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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  2015复习正在如火如荼的进行中,考研专家建议可以按考研题型分别进行重点复习,是考研英语中分值最高的,在线小编特地整理了2015理解模拟试题供大家模拟练习,希望大家认真做题,错题着重看解析及译文,经过练习阅读理解能力必能有所提高。   二十一、美国哥伦比亚广播公司的造假丑闻   Executives at CBS News said today that Richard Thornburgh, a former governor of Pennsylvania, and Louis D. Boccardi, retired president and chief executive officer of The Associated Press, will conduct an independent investigation of how a flawed report about President Bushs National Guard service made its way onto the air. The two-person team will examine the process used to produce a report broadcast Sept. 8 that contended the president had received favorable treatment to enter the Texas Air National Guard and had not fulfilled all of the Guards requirements, the executives said in a statement.   CBS News acknowledged this week that it cannot prove the authenticity of disputed memos featured in the report and that, therefore, it was a mistake to use them, they said. The two-person review panel will commence its work this week and will have full access and complete cooperation from CBS News and CBS, as well as all of the resources necessary to complete the task, the statement said. The panel will report its findings to CBS News and CBS. The findings also will be made public.   In another measure of the troubles facing CBS lately, the Federal Communications Commission . announced today that it will fine CBS a record $550,000 for this years Super Bowl halftime show, in which Janet Jackson the entertainer bared her breast while performing with Justin Timberlake. The Super Bowl incident, which Ms. Jackson termed a wardrobe malfunction, has prompted new scrutiny of indecency on the airwaves. And in the aftermath, the F.C.C. increased its maximum fines for broadcasting indecent material and many live broadcasts are now aired with delays of 5 to 10 seconds.   The reputation of CBS News, and that of Dan Rather, the anchor who presented the report, have been on the line since questions about documents used to bolster the report began to surface immediately after its broadcast. Twice this week, the network has had to make on-air mea culpas about its work and news gathering practices regarding the National Guard report about the president.   On Monday, the news division announced that Bill Burkett, the source for the questionable documents, had misled a CBS producer, Mary Mapes, and Mr. Rather, about the origins of the documents. In an interview with Mr. Rather shown earlier this week, Mr. Burkett admitted lying about their provenance, saying first that they came from a former Guard officer overseas and then that they came by way of a mysterious couple.   Then, on Tuesday, CBS said that Ms. Mapes had violated network policy by putting Mr. Burkett in touch with Joe Lockhart, a top aide to Senator John Kerry. The rebuke of Ms. Mapes, also broadcast on The CBS Evening News, has come with some disappointments within the respected news organization about whether news executives have been vigilant enough in asking hard questions about how the producer obtained documents.   1.An independent investigation will be conducted into a CBS report _____.   [A] to negate its authenticity [B] about how and when it was broadcast   [C] about its production procedure [D] to restore CBS News credibility   2.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?   [A] CBS News has admitted its mistake of using disputed memos.   [B] CBS News and CBS will provide all the resources the review panel require.   [C] The findings of the independent committee will be made public.   [D] Bill Burkett told the truth about how he acquired the documents.   23.Because of the Super Bowl incident, _____.   [A] CBS will face a severe fine for making a flawed report   [B] F.C.C. will have strict inspection of broadcasting indecent material   [C]CBS News will choose to create the independent committee   [D]F. C. C. will increase its charge for the delayed live broadcasts   4.Make on-air mea culpas probably means _____.   [A] acknowledging the error [B] questioning the authenticity   [C] finding excuses for the faults [D] rearranging the schedule   5.What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?   [A] The questionable documents are provided originally by a mysterious couple.   [B] It is against CBS News regulations to be associated with any political agenda.   [C] There is a fatal flaw in the checking procedures of many reputable news organization.   [D] CBS News executives had to resign for the untruthful story about the President.   答案:1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.B   核心词汇或超纲词汇   flaw瑕疵/缺陷/裂痕   make ones way前进,进行;成功,发迹   authenticity确实性,真实性;authentic可信的,真正的,有根据的   feature特征,特色,特写,特别报导以为特色,给予特别注意   malfunction故障,出错,失误   indecency下流,不适当,下无礼的言行;indecent下流的,不恰当的;decent得体的,大方的;合适的,恰当的   aftermath结果, 后果in the ~ of war战后时期   bolster垫子支持给予支持与鼓励   provenance起源,出处   vigilant警惕着的,警醒的vigilance警惕性   全文翻译   哥伦比亚资讯公司 的执行人员今天说:宾夕法尼亚前州长理查德? 桑伯格和前美联社社长兼首席执行官路易斯?博卡迪将成立独立的调查小组,调查一篇关于布什在国民警卫队服役的失实报道是如何被播放出来的。执行人员在一份声明中指出:两人调查小组将检查制作这个报道的过程。9月8号播出的这篇报道声称,总统布什在进入德克萨斯空军共和卫队时受到了优先待遇,没有满足卫队所有的条件。   执行人员也说:CBS News本周承认它不能证实报道中引用的有争议的备忘录的真实性,因此对于它们的使用是错误的。声明中提到:二人调查组将于本周着手此项工作,将全面接触CBS News 和CBS而与之合作,并将得到完成这个任务所需要的全部资源。小组将把它的发现呈交给CBS News和CBS。这些发现也将公布于众。   CBS最近面临的另一个麻烦是F. C. C.今天宣布因为今年的超级碗事件将对CBS实行高达55万美元的罚款。在超级碗中场表演中,演员珍妮特?杰克逊在和贾斯汀?汀布莱克演出时露出了她的胸部。被杰克逊女士称为服装故障的超级碗事件激起了新的对广播粗俗素材的调查。此后,F.C.C.还增加了对播放粗俗素材的最高罚款,许多现场直播节目现也在都延迟5至10秒播出。   因为对于支持该报道的材料的疑问在报道播出后立即浮出了水面,CBS News和该报道主播丹?拉瑟的名誉都面临着危胁。本周,该广播网络不得不两次对它的工作及为报道总统服役事件而收集资讯的行为道歉。   周一,资讯部门宣布,可疑文件的提供者比尔?博凯特在文件来源上误导了CBS的制片人玛丽?马柏斯和拉瑟先生。在这周和拉瑟先生的面谈中,博凯特先生承认就文件来源撒了谎,开始说它们来源于一位前国民警卫队成员,后来又说它们来源于一对神秘的夫妇。   因此,CBS于周二声明马柏斯女士让博凯特先生与议员约翰?凯瑞的高级副官接触是违反网络政策的。随着对马柏斯女士的指责在CBS晚间资讯的播出,同时出现的是这个著名资讯机构内部对其资讯执行人员在询问制作人如何获得可靠文件上的警惕性的失望。



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