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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  radiant a. 1.明亮照耀的,光辉灿烂的 2.容光焕发的,喜气洋洋的;(面容、目光)洋溢着幸福的【例句】

  radiant a. 1.明亮照耀的,光辉灿烂的 2.容光焕发的,喜气洋洋的;(面容、目光)洋溢着幸福的

  【例句】He was radiant, in the true sense of the word, by which I mean that we felt there were rays emanating from his brush, as it caressed the canvas. 他真的是光华四溢啊。我的意思是,当他的画笔抚摩着画布,我们得有有光芒从笔端发出。【认知】词根 radi 含义为 having roots (根 线条辐射状)。

  radiate v. 1.发光;明亮照耀 2.(光、热等)辐射;发散;传播 3.呈辐射状发出,从中心发散 4. 流露,显示,焕发

  【例句】To communicate love, parents need a language of acceptance: words that value feelings, responses that change moods, replies that ~ respect. 要传达对子女的爱,父母需要一种接纳的语言:重视情感的言辞,改变情绪的回应,流露尊重的答复。【认知】词根 radi 含义为 having roots (根 线条辐射状)。

  radical a. 1.根本的,基本的;彻底的 2.原本的,固有的,与生俱来的 3.根治的,切除的 4.极端的,过激的;激进的;激进派的

  【例句】I never dared be ~ when young for fear it would make me conservative when old. 我年轻时从来不敢激进,因为害怕那会使我年老时保守。【认知】词根 radi 含义为 having roots (根 线条辐射状)。

  rage n. 1.(一阵)狂怒,(一阵)盛怒 2.(风浪、火势等的)狂暴,凶猛;(疾病等的)猖獗 3. (~ for)强烈的欲望;激情,激昂;狂热 4. 风靡一时的事物,时尚

  【例句】Oppose not ~ while ~ is in its force, but give it way a while and let it waste. 愤怒爆发时不必对抗,让它发作一阵子以使它自我消耗。【认知】本词的核心意义与 rabies; madness(狂犬病 疯狂;发怒) 具有关联性。

  raid n. (尤指在杀伤而非占领的)袭击;突然袭击;侵袭

  【例句】The commandos made a ~ on the village. 突击队对一座村庄发起空袭。

  rarity n. 稀有

  reassure v. 使 安心, 再保证, 使 恢复信心, 打消 的疑虑

  【认知】前缀为 re- ;又前缀 as 表示 to, at 加强含义,词根 sure 意为 secure; to make sure 。

  rebel n. 反叛分子,造反者;反抗者,反对者

  【例句】As long as the world shall last there will be wrongs, and if no man ~ led, those wrongs would last forever.只要世界继续存在就会有不公正。如果没有人反抗,这些不公正将永远存在下去。【认知】前缀 re- ;词根 bel 含义为 to wage war (战争;重开战)。如 belligerent 与其同源。

  rebuke v. 1.指责,叱责;训斥 2.制止,遏制

  【例句】 The boy was ~d by his teacher for cheating. 那男生因作弊受到教师的责备。He dared not do it for fear of parental ~. 因为怕家长训斥,他不敢做这事。【认知】词根 -buke- 含义为 砍;劈 。

  reckless a. (~ of) 1.不顾虑的,不介意的 2.鲁莽的;胡乱的;草率的

  【例句】There is danger in ~ change; but greater danger in blind conservatism. 草率变革有危险,但盲目保守更危险。【认知】前缀 re- 的含义;词根 reck 含义为 to take heed (注意;专心);后缀为 -less 。

  reckoned v. 1.计算,数 2. 测算,测量 3. 认为,把 看作(或算入)4.估计;判断

  【例句】The existence of the U. S. is ~ed from the Declaration of Independence. 美国立国是从发表《独立宣言》之日算起的。

  recollection n. 回忆, 记忆, 回想

  【例句】The idol of today pushed the hero of yesterday out of our recollection; and will, in turn, be supplanted by his successor of tomorrow 今日的偶像把昨日的英雄挤出我们的记忆,随后又会被他明日的继任者所取代。

  recommending v. 1.推荐,举荐;称赞 2.劝告,建议 3.(使)成为可取,(使)受欢迎

  reconciled v. 1.(使)和解,使和好;把 争取过来 2.调停,调解3. 调和

  【例句】Since the couple could not reconcile their differences, they decided to get a divorce. 这对夫妻因为歧见不能调和便决定离婚。【认知】前缀分别为 re- 和 com- ;词根 cil 含义为 召集,汇集 。的含义;词根为 council 。如 council 与其同源。

  recounts v. 叙述

  【认知】如 account 与其同源。

  recovery n. 1.追回;寻回;收复 2.恢复,复苏;康复,痊愈 3.(有用物质从废料等中的)提取,回收,再生;回收率

  【例句】A hospital should also have a ~ room adjoining the cashier s office. 医院应当再设一间挨收款处的复原室。【认知】参见前缀 re- 的含义;词根 cov 为 cap (拿;取)变体,含义为 to take; to gain(重新获得) 。

  refusals n.拒绝, 推却

  【例句】I sold him first refusal on my house for a thousand pounds down. 我把房子的第一优先购买权以预付1000英镑现金让给他了。

  refuted vt. 1.驳斥,反驳;驳倒 2.辩驳,否认 的正确性(或真实性)

  【例句】He ~ the election returns which showed him the loser. 他不承认表明自己落选的选票统计数字是正确的。【认知】前缀为 re- ;词根为 -fut- (顷倒);核心含义为 制止;驳回;敲打 。

  reinforced v. 1.增援;增强,加强 2.补充,充实;增进 3.加固,补强

  【例句】The rescue effort was ~ by 12 experienced miners. 12名富有经验的矿工加强了营救工作的力量。【认知】词根为 -fort- (强;运气);如 comfort 与其同源。

  relentless a. 1.残酷的,无情的,无慈悲心的 2.不间断的,持续的;不屈不挠的

  【例句】Nothing and no one can destroy the Chinese people. They are the relentless survivous. They are the oldest civilized people on earth. Their civilization passes through phases but its basic characteristics remain the same. 任何事物、任何人都无法摧毁中国人民。他们是不屈不挠的求生者。他们是世界最早开化的民族。他们的文明经过了不同阶段,但其基本特征保持不变。【认知】词根 -lent- (松懈)为 -lax- 变体;如 relaxation 与其同源。

  reliability n. 可靠性

  【例句】The shifts of fortune test the reliability of friends. 命运的变化检验朋友的可靠程度。

  relieving a. 救助的, 救援的

  remarkably ad. 非常地, 显著地, 引人注目地

  【例句】People came remarkably long distances to attend the meeting. 人们从很远的地方来参加议会。

  remediable a. 可挽回的

  【认知】词根为 -med- (医疗;治理);如 medical 与其同源。

  reminder n. 提醒的人, 暗示

  【例句】The dead artist s paintings are a permanent reminder of his great talent. 这位已故画家的作品提醒人们永远记得他的伟大天才。

  renewing vt. 1.(使)更新, (使)恢复 2.重申, 补充, 续借

  replacement n. 1.代替,取代;接替;更换 2.归还;赔还;复归原位

  【例句】The ~ of this rare vase will take some time. 照原样赔还这只罕见的花瓶需费一些时间。

  reproachfully ad. 责备地

  【认知】词根为 -proach- (接近);如 approach 与其同源。

  reproduce v. 1.再生产;再制造 2.生殖,繁殖;繁育 3.复制 4.(在脑中)再现

  【例句】Art doesn t ~the visible but rather makes it visible. 艺术不是复制可见一事物,而是使之可见。

  reputed a. 1.名誉好的, 被称为 的, 有 名气的 2.挂名的, 号称的

  【认知】词根为 -pute- (思索;思考);如 disputed 与其同源。

  resemblance n. 1.相似;形似,相貌相似 2.相似之处;相似程度 3.形似物,摹本;肖像,画像

  【例句】Clever men are impressed in their differences from their fellows. Wise men are conscious of their ~ to them. 聪明人对自己不同于常人之处印象深刻,智者则意识到自己与常人相似的地方。【认知】前缀为 re- ;词根 -sem- 含义为 similar (像;相似)。



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