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发布时间:2015-07-08  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Beyoncé is one of the most influential women in the world – and it appears even skyscrapers want to look like her.


Australian architect firm Elenberg Fraser wanted to design a 'flawless' building, so logically chose to draw inspiration from one of the US popstar's film clips for a new building, set to join Melbourne's streets.

澳大利亚建筑设计公司Elenberg Fraser打算在墨尔本设计一座“完美建筑,因此该公司按照一定的逻辑,选择从这位美国流行歌手的音乐短片中汲取新大楼的设计灵感。



The curvaceous shape of 226 metre skyrise Premier Tower is groundbreaking – and inspired by a scene in filmclip for 'Ghost', in which Beyonce writhes around while stuck in a grey, skin-tight bag. The innovative $350 million Melbourne high-rise will soon join the city's landscape and is set to begin construction on Spencer Street opposite from the CBD's Southern Cross station.

Premier Tower高226米,大楼的曲线形外观颇具开拓性。其设计灵感来自《Ghost》MV中碧昂丝被困在灰色紧身袋中扭动身体的场景。这座创意设计大厦耗资3.5亿美元,不久,这座大厦将成为墨尔本市一道风景。大厦将在斯宾塞街动工,对面是墨尔本CBD南十字星火车站。

'We will reveal that the form does pay homage to something more aesthetic – we're going to trust you've seen the music video for Beyoncé's Ghost,' the company revealed in a statement, after winning approval to build the Spencer Street skyrise in May. The award winning, world class architects were so moved by Queen Bey's greyscale, artistic clip for a song from her 2013 album XO that they push the boundaries aesthetically with their gravity-defying, twisted building.

Elenberg Fraser公司5月中标后发布声明称,“我们会让大家看到,大厦外观确实是向更具美感的事物致敬,相信大家都看过碧昂丝的《Ghost》MV吧!世界一流的获奖建筑家们被《Ghost》MV中极具艺术感的灰色画面所触动,他们从美学角度打破常规,设计出了违背地心引力的曲线形建筑。《Ghost》出自碧昂丝2013年的专辑《XO》。

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Is Melbourne ready for this jelly? 68-storey skyscraper inspired by Beyonce video and her famous curves gets the go-ahead

中国日报网 2015-07-08 14:26





In the Ghost film clip, faceless contortionists twist around while trapped inside stretchy material covering their entire bodies. Their shapes are very reminiscent of the building's structures. Beyoncé also wears flowing black silk in the video as she twists around in front of a wind machine.


The incredible shape of the building isn't just because the developers love pop music, but also has a complex explanation from an engineering point.




'The complex form – a vertical cantilever – is actually the most effective way to redistribute the building's mass, giving the best results in terms of structural dispersion, frequency oscillation and wind requirements,' the artists explain for those scientifically-inclined. 'Art and science? You betcha.'


The design is also a solution to climate, wind and other limitations which arose from the site in the western end of Melbourne's CBD.


The 68-storey structure will boast 660 apartments and a 160-room hotel.



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