China and Russia have decoded intelligence secretscontained in the cache of documents held by thewhistleblower Edward Snowden, leading to Britishspies being recalled from dangerous postings,according to government officials.
英国政府官员称,中国和俄罗斯破译了泄密者爱德华•斯诺登(Edward Snowden)带走的加密文件所含的情报秘密,致使英国从危险岗位撤回间谍。
Whitehall aides said operatives have had to bemoved after Moscow gained access to more than 1mintelligence documents held by Mr Snowden, whofled to Russia after leaking some of those documents to the Guardian newspaper. They addedthat Beijing had also cracked the encrypted documents.
Officials said moving agents had prevented the UK obtaining important information, althoughthey added that nobody had been harmed by the security breach.
One Home Office official told the Sunday Times newspaper that Mr Snowden had “blood on hishands as a result of the leak. Downing Street and the Home Office official told the SundayTimes: “His documents were encrypted but they weren’t completely secure and we have nowseen our agents and assets being targeted.
英国内政部(Home Office)一位官员向《星期日泰晤士报》(Sunday Times)表示,泄密使斯诺登“背负血债。首相府及内政部官员向《星期日泰晤士报》称:“他的文件是加密的,但是它们并非完全安全,我们已看到我方的特工及‘资产’成为目标。
Mr Snowden, who worked for the US National Security Agency, triggered a manhunt by theAmerican security services after leaking information about the mass collection of online databy agencies in both the US and the UK.
曾为美国国家安全局(US National Security Agency)工作的斯诺登,在泄露了关于美国和英国情报机构收集大量网络数据的情况后,遭到了美国安全部门的追捕。
The ramifications of those revelations continue to be felt. This month, the US Senate voted tobar the government from collecting phone records from millions of its citizens, while stillawarding security agencies tools to collect other online information for terrorism-relatedinvestigations.
The news about the Russian and Chinese decryption comes days after a report by DavidAnderson QC into the government’s terrorism legislation, which recommended that Britishintelligence agencies should be allowed to continue to collect bulk internet data as long aswarrants were approved by judges rather than ministers.
在俄罗斯和中国破译斯诺登文件的资讯传出几天前,御用大律师戴维·安德森(David Anderson QC)在一份有关英国政府恐怖主义立法的报告中建议,只要由法官(而非部长级官员)批准授权,英国情报机构应该被允许继续收集大量互联网数据。
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