A year's plan lies in spring, and a day's plan lies in the morning. I love the morning, I love the morning on campus.
每天清晨,我们学校的大门口每位家长送孩子的摩托车、自行车、电动车的声音,勾成了一曲美妙动听的交响乐。同学都背着书包,戴着红领巾,精神抖擞的陆续入校,沉睡了一夜的校园一下子热闹起来。每天轮流打扫卫生的同学为了使校园更加美丽、清新。她们一个个干得热火朝天。瞧!有的在认真、仔细的扫地, 有的在清理垃圾筒、还有的在擦拭走廊阳台上的灰尘,不一会儿整个校园被他们清理的干干净净。
Look! The students in the classroom are rushing to read early! Suddenly, the whole campus is full of books.
When the morning exercise bell rang, the students quickly put down their books, immediately lined up in a neat line, and all of them came to the playground with their heads held high. With the melodious music, we seemed to be the newly released Eagles dancing, ah! What a beautiful picture.
I love the noisy and beautiful campus morning!