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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  成功 是SAT写作中的常见话题,但是成功却并不一定意味着好结果。关于这个话题有哪些素材事例可以使用呢?本文将介绍美国历史上的20世纪20年代的经济繁荣和曼哈顿计划。

  Theme: Success

  Thesis: A seemingly success cause bad consequence.

  Subject: The Roaring Twenties

  Detail: The Roaring Twenties wew a decade charaterized by a seemingly strong economy. The nation was nearer to the final triumph over poverty than ever before in the history of any land, as President Hoover stated. However, overproduction and underconsumption contributed to the desperate condition of farmers and unsound stock practice that meant that the price of securities had risen far beyond the value benhind them which together lauched America into the Great Depression, a time when high unemployment and prevalent pessimism dominated the country. The fragile economic success masked with a widespread optimism tuned the country into a purgatory.

  Subject: The Manhattan Project

  Detail: At the end of WWII, despite Japan s heavy losses,the leaders in Japan was reluctant to surrender. When Truman became president, he was informed of the U.S gorvenment s secret Manhattan Project which had designed an atomic bomb. On August 6, 1945, the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, resulting in nearly 130,000 casualties and the leveling of 90% of the city. Three days later, with no response from Japan, Truman authorized the second dropping on Nagaski, killing and wounding over 75,000 people. While this policy successfully ended the Pacific War which may cause even greater losses, it was a catastrophe to the local people who suffered from this atomic annihilation. It succeeded in bringing peace to the world at the cost of millions of innocent lives.




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