与时俱进 2016年应该这样写简历-查字典英语网
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与时俱进 2016年应该这样写简历

发布时间:2020-05-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编


“In today’s job market, your resume needs to immediately stand out,” says Dawn Bugni, a professional resume writer in Wilmington, N.C. Attention spans are at an all-time short, with hiring managers spending just six seconds looking at a resume before deciding whether the applicant is worth further consideration, a recent study by TheLadders found. (That’s if a human looks at it at all; before your application even reaches a hiring manager, it usually has to make it past an automated applicant tracking system.)

“如今人才竞争激烈,简历要有特点才能获得关注。”美国北卡罗来纳州威尔明顿市的撰写简历专家道恩•布尼表示。美国知名求职招聘网站TheLadders最近的一项研究发现,人们集中注意力的时间越发短暂,招聘的人事经理只看简历六秒钟就已经完成第一轮筛选。 As hiring continues to increase, job seekers will face stiff competition this year. Follow the tips below to make your resume shine in 2016.


1. Enhance your contact information.


Put simply: hiring managers are busy; make their job easier by hyperlinking your email address so that you’re only one click away, says Wendy Enelow, co-author of Modernize Your Resume: Get Noticed…Get Hired. Bear in mind that you expose yourself to identify theft if you include your full mailing address, says Enelow, so only put your city, state, and zip code on your resume. Also, use active links to your LinkedIn profile and any other social media accounts that are fit for recruiters.


2. Make the page “pop.”


Depending on the industry, you can distinguish your resume by punching up the design, but exercise caution: a graphic artist, for example, has more creative leeway than an accountant. Enelow’s co-author Louise Kursmark recommends using color to make your resume unique. To stay professional, consider making only section headers blue, for example, and leaving the rest in black, Kursmark suggests. And replace the outdated Times New Roman with a more modern font such as Cambria, Calibri, or Georgia, Enelow says. (As standard typefaces, they translate well between operating systems.)

根据不同行业的特点,可以通过强化设计感让简历出彩,但这招要慎用:比方说平面设计师的简历比会计的简历有更多的创意空间。与伊尼罗合著的作者路易斯•克斯马克建议,用不同的颜色让简历与众不同。他认为,要凸显职业感,可以考虑只在抬头部分用蓝色字体,其他内容的字体还都是黑色。伊尼罗则是建议,不妨用Cambria、Calibri或者Georgia等更常用的字体,而不是老气横秋的Times New Roman。 3. Ditch the objective statement…


Today’s hiring managers aren’t concerned with what is it you’re looking for—they’re focused on finding the right hire. Thus, “the objective statement has become obsolete,” says Tiffani Murray, an HR professional and resume writer at Atlanta-based Personality On a Page. …and lead with a summary. To capture the hiring manager’s attention, start your resume with a short professional synopsis that states your years of experience, job history, and big career achievements. Instead of labeling the section a “summary,” use the header to highlight your area of expertise, says Enelow.

如今的人事经理不关心求职者的目标——他们只想招到合适的人。美国亚特兰大职业写作服务平台Personality On a Page的一位简历写手、人力资源专家蒂凡尼•穆雷说:“职业目标陈述已经过时了。” 用一段摘要开头。为了吸引人事经理注意,简历开头写上一段简短的职业简介,阐明从业经验、过往工作和比较突出的成就。伊尼罗还说,不要简单地在这部分内容前面写上“摘要”,页眉位置放上醒目的文字突出精通的领域。

4. Guide the reader’s eye.


The Internet has changed reading behavior, says Kursmark: “People don’t read top to bottom anymore. They’re constantly skimming and looking at different parts of the page, and if you don’t structure your resume to appeal to that, a lot of good material will get overlooked.” Therefore, use bolded text to ensure your achievements stand out.


5. Beat the robots.


Many medium and large companies use software to weed out candidates. Your resume will need the right keywords to get through, so mirror the language of the job posting, advises Bugni, and pay attention to detail. “Changing something as simple as ‘customer service’ to ‘client relations’ can get your resume approved or rejected,” she says.


6. Forgo a “skills” section.


Weave your talents into your work experience. “Employers are looking for more than a list of skills,” says Murray. “They want to know how you’ve applied them.” The exception: It’s beneficial to have a designated section when applying for a skills-based job that requires specific qualifications, such as an IT specialist.

将你的才华融入工作经历内容中。“招聘方并不仅仅想看技能的罗列,” 穆雷说,“他们更希望了解你怎样运用在实际中。”不过也有例外:申请有特定资质要求的技能型工作时,比如信息技术专家,最好在简历里专门划出一块列出已掌握的技能。

7. Maximize your real estate.


Despite what you may have heard, you don’t necessarily need to limit your resume to one page. “A resume is as long as it needs to be to convey value. And not one word more,” says Bugni. That said, a two-page resume may be appropriate for someone with 30 years’ experience—not for a recent college graduate. To conserve space use bullet points, active verbs, and industry-specific acronyms, and don’t state the obvious (e.g., including “references available upon request”).

你可能听说过要控制简历的篇幅,但也不必拘泥于一页。布尼说:“简历的长短主要看关键信息多少,不相关的话一个字都是多余。”换言之,如果求职者有30年工作经历,而不是刚毕业的大学生,可能两页的简历更合适。为了节省篇幅,简历应该尽量用重点符号、主动语态的动词和行业专用的缩略语,废话尽量少说 Vocabulary

applicant tracking system: 求职跟踪系统

weed out: 清除,淘汰


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