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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  Keep off the grass! 请勿践踏草地!

  Do not touch these wires. 请勿接触电线!

  Do not feed the animals! 不许给动物扔食物!

  Do not feed the lions. 请勿向狮子投喂食物!



  Walk to the corner, turn right and cross the road. 走到那个拐角,然后向右拐穿过马路。

  Go straight on and youll see a church. 径直往前走,你会看到一座教堂。

  Take the 2nd turning on the left and then turn right. 在第二个拐角处向左,然后再向右拐。



  Beware of the dog! 当心狗!

  Beware of pickpockets. 小心扒手。

  Look out! Mind your head! 小心! 当心头!

  Take care not to catch cold. 小心别着凉。

  Look out! Theres a bus! 当心! 有公共汽车!

  Always keeps to your promise. 一定要遵守诺言。

  Remember to switch off all the lights. 记着把所有的灯关掉。

  Do not use this spray neat a naked flame. 别在火焰附近使用这种喷射剂。

  Always look in the mirror before starting to drive. 一定要先看看反光镜再开车。

  Be there on time otherwise youll create a bad impression 要准时来,否则你会给人一个坏的印象。


  Dont panic! 别慌!

  Dont lose the key. 别把钥匙丢了。

  Dont ever do that again. 别再这样做了。

  Dont tell anybody, will you? 不要告诉任何人,好吗?

  尤其要注意一些以 Never 开头的祈使句。如:

  Never say die. 不要气馁!

  Never speak to strangers! 不要跟陌生人说话!

  Never do that again. 再不要这样做了。

  Never ask her about her marriage. 决不要问她结婚的事。

  Never buy expensive clothes. 决不要买贵重的衣裳。

  Never touch an electric wire when it is broken. 绝不要动断了的电线。

  Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you. 不要无事惹事。

  Never hold a gun by the business end. 拿枪千万别拿枪口那端。

  Never identity opinions with facts. 绝不要把意见和事实等同起来。

  Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. 今日事,今日毕。

  Never leave a silk shirt to the tender mercies of an automatic washing-machine. 切勿用自动洗衣机洗绸衬衫。

  Never pay the advertised price for a car; always try to bargain. 千万不要照牌价购买汽车,总得讲讲价才是。


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