
发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  2015复习正是强化复习阶段,在考研英语中占了40分,所以考研英语阅读是英语科目中重要的一项。名师老师曾建议过考研生需要坚持每天泛读10-15分钟的英文原刊。强烈推荐了杂志《经济学人》.杂志中的文章也是考研英语的主要材料来源.希望考研考生认真阅读,快速提高考研英语阅读水平。   The film industry   电影业   Rated P for persistent   被评定为代表执着的P   Time Warner s boss may not find Rupert Murdoch sovertures so unwelcome   时代华纳公司的老板也许会喜欢鲁伯特.默多克的提议   RUPERT MURDOCH is a man who does not mindwalking in his own footsteps. In the 1980s he tried and failed to gain control of the parentcompany of the Warner Bros. film studio. This week it emerged that Mr Murdoch s 21stCentury Fox had made an $80 billion bid for the company s modern incarnation, TimeWarner, which also owns cable networks such as CNN and HBO. He was rebuffed, but whenhas that stopped him?   鲁伯特默多克是一个不介意师心自用的人。在20世纪80年代他曾试图控制华纳兄弟电影制片厂的母公司,但失败了。本周有消息称默多克的21世纪福克斯公司出价800亿竞购该公司的现代化身时代华纳公司,其同时拥有有线电视网络,如CNN和HBO。默多克被断然拒绝了,但是他什么时候才会死心?   Such a deal is simpler now than it would have been until recently. Last year Mr Murdoch splitFox from its former parent, News Corp, and earlier this month Time Inc, Time Warner smagazine arm, became a separate, publicly traded firm. A merged Fox and Time Warnerwould have more bargaining-power with its customers, from pay-TV operators like Comcastto online distributors such as Netflix.   直到最近,这一交易才变得比原来简单。去年默多克将福克斯公司从其前母公司资讯集团分离出来,且本月初,时代华纳公司的杂志部门时代公司转变为独立的上市公司。合并后的福克斯和时代华纳公司将获得更多与其客户讨价还价的资本,包括Comcast这样的付费电视运营商到Netflix这样的在线分销商。   However, a deal would put immense programming power in the hands of one company.Since Fox already has a cable-news network, CNN would reportedly be sold to make thedeal more palatable. Even so, regulators still might not find the proposal fair andbalanced.   然而,一个交易将使得强大的编程能力落入一个公司手中。由于福克斯公司已经拥有有线资讯网络,CNN将按照此前报道的那样被出售,以使这一交易更易被接受。即便如此,监管机构可能依然无法认可这一提案的公平和平衡。   If a marriage does occur, it will not necessarily be with Fox. Jeff Bewkes, the boss of TimeWarner, may be playing hard to get while waiting to see if other suitors emerge. The head ofa rival media firm muses that Mr Bewkes, who is 62, has been cutting off the undesirableparts of his apple, and has deliberately kept the most alluring bits with the hope of beingable to sell it and retire. As for Mr Murdoch, who is 83, he may yet get one of the apples of hiseyeafter 30 years of trying.   如果合并真的发生,也不一定是与福克斯公司。时代华纳公司的总裁杰夫比克斯也许是耍了欲擒故纵的把戏,等待着是否有其他的求购公司出现。作为竞争对手的一家媒体公司的负责人揣摩62岁的比克斯正切除其公司的不良部分,故意保留其最诱人的部分,以期能将其公司卖掉并退休。至于83岁的默多克在奋斗了30个年头后,也许还未曾得到任何一样他梦寐以求之物。   词语解释   1.bid for 竞买   She decided to bid for a Georgian dressing table.   她决定参与一个乔治王朝时期风格梳妆台的竞价。   Republicans targeted Unsoeld as vulnerable in herbid for reelection this year.   共和党人将安索尔德定为攻击目标,认为她在争取今年连任的竞选中不堪一击。   2.such as 例如;譬如;诸如   Issues such as these were not really his concern.   他其实并不关心诸如此类的问题。   They offer tips on topics such as home safety.   他们就家居安全等问题提供建议。   3.wait to 等到   Ships with unfurled sails wait to take them aboard.   船只扬起风帆,等待他们上船。   I could hardly wait to get out of there.   我迫不及待地要离开那里。   4.with the hope of 带着某种希望   Her spirits were high with the hope of seeing Nick in minutes rather than hours.   她很兴奋,因为再过几分钟而不是几小时后就有希望见到尼克了。   Our parents chose to come here with the hope of bettering themselves.   我们的父母选择来到这里,希望能够改善自己的生活。



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