Russian supermodel Kristina Pimenova is a beautiful girl. There's no doubt about that, but the problem is her age, which let's just say is quite young.
Young Kristina, dubbed the "World's Youngest Supermodel" and the "Most Beautiful Girl in the World" by fans, is years away from being a teenager.
That's right, not an adult, a teenager. She's nine. 9!! Single digits (!?!?)
Kristina's mom, Glikeriya Shirokova, handles her social media accounts, which includes more than 2 million fans on Facebook and 400,000 on Instagram.
The mother, herself a former Russian model, has been criticized for her eyebrow-raising choices, like sharing photos of her little girl in short shorts.
Some users have described her Kristina's pictures as "creepy" while others are sad, angry and concerned for the girl's future.
"Parents like you are the reason why girls grow up to have many issues... also there are so many sick people out their that look at these in sexual ways."
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