阿里巴巴校招发布通知称,由于集团人才战略调整,阿里巴巴 2016 校招名额确定将要缩减,各岗位将执行更加严格的 “择优录取标准。
An Alibaba Group Holding Ltd stand at a talent fair in Wuhan, Hubei province. The e-commerce company said it has given 1,407 job offers to graduates and will have more to offer this year. [Photo/IC]
Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding Ltd has announced a cut in its campus recruitment quota in 2016.
“校招名额可以用campus recruitment quota 表示,校招也就是校园招聘(campus recruitment),一般指招聘组织(企业等)通过各种方式招聘各类各层次应届毕业生。Quota指配额,如销售配额(sales quota)。在英国,校园招聘还可以用milk round表示,在英国,牛奶直接投递上门是存在了很久的一个传统。因此,在20世纪60年代中期,当很多公司开始走访校园并直接向毕业求职的学生们宣讲招聘计划时,milk round这个叫法就应运而生了。
阿里巴巴发布通知称,由于集团人才战略调整(due to changes in the group's talent strategy),阿里巴巴 2016 校招名额确定将要缩减,各岗位将执行更加严格的 “择优录取(to enroll or employ on the basis of competitive selection) 标准,也就是说,按原定名额有很大几率被录取的同学,现在不得不面临更加激烈的竞争(those who were likely to be recruited will have to face tougher competition)。
由于校招的渠道顺序是“内推(internal referral))-实习生(internship)-校招(campus recruitment),而现在内推渠道已经占用了一部分的名额,想要拿到offer竞争激烈。
上一篇: 世界教师节:在教师节学会感恩
下一篇: 我国股市拟引入“熔断机制”