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发布时间:2014-03-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编

查字典英语口语频道为大家整理的商务英语口语大全:邀请赴宴,供大家参考:) 1.商务建议

宴请是一种常见的商务礼仪社交活动。宴请活动一般先发出请柬。这既是礼貌,亦对客人起到提醒、备忘的作用。如果是口头邀请,则要注意礼貌措辞,发出邀请时的一句1 wonder if you have any plans for tomorrow's evening?使对方有了按自己的日程欣然赴约的可能,而We really want to play host.亦可表达出邀请的诚意。


A:Mr.Jacobs,you are leaving Hangzhou the day after tomorrow,I wonder if you have any plans for tomorrow evening? 杰卡布先生,您后天就要离开杭州了,不知您明晚有没有什么安排?

B:Not yet at the moment.Why? 目前还没有。怎么了?

A:If not,our Managing Director would have the pleasure of inviting you to a dinner party? 如果没有的话,我们总经理想请您参加一个晚宴。

B:Oh, really? That isn't necessary at all. 是吗,真的不用了。

A:We really want to play host.This is your invitation card. 我们非常想尽地主之谊。这是您的邀请函。play host 尽地主之谊

B:How nice of you! 你们太客气了。

A:The party will be held at Plaza Hotel at seven o'clock. Is that the convenient hour for you? 晚宴将于明晚七点在广场酒店举行。时间方便吗?

B:Yes. It's very kind of you. Thank you for your invitation,I'll be most delighted to go. 时间很好,非常感谢你们的邀请。我很愿意参加。delighted a.欣喜的,欢乐的

A:Well, shall I pick you up at five o'clock tomorrow afternoon? 好的,明天下午五点我来接你好吗?

B:That's fine, but won't it be troublesome for you? 那太好了,但会不会太麻烦你们了?troublesome a.麻烦的

A:No, no trouble at all, it's my pleasure. 一点也不,这是我的荣幸。

B:OK.Shall I wait in the lounge of the hotel. 好的,我在酒店大厅等着你吗?lounge n.大厅

A:Oh,no.I will grve you a ring whEn I arrive. 不用了,我到了会给你打电话。

B:Good,thank you very much. See you then. 非常感谢,到时见!

A:See you then. 到时见。


Do you have any plans for tomorrow evening? 明晚有何安排?

Are you doinganything special tonight? 今晚有何特别安排?

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow night. 我们期待明晚与你们见面。

If you insiist. 恭敬不如从命。

4.商务英语情景词汇 menu 菜单,菜谱 wine list 酒单 wait at table 侍候用餐 clear the table 收拾桌子,撤桌 napkin,serviette 餐巾 tea service,tea set 茶具 coffee sennce, coffee set 咖啡具 cutlery 餐具 main course 主菜 fast food 快餐 sweet dessert 甜食 snack 点心,小吃 high tea 傍晚茶点 lay the table,set the table摆桌 afternoo on tea 下午茶(4-5点钟) entrée [英]两道正菜间的小菜[ 结 束 ]


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