There’s a “culture of walking and texting on the Utah Valley University campus, according toconversations with students, but that’s not the main reason Matt Bambrough, the creativedirector at UVU, came up with an idea to paint a “texting lane on a staircase leading up to thebrand-new Student and Wellness Center. According to Bambrough, it’s first and foremost adesign project—the texting lane was a tongue-in-cheek reference to the college-wideepidemic of kids walking around with their faces buried in their iPhones。
“You have 18-24 year olds walking down the hall with smartphones, you’re almost bound to runinto someone somewhere; it’s something we’re dealing with in this day and age, Bambroughsaid. “But (preventing collisions) isn’t the reason we did it—we did it to engage the students.It’s meant to be there for people to look at and enjoy。
Still, when talking to a few Utah Valley students, it sounds like texting and walking can be quitethe annoyance。
Robbie Poffenberger, an assistant news editor at the UVU Review, said that most collisions hewitnesses aren’t human-on-human; rather, it’s generally human-on-inanimate-object。
“They walk into barriers—chairs on the side of the hallway, or railings, Poffenberger said. “I’msure they’re fairly embarrassed。
Poffenberger admits he’s not innocent—I’m not perfect, he says。
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