Research has revealed that people often makesweeping judgments of others based on the size andshape of their facial features。
For instance, individuals with feminine-looking or naturally happy faces are consistentlythought of as more trustworthy。
While competence, dominance and friendliness are also associated with specific facial traits,including larger foreheads, prominent noses and strong chins。
And now researchers from Carnegie Mellon University have warned that ‘face-ism’ can leadpeople to make rash decisions, from voting for a particular politician to convicting someoneof a crime。
Political candidates with naturally competent-looking faces, such as Barack Obama, were morelikely to win elections than those who looked less competent。
While, 'babyface’ features, characterised by a round face, large eyes and a small nose and chinare generally seen as a sign of incompetence. The reverse is true for strong, mature faces。
Company chief executives who looked competent had a better chance of being hired by largesuccessful companies, even when they performed no better than less competent-looking rivals,said the researchers。
In the military, having a dominant, masculine face appeared to be a ticket to higher rankattainment。
Elsewhere, research has shown that people considered to be untrustworthy and dishonesttend to have sunken cheeks, furrowed brows and eyes set close together。
In contrast, a smiling face with prominent cheekbones and high eyebrows suggeststrustworthiness and honesty。
Research suggests that ‘face-ism’ can be combated by providing more relevant information,such as the past behaviour of a political candidate, said the experts。
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