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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  2015复习正是强化复习阶段,在考研英语中占了40分,所以考研英语阅读是英语科目中重要的一项。名师老师曾建议过考研生需要坚持每天泛读10-15分钟的英文原刊。强烈推荐了杂志《经济学人》.杂志中的文章也是考研英语的主要材料来源.希望考研考生认真阅读,快速提高考研英语阅读水平。   Private hospitals in Asia   亚洲私立医院   On call   随时候命   Hospital companies prepare to meet surgingdemand for health care in Asia   亚洲私立医院正准备迎接医疗需求的激增   A HUMID breeze wafts through the wards of SiloamGeneral Hospital in Tangerang, near Jakarta. There is no air-conditioning, one of many waysthe hospital contains its costs. Each room has dozens of beds arranged in neat aisles, privacyostensibly offered by beige curtains. The open plan means that fewer nurses can tend tomore patients. Families wait in long hallways, open to the car park.   位于雅加达附近文登镇的西罗亚综合医院里,一阵潮湿的微风拂过墙壁。出于医院经营成本的考虑,这里并没有空调设备。在每个房间里都有许多病床被安排在了整洁的过道当中,个人隐私表面上则由一张张米黄色帘子来保护。开放式的设计意味着少量的护士能够负责更多的患者。患者家属们在长长的走廊上等待,队列一直延伸至停车场。   The adjoining Lippo Village hospital feels rather different. Families lounge in the lobby, sippinglattes bought at the hospital s Starbucks. Pastries are sold in another shop, trinkets in yetanother. Health care is for sale, too. The wealthiest patients are treated in the presidentialsuite, which has not just a bed but also a sofa, a refrigerator and a flat-screen television.   毗邻的力宝村医院的环境则相当不一样。患者家属可以在休息室里等待,享受着医院内星巴克的拿铁。这儿有卖糕点的店铺,还有卖饰品的。同时,医疗保险也可以在这购买。最富有的病人被安排在了总统套房里,而该套房内不仅仅有一张床,还有一张沙发、一个冰箱以及一个超薄液晶平板电视。   Both are owned by Siloam Hospitals, an Indonesian firm. The difference is that in the GeneralHospital, the government pays Siloam a capped price per patient for a given condition; inLippo Village most patients pay for themselves.   两家医院的拥有者都是西罗亚医疗,一家印度尼西亚公司。两家医院的区别是,在综合病院当中政府会为每一个患者在特定条件下支付特定的补贴,而在力宝村医院当中,大部分病人是自己负担治疗费用。   Siloam is part of a booming private business for hospital care in Asia. A bidding battle is underway for Healthscope, an Australian hospital firm which runs pathology services in Malaysia,Singapore and Vietnam. HCA of America, the world s biggest hospital firm, is reportedlyprepared to pay $5 billion to outdo Fosun, a giant Chinese conglomerate. Last month aconsortium agreed to pay $461m for Chindex, which owns a chain of hospitals in China. Thegroup comprises Fosun, TPG Capital and Chindex s chief executive, who is married to ajournalist on this newspaper.   西罗亚公司是冉冉上升发展的亚洲私人医疗市场的参与者之一。围绕着澳大利亚医疗企业Healthscope的竞价争夺战正在进行当中,而这是一家业务范围涵盖马来西亚、新加坡以及越南的公司。据称,世界最大的医疗企业美国HCA正筹备50亿美元以在该场收购战中胜过复星企业,后者是中国医疗业巨头之一。上个月,某财团已经同意支付4亿6100万美元来收购在中国拥有连锁医院的美中互利集团。该集团旗下拥有复星企业和德州太平洋,其CEO还与本报的一名记者结了婚。   The companies have every reason to smell an opportunity. Although Asia s emergingeconomies are slowing, the rise of their middle classes is continuing. In Indonesia the numberof middle- and upper-income consumers is expected to swell from 74m in 2013 to 141m by2020, predicts the Boston Consulting Group. Rising incomes mean rising demand for healthcare. The average Chinese city-dweller s health spending more than doubled between 2002and 2010, estimates PwC, a firm of consultants.   这些企业都有充分的理由去相信眼前的大好机会。虽然亚洲市场的经济增长趋缓,但中产阶级的人口比例在持续上升。波士顿咨询公司的预测显示,印尼中产及中产以上收入的消费者将从2013年的7400万人上升至2020年的1亿4100万人。持续上升的收入意味着持续上升的医疗护理服务需求。据咨询公司普华永道估计,中国城市居民平均医疗支出在2002年至2010年间增长超过了一倍。   Governments are trying to meet this demand. Malaysia and Thailand already have broadpublic health-care systems. China, which boasts that it has extended basic medical coverageto 97% of its people, continues to make reforms. The Philippines is in the midst of a rapidexpansion of insurance. Indonesia is in the first year of a plan to bring health coverage tothe entire population by 2019.   政府正努力满足国家医疗需求。马来西亚和泰国已经拥有了广泛的公共医疗系统。中国声称自己的基础医疗覆盖范围达到了97%,其政府也在持续地进行医疗改革。菲律宾的医疗保险正处于快速扩张期。而对印尼来说,目前正是医疗改革的第一年,预备在2019年前完成对整个国家人口的医疗覆盖。   However, in many countries hospital beds are in short supply. Indonesia has only nine forevery 10,000 people and the Philippines ten. America and Britain each have 29. And thequality of public hospitals varies greatly. Governments throughout the region say they willopen more hospitals. But private operators think there will be a continuing shortfall for themto fill.   然而,许多国家的医院均出现了床位短缺的现象。在印尼,每10000人当中只有9个床位的供应量,而在菲律宾则是10个床位。美国和英国的指标则是29个床位。与此同时,公共医院的服务质量参差不齐。整个亚洲地区的政府都对外强调他们会开设更多的医院。但私人医疗机构则认为将来会有持续增长的市场空缺等待他们去填补。   Some companies, such as Chindex and Siloam, are concentrating on only one country. InChina Phoenix Healthcare Group, which made its stockmarket debut in November, tripledthe number of hospital beds it manages between 2010 and June last year. Deutsche Bankexpects that Phoenix s revenue will grow by 20% a year between now and 2016. Siloam,which also went public in 2013, has 16 hospitals in Indonesia. By 2017 it intends to have 40.   部分公司只把业务集中在一个国家,如美中互利和西罗亚。去年11月上市的凤凰医疗集团,在2010年至2013年6月之间将医院床位的供应量增至三倍。德意志银行预测该集团的营业额从今年到2016年会实现20%的年均增长。同样在2013年上市,且在印尼拥有16家医院的西罗亚集团,预计到2017年将旗下医院数提升到40家。



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