


  In particular, he is interested in why humans have developed such an affinity forpairbonding, despite the fact that strictly monogamous mating and rearing systems are notterribly advantageous in evolutionary terms. Monogamy is not unique to humans. Whatis unique, however, is the intensity with which the species falls in love. Nearly everyhuman culture in history exhibits this complex sense of longing, Dr Dunbar observes.


  To understand this predisposition for monogamy, he takes readers through the myriadfeelings of love, from the heady, breathless exhilaration of falling, to the stubbornpersistence of familial affection, to the bitterness of betrayal. Throughout the book DrDunbar excels at taking obvious and familiar informationmen prefer curvy women; womenprefer men who dance well; older women rarely reveal their ages in lonely-heartscolumnsand explaining the complex and often unexpected evolutionary science that liesbehind it all.

  为了理解一夫一妻制的偏向,邓巴博士带领读者体味了爱的各种感觉,从初坠爱河时忘乎所以,呼吸困难的兴奋,到义无反顾地维持家庭关系,再到遭到背叛时的心如刀割。纵观全书,邓巴的高超之处在于利用人们常见且熟悉的信息男人偏好曲线玲珑的女人; 女人喜欢舞技出众的男人;年龄稍大的女人很少在征友专栏揭露自己的年龄同时解释了这些现象背后复杂且常出人意料的进化科学。

  Love is a journey, a game, a many-splendoured thing. Though some give it a bad name , the rest of us find the subject endlessly fascinating. Thestruggle to understand such a mystifying phenomenon invariably requires the help ofphilosophers and scientists, and others besides. Good news for Mr Badiou and Dr Dunbar.




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