放宽新能源汽车限购的英文表达是relax curbs on new energy vehicle purchases,限购就是curb the purchase或purchase restrictions。实行汽车限购政策的地区每年将设定汽车购买配额
"In the second half of this year, China will further improve the environment for private investment and adopt more supportive policies to encourage private sector engagement in epidemic response, public health, logistics, emergency stockpiles and other weak links. More efforts are also needed to facilitate bank lending for the private sector," Ning said.
Ning said the country will push ahead with major investment in new infrastructure, new-type urbanization and key projects for national development such as transport and water infrastructure, and focus on weak links in fields such as public health, emergency medical supplies, transportation and energy.
智能汽车 smart vehicles
插电式混合动力汽车 plug-in hybrid electric vehicle
纯电动汽车 battery electric vehicles
燃料电池汽车 fuel-cell electric vehicles
充电桩 charging station
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