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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  The LIBOR probes; Anexpensive smoking gun


  Court documents shed light on how LIBOR wasallegedly manipulated;


  It is supposed to be constructed using banks ownhonest estimates of what it costs for them toborrow money. But regulators around the worldsuspect that LIBOR , a financial benchmark that is set every day by collating these estimates, hasbeen subject to manipulation. Little information has been publicly released by the regulatorsthat are investigating. But Canadian and American legal documents seen by The Economistpaint a picture of what is alleged. It is not pretty.


  Suspicions that something was wrong with LIBOR were aroused in 2008 when financial risksbegan to pick up but the benchmark, which ought to have ticked upwards too, did not move.That same year a group of American academics circulated a paper showing that banks individual estimates of their borrowing costs were surprisingly close, given their differentlevels of risk. That suggested something fishy but was not conclusive proof, according toRosa Abrantes-Metz of New York University Stern School of Business, one of the paper sauthors.

  对伦敦银行间拆放款利率的指控在2008年就有了,当时金融危机开始抬头,但本应一同上涨的利率基准却没有变化。同一年,在一群美国学者间转播着的一篇文章显示,考虑到不同程度的风险,银行出人意料的停止了自己的借款成本估算。这就验证了可疑的,但又未经证实的证据,文章作者之一,纽约大学斯特恩商学院的Rosa Abrantes-Metz称。

  A case brought by the Canadian Competition Bureau provides harder evidence that somebanks submissions were being manipulated. The court documents suggest that a group oftraders regularly contacted one another to discuss how to influence the yen LIBOR rate. Iftrue, that would have breached two principles. One is that traders from different banks shouldnot be aligning their positions in this way. The other is that traders are supposed to beseparated from staff within the same bank who estimate LIBOR.


  The case filing summarises messages sent by Trader A, an employee of an unnamedwhistle-blowing bank. Many institutions are implicated in the document but the followingexcerpt cites RBS to show how the alleged scheme worked:


  Trader A explained to one RBS IRD trader who his collusive contacts were and how he hadand was going to manipulate Yen LIBOR. Trader A also communicated his trading positions,his desire for a certain movement in Yen LIBOR and gave instructions for the RBS IRDtrader to get RBS to make Yen LIBOR submissions consistent with Trader A s wishes. TheRBS IRD trader acknowledged these communications and confirmed that he would followthrough. Trader A and the RBS IRD trader also entered into transactions that aligned theirtrading interests in regards to Yen LIBOR.


  RBS says that it has legal and factual defences against such claims.


  The Canadian case opens a window into how LIBOR manipulation may have happened. Civilcases brought by banks customers in America suggest who might have suffered if the ratewas being gamed.


  These cases can be grouped into four types, according to Bill Butterfield and Anthony Maton ofHausfeld, a law firm. First, there are large individual investment firms seeking damages ontheir own. The other three types of case are brought by customers acting as groups. Onegroup includes traders who were on the wrong side of LIBOR bets. A second group includesinvestors in large companies LIBOR-linked debt who may have lost out on interest paymentsif LIBOR was set too low.

  根据 Hausfeld的一家名为Bill Butterfield and Anthony Maton的法律公司称,这些案例可以归为四类。第一类是,大型的个人投资公司自己寻求赔偿。剩下的三类是客户团体提出的。其中一组包括在伦敦银行间拆放款利率上判断错误的交易员们。第二组是负担与该利率有关联的债务的大公司的投资商,如果拆放款利率定的过低,他们就会失去支付利息的能力。

  The final group is made up of customers that bought interest-rate swaps from banks. Thisgroup includes the city of Baltimore, which is represented by Hausfeld and whose case isespecially revealing.


  American cities borrow to finance the construction of large-scale public works like roadsand sewerage systems. They can borrow most cheaply at floating rates but this option lacksthe stability that fixed-rate borrowing gives. Swaps can help them get the best of bothworlds. The city first borrows at a low floating rate. It then buys an interest-rate swap from abank. Under the swap deal it receives a LIBOR floating rate which cancels out the payments itmust make to investors in its debt. In exchange the city pays the bank a fixed rate.


  Baltimore entered into over $100m in interest-rate swaps, according to case documents.Lower LIBOR-linked payments to the city would have meant less money to cover theoutgoing fixed-rate payments. If LIBOR was artificially suppressed, the city would havebeen losing millions annually.


  If the case is upheld, damages could be big. The American cases are being pursued underclass action litigation. This means that if Baltimore s case is upheld other cities sold thesame products will also be able to claim damages. Across America 40 states allowmunicipalities to enter into swap agreements. The total estimated amount in 2010 was $250billion-500 billion, according to an IMF paper. What s more, cases are being brought under theSherman Act, America s antitrust law, which allows for triple damages. Assume the worst anddamages for American cities alone could go as high as $40 billion.




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