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发布时间:2013-02-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

In the third and final debate between U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, India wasnㄙt mentioned, not even once.

美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)和共和党总统候选人罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)在他们的第三尝也是最后一场辩论中没有提及印度,一次都没有。

By comparison, this is how often the following countries were mentioned:


Iran: 47 times


Israel: 34 times


China: 32 times


Syria: 28 times


Pakistan: 25 times


Afghanistan: 21 times


Why was India left out?


The bottom line, says Sadanand Dhume, a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, a Washington-based think tank, is that India is much less central to U.S. foreign policy than many pundits in New Delhi would like to believe.∫

华盛顿智库美国企业研究所(American Enterprise Institute)的研究员杜梅(Sadanand Dhume)说,归根结底,印度在美国外交政策中的地位远远不如新德里许多权威人士愿意认为的那么重要。



India is a large and inward-looking country and in many ways it sees itself as the centre of Asia whereas in reality as this debate shows it is not quite the case,∫ explains Mr. Dhume, who also contributes opinion pieces to The Wall Street Journal.


There are several reasons why India for all the talk of its strategic partnership∫ with the U.S. is not a major foreign policy concern for the two candidates. And the reasons are not necessarily bad.


Relations between the two countries are good and stable and there is a bipartisan consensus that they should stay that way. So there is no real sense of urgency to address the U.S.-India relationship and, as a result, less of a reason to bring it up in a debate.


After all, most of Washingtonㄙs closest allies like the whole of Europe were either not mentioned or mentioned in passing.


The countries that topped the mentions list are overwhelmingly trouble spots,∫ says Mr. Dhume, In some ways India should be happy not to be on that list.∫


The focus areas of the debate were: how to handle the ongoing crisis in Syria; how tough the U.S. should be on Iran as it pursues nuclear ambitions; and how to address the relationship with China and its trade policy.


There are some areas of discord in U.S.-India ties including tensions over U.S. visa rules, and over Indiaㄙs nuclear liability laws but relations are overall warm and these issues are less pressing than the foreign policy concerns mentioned above. So itㄙs understandable that they would get more airtime.


Still, itㄙs somewhat surprising that India was left out entirely of the 90-minute discussion. There were a few debate topics under which India couldㄙve come up but didnㄙt: the war in Afghanistan and Pakistan; and the rise of China and tomorrowㄙs world.


The U.S. has been encouraging India to take a bigger role in Afghanistan, including by training local security forces, as the U.S. prepares to withdraw most of its troops by the end of 2014. The U.S.ㄙs encouragement of India to take a more active role comes as U.S. ties with Pakistan Indiaㄙs neighbor and historical rival are at a low point. Pakistan, which sees Afghanistan as falling under its sphere of influence, has resisted attempts by New Delhi to set closer ties with Kabul.


Despite lengthy discussions on the future of Afghanistan and Pakistanㄙs role in this, neither Mr. Obama nor Mr. Romney mentioned India perhaps an indication that New Delhiㄙs influence in Kabul remains limited.


Surprisingly, India wasnㄙt even mentioned when Mr. Obama addressed the issue of jobs being shipped abroad. While outsourcing jobs to India has come up earlier in the campaign, in this debate it was only addressed with reference to China, which both candidates claimed didnㄙt play by trade rules.


China is much more economically significant and many more jobs have been lost to China than to India,∫ says Mr. Dhume.


There is also little evidence to suggest that there will be major changes in India-U.S. relations after the upcoming presidential elections.


After all, India wasnㄙt mentioned once in debates between Mr. Obama and then Republican candidate John McCain four years ago. And since then, the U.S. and India have made efforts to forge deeper ties. Just look at the string of official trips, including of Mr. Obama and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

要知道,四年前奥巴马和当时的共和党总统候选人麦凯恩(John McCain)的辩论中也没有提到印度。从那以后,美国和印度致力于打造更紧密的关系。这一点从奥巴马和美国国务卿克林顿(Hillary Clinton)等人对印度的官方访问就可见一斑。


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