Chinas return to greatness
Marching forward
The great power is still licking old wounds
Wealth and Power: Chinas Long March to theTwenty-First Century. By Orville Schell and John Delury. Random House; 478 pages
MODERN Chinas founding trauma came in 1842, when British troops pushed opium downthe throats of a prostrate nation at the Treaty of Nanjing. Today this brutal military anddiplomatic defeat is hailed in China for the way its darkness forced a new dawn.
Indeed, China celebrates defeat like other countries mark victoriesand the humiliations ofsubsequent decades afford plenty of opportunities, with the once great empire carved up atthe hands first of Europeans and then the Japanese. This grim past is central to the narrativeof the ruling Communist Party. Without Chinas legacy of humiliation, the partys role inrestoring fuqiangwealth and powerwould look less impressive.
确实, 中国像其他国家一样庆祝胜利,这个曾经的强大帝国先后被欧洲列强和日本瓜分,给后代留下了深深的耻辱。这些残忍的过去经常被共产党说起。没有中华民族所经历的耻辱,共产党在重塑富强中起到的作用就不会这么令人印象深刻。
Yet shame is woven into the national fabric. As early as the fifth century BC, King Goujiannever allowed himself to forget a failed campaign that had cost him his kingdom and hisliberty. He slept on a bed of sticks and hung above his head a gall bladder, which he lickeddaily; its bitter taste served to remind him of his grievance, and gave him the strength tolater take his revenge. Chi kuto eat bitternessis a common phrase.
In Wealth and Power Orville Schell, a longtime observer of China, and John Delury, a risingSinologist and Korea expert, set out to find the roots of Chinas economic success. In the styleof Jonathan Spence, the doyen of China historians, they do so through pen-portraits of 11intellectuals and politicians who strove to change China after 1842. Running through thisabsorbing book is the sense that Chinas leaders, from the much maligned Empress DowagerCixi to the recent reformist prime minister, Zhu Rongji, all tried, in their own way, toavenge the countrys history of shame.
Orville Schell是一个对中国很了解的资深专家,John Delury是一个新晋的中国研究专家和韩国专家,他们合著《富强》一书,试图找到中国经济成功的根源。模仿中国历史学家Jonathan Spence前辈的风格,他们通过讲述1842年以后试图改变中国的11位知识分子和政治家论证中国的成功。读这本引人入胜的书,让人们感觉从恶毒的皇太后慈禧到近代的改革派总理朱镕基都想用自己的方式一雪前耻。
The work of restoring Chinas lost wealth and power required overthrowing Confucianorthodoxy. The Confucian insistence on family over state, morality over materialism andritual over reward had let the country down in the face of Western threats. Indeed the questfor wealth and power was first articulated by Confuciuss arch-rivals, the Legalists: If a wiseruler masters wealth and power, said the Legalist philosopher Han Feizi two millennia ago, he can have whatever he desires.
In search of rejuvenation, the figures profiled in this book were obsessed with startinganew. They were prepared to try anything, especially lessons and ideas from the West.Chinas road to modernity is littered with isms: constitutionalism , socialDarwinism , enlightened despotism and republicanism . Even the Chinese leader who clung most to traditional Confucian notions, ChiangKai-shek, drew from Leninism and the fascism of Mussolini.
Most of Chinas experiments with Western recipes ended in disaster. The ancient pull ofChinese history seemed to resist modernity. In this light, Messrs Schell and Deluryprovocatively try to rehabilitate Mao Zedong. They have no illusions about the catastropheshe unleashed, such as the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution. Nor do theycredit him with the power to predict the economic miracle that followed his death. But theysuggest that Maos passion for permanent revolutionhis eagerness to force-march Chinaaway from the countrys old habitsleft a blank slate for Deng Xiaoping, the architect ofChinese prosperity. Mao had bequeathed a vast new shovel-ready construction site forDengs own great enterprise of reform and opening up.
中国大部分西为中用的实验都宣告失败。中国历史古代的力量似乎阻碍着现代化进程。基于这个认识,Messrs Schell和Delury试图重现毛泽东的成功之路。他们没有描述毛泽东亲手发动的灾难,比如说大跃进和文化大革命。他们也没有颂扬他预测死后的经济奇迹。但是他们论证毛泽东对革命的热情,铲除旧风俗的欲望,为中国经济建设的总工程师邓小平扫清了道路。毛泽东把一大笔建设遗产留给了邓小平,使得邓小平能开展改革开放。
It is a contentious claim. Other countries have got to where China is without passingthrough this gateway of trauma, bloodshed and suffering. And Chinas growing wealth andmilitary and diplomatic might is not the end of the story, as the authors acknowledge.The question now is what will China do with it?
Liu Xiaobo, a Nobel peace laureate in prisonone of several jail terms to which he has beensentenced during his lifetimeis perhaps the most inspiring character portrayed in thisbook. He is certainly the most astute critic of the motivations behind Chinas pursuit ofwealth and power, including the almost pathological need among Chinas leaders toovertake the West. He poses some incisive questions: who is served by Chinasnationalism? When national pride is used to justify despotic government, what is theeventual cost to ordinary people?
Lu Xun, one of Chinas greatest writers at the time of the countrys debasement in the early20th century, complained that the Chinese act like slaves before strong people, and likemasters in front of the weak. Today China is authoritarian at home and increasingly flexingits muscles abroad. Many now wonder whether the abused child, nourished on bitterness,must necessarily become an abuser itself; or whether, now that it is rich and strong, Chinawill learn to be at peace with itself and the world. It is one of the great open questions of theday.
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