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发布时间:2011-12-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编

1、Today, together with theentire Party and the people of all ethnic groups in China, we are holding thisgrand meeting here to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and also to review the great course of China’s development and progress and look ahead at the bright future of development andprosperity for the country.
2、The CPC was founded 90years ago today, which was an epoch-making event in the history of the Chinesenation. From then on, the Chinese people embarked on the bright road of striving for independence and liberation and began the glorious pursuit ofprosperity and strength for the country and themselves.
全党全国各族人民:the entire Party and the people of all ethnic groups in China
在此隆重集会:hold this grand meeting here
庆祝中国共产党成立90周年:commerorate the 90th anniversary of founding of the Communist Party of China(CPC)
中国发展进步的伟大历程:the great course of China’s development and progress
中国发展繁荣的光明前景:the bright future of development and prosperity
开天辟地的大事件:epoch-making event
踏上了......的光明道路:embark on the bright road of...
争取民族独立、人民解放:strive for independence and liberation
开启.......的壮丽征程:begin the glorious pursuit of ...

1、Over the past 90 years, Chinese Communists and the people of all ethnic groups in China have, through indomitable struggles, achieved major successes in revolution, development and reform. Today, a vibrant socialist China has emerged in the East, and the 1.3 billion Chinese people are forging ahead full of confidence under the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
2、In the 170 plus years since the Opium War of 1840, our great country has weathered untold hardships, our great nation has waged earthshaking struggles, and our great people have scored splendid achievements in the annals of history.
3、Following the Opium War, China gradually became a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, and foreign powers stepped up their aggression against China. The feudal rule became increasingly corrupt, the country was devastated by incessant wars and turbulence, and the Chinese people suffered from hunger, cold, and oppression. To salvage China from subjugation was an urgent mission for the Chinese nation. And the Chinese people faced the historic tasks of winning independence and liberation, and making China strong and prosperous.
中国共产党人和全国人民:Chinese communists and people of all ethnics
through indomitablestruggles, achieved major successes in revolution, development and reform
这里的前赴后继不必直译为死了一个又上一个,前赴后继和顽强奋斗意思是重叠的,可译为:through indomitable struggles.
在中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜指引下:under the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics
Hold High the Great Banner of Socialism with Chinese Characteristic and Strive for New Victories in Building a Moderate Prosperous Society in all Respects.
中华民族伟大复兴:the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation
1840年鸦片战争:Opium War of 1840
伟大的国家、民族、人民:our great country/nation/people
经历刻骨铭心的磨难、进行感天动地的奋斗、创造彪炳史册的伟业:weather untold hardership, wage earthshaking struggles, score splendid achievements in the annals of history
逐步沦为半殖民地半封建社会:gradually became a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society
列强:foreign powers
对中国的侵略步步紧逼:step up their aggression against China
封建统治日益腐朽:fedual rule became increasing corrupt
祖国山河破碎、战乱不已,人民饥寒交迫、备受奴役: the country was devastated by incessant wars and turbulence, and the Chinese people suffered from hunger, cold, and oppression.
救亡图存:salvage China from subjugation

1、Not resigned to fate, the Chinese people launched one struggle after another, such as the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement, the Reform Movement of 1898, and the Yihetuan Movement, but all these struggles ended in failure. The Revolution of 1911 led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen put an end to the autocratic rule that had existed in China for several thousand years. This revolution greatly boosted China’s social progress, but it did not change the country’s nature as a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society or end the misery of the Chinese people.
2、In 1921, the CPC was born in the process of integrating Marxism-Leninism with the Chinese workers’ movement. The birth of the CPC was a natural product of the development ofmodern and contemporary Chinese history as well as the indomitable explorationof the Chinese people for survival of the nation. The birth of the CPC put the Chinese revolution on the right course, gave the Chinese people a powerful motivation and created bright prospects for China’s future development.
太平天国运动:Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement
戊戌变法:the Reform Movement of 1898
义和团运动:Yihetuan Movement
辛亥革命:the Revolution of 1911
孙中山:Dr Sun Yat-sen
半殖民地半封建社会的社会性质:the nature as a semi-colonia and semi-feudal society
马克思列宁主义同中国工人运动相结合:integrate Marxism-Leninism with the Chinese workers’s movement
近现代中国历史:modern and conemporary Chinese history
顽强求索:indomitable exploration

our Party, firmly relying on the people, completed the new-democratic revolution, winning national independence and liberation of the people. The Party and the people fought through the Northern Expedition, the Agrarian Revolutionary War, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation in 28 years, during which they defeated Japanese imperialist aggressors, overthrew the Kuomintang reactionary rule and established the People’s Republic of China. With the founding of New China, the Chinese people became masters of their country and society and determined their own destiny. China achieved a great transition from a feudal autocracy that was several thousand years old to a people’s democracy. Great unity and unprecedented solidarity of all ethnic groups were realized in China. The history of old China being a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society which was like a heap of loose sand was brought to an end once and for all. The unequal treaties imposed on China by imperialist powers and all the privileges they had in China were abolished. The Chinese people stood up, and the Chinese nation entered a new era of development and progress.

1、我们创造性地实现由新民主主义到社会主义的转变,使占世界人口四分之一的东 方大国进入社会主义社会,实现了中国历史上最广泛最深刻的社会变革。我们建立起独立的比较完整的工业体系和国民经济体系,积累了在中国这样一个社会生产力水平十分落后的东方大国进行社会主义建设的重要经验。
1、We creatively achieved the transition from New Democracy to socialism, therefore creating a socialist society for a quarter of the world’s population in this large country in the East, and brought about the most extensive and profound social changes in Chinese history. We established industrial and economic systems that were independent and fairly complete, and we gained important experience of building socialism in China, a country with backward productive forces.
2、What has happened shows that in the great cause of China’s social development and progress since modern times, history and the people have chosen the CPC, Marxism, the socialist road, and the reform and opening up policy.
新民主主义到社会主义的转变:the transition from New Democracy to socialism
广泛深刻的变革:extensive and profound social changes
工业体系和国民经济体系:industrial and economic systems
事实证明:what has happened shows that...
近代:modern times

以毛泽东同志为核心的党的第一代中央领导集体团结带领全党全 国各族人民,夺取了新民主主义革命的伟大胜利,确立了社会主义基本制度,为当代中国一切发展进步奠定了根本政治前提和制度基础。以邓小平同志为核心的党的 第二代中央领导集体团结带领全党全国各族人民,开启了改革开放的伟大历程,吹响了建设中国特色社会主义的时代号角,开辟了社会主义事业发展新时期。以江泽 民同志为核心的党的第三代中央领导集体团结带领全党全国各族人民,坚持改革开放、与时俱进,引领改革开放的航船沿着正确方向破浪前进,成功把中国特色社会 主义伟大事业推向21世纪。
The Party’s first generation of central collective leadership with Comrade Mao Zedong at the core united with and led the entire Party and the people of all ethnic groups in achieving the great victory of the new-democratic revolution, establishing the basic socialist system and creating the fundamental political prerequisite and institutional foundation for all development and progress in contemporary China. The Party’s second generation of central collective leadership with Comrade Deng Xiaoping at the core united with and led the entire Party and the people of all ethnic groups in starting the great march toward reform and opening up, sounding the bugle of the times for building socialism with Chinese characteristics and ushering in a new period of socialist development. The Party’s third generation of central collective leadership with Comrade Jiang Zemin at the core united with and led the entire Party and the people of all ethnic groups in steadfastly carrying out reform and opening up, advancing with the times, guiding reform and opening up to move in the right direction, and successfully ushering the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics into the 21st century.
以······为核心:with...at the core
第一代中央领导集体:first generation of central collective leadership
团结领导全党全国各族人民:unite with and lead the entire party and the people of all ethnic groups
确立社会主义基本制度:establish the basic socialist system
奠定根本政治前提和制度基础:creat the fundamental political prerequisite and institutional foundation
吹响······的时代号角:sound the bugle of the times
开启改革开放的伟大征程:start the great march toward reform and opening up



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