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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  objectively ad. 客观地【例句】a story told fairly and objectively 公正而客观的报

  observations n. 1.注意,觉察 2.观察,观测 3.(尤指经过观察或思考后所发表的)言论;评论

  【例句】Every science begins by accumulating observations, and presently generalizes these empirically. 各门科学以积累观察结果开始,旋即凭借经验对它们进行概括。

  obsession n. 1.着迷;困扰 2.困扰人的情绪(或思想、冲动等)

  【例句】the Western ~ with dieting西方对于节食减肥的着迷。【认知】前缀为 ob- 的用法;词根 sess 含义为 to sit (坐);核心含义为 包围;封锁 。

  obsolete a. 荒废的, 陈旧的

  【例句】Adults are obsolete children. 成人是陈旧的儿童。【认知】前缀为 ob- 的用法;词根 ol 与 old (老)同源;本词的核心意义与 to be used; away 具有关联性。

  offences n. 1.犯罪, 冒犯, 违反 2.罪过, 过错

  【例句】He took the criticism in the right spirit, without offence. 他以正确的态度对待批评,一点也不生气。

  operational a. 1.操作上的;用于操作的 2.经营上的,业务上的,营业上的 3.【数】运算上的;运筹的 4.作战上的;用于军事行动的

  【例句】Seek rotational assignments, especially if one will put you in a key operational role or close to the seat of power in corporate headquarterss. 争取人员轮换的工作岗位,特别是要由你发挥重要作用,或者接近公司总部权力中心的那些有权利的人。

  oppositions n. (~ to)反对, 敌对, 相反

  【例句】He will let no opposition stand between himself and his future. 他决不让任何人的反对妨碍他去争取自己的前途。

  optimist n. 乐天派, 乐观者

  【例句】An optimist is a person who sees a green light everywhere, while the pessimist sees only the red stop light but the truly wise person is colorblind. 乐观主义者是处处扯以绿灯的人,悲观主义者只看到红灯 而真正的智者是色盲。

  optimized n.(使)最优化

  organisms n. 1.生物,有机体 2.微生物 3.机体,有机组织

  【例句】Factories and cities are more complex ~ than self-sufficient villages.工厂和城市是比自给自足的村庄更复杂的机体。

  origins n. 起源;来源;由来,起因

  【例句】 This spring is the origin of the brook.这泉水是那条小河的源头。

  outcry n. 大声疾呼

  outlaws n. 1.歹徒,逃犯,亡命之徒 2.被剥夺法律保护者,被剥夺公民权者;被放逐者

  【例句】Monasteries were refuges for outlaws. 修道院曾是亡命之徒的庇护所。

  outnumbers n. 数目超过, 比 多

  【例句】In this department of English girls outnumber boys in a ridiculous ratio. 在这个英语系女学生以极不合理的比例多于男学生。

  outrage n.1.肆无忌惮的恶行,暴行 2.侮辱,凌辱;冒犯 3.粗暴破坏社会准则的行为;不法行为 4.(因暴行等而引起的)义愤,愤慨

  【例句】There have been more reports of bomb ~ s in the north of the country.关于那个国家北部炸弹暴行的报道更多了。

  outrageous a. 1.蛮横的, 残暴的 2.无耻的, 可恶的 3.令人不可容忍的

  【例句】I can t afford this outrageous price. 我出不起这么大的价钱。

  outweighs v. 在重量上超过

  【例句】Their vast superiority in speed would be easily outweighed by the extortionate running costs. 它们在速度方面的巨大优越性很可能就会被过分昂贵的经常开支所压倒。

  overestimate v. 评价过高

  overheard v. 无意中听到,偶然听到;偷听到

  【例句】I wouldn t like to be overheard. 我不想有人听到我的话。

  overlapping v. 重叠, 搭接

  【例句】If you made a list of the reasons why any couple got married, and another list of the reasons for their divorce, you d have a hell of a lot of overlapping. 如果将任意一对夫妇之所以结合的种种原因列为一张表,再将他们之所以离异的种种理由列成另一张表,你就会看到数量惊人的重叠之处

  oversight n. 1.勘漏, 失察, 疏忽, 失败 2.小心照顾

  【例句】I consider this a gross oversight on your part. 我认为这是你的严重蔬忽。

  oversimplified a. 过分地单纯化

  overthrow v. 1.推翻,打倒 2.使终止;破坏;毁灭 3.打翻;使倒下,撞倒

  【例句】They, that fear an ~, are half beaten. 那些害怕被推翻的人已被打败了一半。

  overturn v. 1.(使)翻转,(使)倾覆;(使)倒下,打翻 2.颠覆;推翻;破坏,毁坏

  【例句】His car crashed into a clump of trees and ~ ed. 他的汽车撞上树丛,翻倒在地。

  overused v. 使用过度

  【例句】Genius is an overused word. The world has known only about a half dozen geniuses. I have achieved only a medium approach to my ideal in music, I got only fairly near. 天才是个用滥了的词。世人皆知的天才只有大约半打。我的音乐只实现了一半。我只是相当接近了。

  overview n. 一般观察, 总的看法

  overwhelming a. 压倒性的, 无法抵抗的

  【例句】Nothing is easier than spending the public money. It does not appear to belong to anybody. The temptation is ~to bestow it on somebody. 花公款是最容易不过的事了。他似乎属于任何人。把它送给什么人的诱惑无法拒绝。



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