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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  An intelligent car

  Driving needs sharp eyes, keen ears, quick brain, and coordination between hands and the brain. Many human drivers have all __1__ and can control a fast-moving car. But how does an intelligent car control itself?

  There is a virtual driver in the smart car. This virtual driver has eyes,brains,hands and feet,too. The mini-cameras __2__ each side of the car are his eyes, which observe the road and conditions ahead of it. They watch the __3__ to the cars left and right. There is also a highly __4__ driving system in the car. It is the built-in computer, which is the virtual drivers brain. His brain calculates the speeds of __5__ moving cars near it and analyzes their positions. Basing on this information, it chooses the right __6__ for the intelligent cars, and gives __7__ to the handsand feetsto act accordingly. In this way, the virtual driver controls his car.

  What is the virtual drivers best advantage? He reacts __8__. The mini-cameras are __9__ images continuously to the brain. It __10__ the processing of the images within 100 milliseconds. However, the worlds best drier __11__ needs one second to react. __12__, when he takes action, he needs one more second.

  The virtual driver is really wonderful. He can reduce the accident __13__ considerably on expressway. In this case. Can we let him have the wheel at any time and in any place? Experts __14__ that we cannot do that just yet. His ability to recognize things is still __15__. He can now only drive an intelligent car on expressways.

  1. A. these B. them C. this D. that

  2. A. within B. above C. to D. on

  3. A. police B. traffic C. trucks D. buses

  4. A. mechanical B. moveable C. automatic D. electronic

  5. A. another B. other C. each other D. one another

  6. A. line B.lane C. track D. path

  7. A. space B.locations C. instructions D. time

  8. A.quickly B. cleverly C. virtually D. safely

  9. A.bringing B. taking C. sending D. carrying

  10. A. selects B. completes C.uses D. tests

  11. A. at least B. at most C. at last D. at best

  12. A. So B. However C. Besides D. Therefore

  13. A. count B. amount C. digit D. rate

  14. A. warn B. suggest C. invite D. check

  15. A. unknown B. few C. untested D. limited

  解析:1.A. 解析:根据all的习惯搭配结构:all + 指示代词, 因此首先排除B。 结合前句内容,空格处的代词应该指代前句中提到的敏锐的眼睛和耳朵, 反应迅速的大脑, 手和大脑之间的协调, 因此应该选择指代复数的指示代词these.

  2.D. 解析:与side 搭配的介词是on.

  3.B. 解析:空格所在的句子说它们观察智能车左右两侧的..., B放入空格中最恰当。

  补充: to:在

  e.g. The village lies to在 the east of the woods.

  4.C. 借助空格所在局部搭配结构高度...,直接判断高度自动化的搭配通顺,因此C 是答案。

  5.B. 解析:B和C都是彼此, 相互,互为近义词, 所以相互排除掉; 空格后出现的是复数名词, 因此B是答案。

  6.A/D.解析:空格所在的局部机构说根据这个信息, 它为智能车选择合适的..., 因此判断A 和D合适。


  8.A. 解析:空格所在的句子说他...反应,结合前句内容及常识判断A最可能成为答案。

  9.C. 解析:空格所在的句子说小型照相机连续地把图像...到大脑, 因此C放在空格中合适。

  10.B. 解析:空格所在的句子说它在100毫秒的时间里...图像的处理, 根据该句内容判断B是答案。

  11. A。 解析:B和D是近义短语结构, 因此相互排除掉。 空格所在的句子说然而, 世界上最好的司机做出反应...需要1秒钟, 因此判断A是答案。 第10题和第11题所在的句子把虚拟司机和人类最好的司机进行反应速度的对比,显然这是利用具体事实的分析以论证该段开头部分的观点句, 因此进一步肯定第8题的答案是quickly。

  12.C. 解析:因为前一句已经是however引导的表示转折关系的句子, 因此不可能接着又出现however引导的另一转折句,所以首先排除B。 空格位于句首,而且有一个逗号与句子其他部分隔开, 因此空格处应该出现逻辑副词。 A 和D在用作逻辑副词的用法和词义上接近, 因此相互排除, 因此答案为C。 从空格所在句子的句意上看, 该句引出另一信息, 因此从句意上判断也需要besides 引出表示递进关系的句子。

  13.D. 解析:直接借助空格所在的局部搭配结构判断发生率)是答案。

  14.A. 解析:空格所在的句子说专家...我们现在还不能这么做, 因此判断A是答案。

  15.D. 解析:空格所在的句子说他识别不同东西的能力仍然还..., 空格后句说他现在只能驾驶智能车在高速路上行使。 既然能在高速路上行使,则其应该具备一定识别物体的能力, 而且应该已经经过检测, 因此排除A和C未经试验的); few应该修饰可数名词的复数形式, 而句子主语是单数, 因此排除B, 答案是D。



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