A 17-year-old girl takes a stroll around the athlete village of the Rio Olympics.
The village is a salad bowl of different colors and patterns. I walk in and almost everyone around me is wearing a jacket or a T-shirt with a national flag proudly stamped on it. I tried hard to mentally process this opportunity. The young man that just walked passed me could be the next Michael Phelps and the woman standing over there could be the next Serena Williams.
Walking among the greatest athletes of the world for half a day was a huge honor that’s difficult to comprehend until you are actually there. I ate at the cafeteria Olympians eat at. I walked around the fitness gym Olympians work out at.
At an outdoor bench, I chatted with Chinese golfer Ashun Wu about life at the village. From his start at a countryside village in China to qualifying for the first golf Olympics in a hundred years, Ashun was happy to be a part of the athlete village in Rio.
“No one thought we’d make it to the Olympics,” he gushed, “But I walked the opening ceremony! To participate and to play here, I have no more regrets in life.”
Being the foodie I am, I had to ask about meals at the village.
“The cafeteria food is really average,” he said, “Some athletes are sick of it already, so the McDonald’s here has become a well-known hotspot.”
I couldn’t leave the athlete village without trying out the Olympian diet (without any of the restrictions, thankfully). The place only served Brazilian and Asian food with a bonus o f pizza and pasta. I could definitely understand how athletes got sick of it. But what I can’t understand is how McDonald’s became a hotspot. There were at least 20 people waiting in line while I was there. How can these athletes bear putting junk food like McDonald’s into their bodies? I guess everyone needs a break.
It’s hard to imagine the same people who dug their teeth into a burger would also be ferociously digging their feet into a work out machine. I was totally mind-blown as I walked around the fitness center and witnessed top athletes work their magic. Athletes from various countries were in one giant room, sweating hard together, exercising with perfect posture.
Before today, I was so unaware of how significant this little community is. I never thought Earth still had such a peaceful community of competing athletes living together and maybe even learning from each other.
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