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发布时间:2015-08-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Saudi Arabia is returning to the bond market with aplan to raise $27bn by the end of the year, in thestarkest sign yet of the strain lower oil prices areputting on the finances of the world’s largest oilexporter.


Bankers say the kingdom’s central bank has beensounding out demand for an issuance of around20bn Saudi riyals ($5.3bn) a month in bonds — in tranches of five, seven and ten years — forthe rest of the year.




Fahad al-Mubarak, the governor of the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (Sama), said in July thatRiyadh had already issued its first $4bn in local bonds, the first sovereign issuance since 2007.But the latest plans represent a major expansion of that programme, which bankers believecould even extend into 2016, given the outlook for the oil price.

沙特阿拉伯货币局(SAMA)局长法赫德穆巴拉克(Fahad al-Mubarak)在7月表示,利雅得方面已经以地方债形式发行了第一笔40亿美元债券,这是自2007年以来沙特政府首次发行主权债券。但沙特最新的发债计划表明该计划将大举扩大,鉴于油价前景,银行家们认为发债甚至可能延续到2016年。

Saudi Arabia’s resort to further domestic borrowing highlights the challenges facing theregion’s largest economy amid one of the steepest falls in the oil price in recent decades. Brent,the international benchmark, has dropped from $115 a barrel in June last year to around $50this week.


Oil’s decline accelerated last November when Opec, the producers’ cartel, decided not to cutoutput, a major departure from its traditional policy of trimming production to prop upprices. Saudi Arabia said it was an attempt to defend market share.


But the decision to ride out a sustained period of lower prices has put a huge strain on thefinances of major oil exporters, including Saudi Arabia, which requires an oil price of $105 abarrel to balance its budget.


The kingdom has drained $65bn of its fiscal reserves to maintain government spending sincethe oil price plunge began. Sama has $672bn in foreign reserves, down from a peak of $737bnlast August. The plan to resort to capital markets, if confirmed, demonstrates the priorityRiyadh is placing on maintaining government spending, despite the pressure cheap oil isputting on its budget. The monthly bond issuance plan would only cover part of the deficit,which economists estimate will reach 400bn Saudi riyals this year amid falling revenues andcontinuing high expenditure on infrastructure projects, public sector wages and the war inYemen.


“This is all about rebalancing away from the reserves — using some debt to help make up thebudget deficit, said one banker aware of the plan.



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