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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Zooplankton, tiny animals adapted to an existence in the ocean, have evolved clever mechanisms for obtaining their food, miniscule phytoplankton . A very specialized feeding adaptation in zooplankton is that of the tadpolelike appendicularian who lives in a walnut-sized balloon of mucus equipped with filters that capture and concentrate phytoplankton. The balloon, a transparent structure that varies in design according to the type of appendicularian in habiting it, also protects the animal and helps to keep it afloat. Water containing phytoplankton is pumped by the appendicularians muscular tail into the balloons incurrent filters, passes through the feeding filter where the appendicularian sucks the food into its mouth, and then goes through an exit passage. Found in all the oceans of the world, including the Arctic Ocean, appendicularians tend to remain near the waters surface where the density of phytoplankton is greatest.

  17. It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following is true of appendicularians?

   They are exclusively carnivorous.

   They have more than one method of obtaining food.

   They can tolerate frigid water.

   They can disguise themselves by secreting mucus.

   They are more sensitive to light than are other zooplankton.

  18. The author is primarily concerned with

   explaining how appendicularians obtain food

   examining the flotation methods of appendicularians

   mapping the distribution of appendicularians around the world

   describing how appendicularians differ from other zooplankton

   comparing the various types of balloons formed by appendicularians

  19. According to the passage, all of the following are descriptive of appendicularians EXCEPT:






  20. The passage suggests that appendicularians tend to remain in surface waters because they

   prefer the warmer water near the surface

   are unable to secrete mucus at the lower levels of the ocean

   use the contrast of light and shadow at the surface to hide from predators

   live in balloons that cannot withstand he water pressure deeper in the ocean

   eat food that grows more profusely near the surface

  Students of United States history, seeking to identify the circumstances that encouraged the emergence of feminist movements, have thoroughly investigated the mid-nineteenth-century American economic and social conditions that affected the status of women. These historians, however, have analyzed less fully the development of specifically feminist ideas and activities during the same period. Furthermore, the ideological origins of feminism in the United States have been obscured because, even when historians did take into account those feminist ideas and activities occurring within the United States, they failed to recognize that feminism was then a truly international movement actually centered in Europe. American feminist activists who have been described as solitary and individual theorists were in reality connected to a movementutopian socialismwhich was already popularizing feminist ideas in Europe during the two decades that culminated in the first womens rights conference held at Seneca Falls, New York, in 1848. Thus, a complete understanding of the origins and development of nineteenth-century feminism in the United States requires that the geographical focus be widened to include Europe and that the detailed study already made of social conditions be expanded to include the ideological development of feminism.

  The earliest and most popular of the utopian socialists were the Saint-Simonians. The specifically feminist part of Saint-Simonianism has, however, been less studied than the groups contribution to early socialism. This is regrettable on two counts. By 1832 feminism was the central concern of Saint-Simonianism and entirely absorbed its adherents energy; hence, by ignoring its feminism, European historians have misunderstood Saint-Simonianism. Moreover, since many feminist ideas can be traced to Saint-Simonianism, European historians appreciation of later feminism in France and the United States remained limited.

  Saint-Simons followers, many of whom were women, based their feminism on an interpretation of his project to reorganize the globe by replacing brute force with the rule of spiritual powers. The new world order would be ruled together by a male, to represent reflection, and a female, to represent sentiment. This complementarity reflects the fact that, while the Saint-Simonians did not reject the belief that there were innate differences between men and women, they nevertheless foresaw an equally important social and political role for both sexes in their utopia.

  Only a few Saint-Simonians opposed a definition of sexual equality based on gender distinction. This minority believed that individuals of both sexes were born similar in capacity and character, and they ascribed male-female differences to socialization and education. The envisioned result of both currents of thought, however, was that women would enter public life in the new age and that sexual equality would reward men as well as women with an improved way of life.

  21. It can be inferred that the author considers those historians who describe early feminists in the United States as solitary to be

   insufficiently familiar with the international origins of nineteenth-century American feminist thought

   overly concerned with the regional diversity of feminist ideas in the period before 1848

   not focused narrowly enough in their geographical scope

   insufficiently aware of the ideological consequences of the Seneca Falls conference

   insufficiently concerned with the social conditions out of which feminism developed

  22. According to the passage, which of the following is true of the Seneca Falls conference on womens rights?

   It was primarily a product of nineteenth-century Saint-Simonian feminist thought.

   It was the work of American activists who were independent of feminists abroad.

   It was the culminating achievement of the utopian socialist movement.

   It was a manifestation of an international movement for social change and feminism.

   It was the final manifestation of the womens rights movement in the United States in the nineteenth century.

  23. The authors attitude toward most European historians who have studied the Saint-Simonians is primarily one of

   approval of the specific focus of their research

   disapproval of their lack of attention to the issue that absorbed most of the Saint-Simonians energy after 1832

   approval of their general focus on social conditions

   disapproval of their lack of attention to links between the Saint-Simonians and their American counterparts

   disagreement with their interpretation of the Saint-Simonian belief in sexual equality

  24. The author mentions all of the following as characteristic of the Saint-Simonians EXCEPT:

   The group included many women among its members.

   The group believed in a world that would be characterized by sexual equality.

   The group was among the earliest European socialist groups.

   Most members believed that women should enter public life.

   Most members believed that women and men were inherently similar in ability and character.

  25. It can be inferred from the passage that the Saint-Simonians envisioned a utopian society having which of the following characteristics?

   It would be worldwide.

   It would emphasize dogmatic religious principles.

   It would most influence the United States.

   It would have armies composed of women rather than of men.

   It would continue to develop new feminist ideas.

  26. It can be inferred from the passage that the author believes that study of Saint-Simonianism is necessary for historians of American feminism because such study

   would clarify the ideological origins of those feminist ideas that influenced American feminism

   would increase understanding of a movement that deeply influenced the utopian socialism of early American feminists

   would focus attention on the most important aspect of Saint-Simonian thought before 1832

   promises to offer insight into a movement that was a direct outgrowth of the Seneca Falls conference of 1848

   could increase understanding of those ideals that absorbed most of the energy of the earliest American feminists

  27. According to the passage, which of the following would be the most accurate description of the society envisioned by most Saint-Simonians?

   A society in which women were highly regarded for their extensive education

   A society in which the two genders played complementary roles and had equal status

   A society in which women did not enter public life

   A social order in which a body of men and women would rule together on the basis of their spiritual power

   A social order in which distinctions between male and female would not exist and all would share equally in political power




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