I’ve been made redundant – along with a couple of dozen others – from a City of London bank. I’m not sorry as the place was hateful, the senior managers unscrupulous and the culture toxic. In a couple of weeks, we’re holding an informal farewell bash for like-minded current and former colleagues. I was planning to give a humorous speech and tell the truth about working there. To do so would cheer me and others up. Yet there is a voice in my head telling me to keep mum. Should I listen to it?
Sacked banker, male, 32
Lucy’s answer
Which truth would that be? The one that you accepted the bank’s money and never said a word about how unscrupulous and toxic everyone was until they had shown you the door?
The “truth in these circumstances is always a tricky, highly selective affair, best abandoned in favour of pragmatism.
这种情况下的所谓“真相,永远是那些非常微妙、偏重主观选择的事情 ,从实用的角度说,最好是不要揭露这种“真相。
Leaving do’s, like all ceremonial occasions, are governed by a set of well-known rules and it is better for everyone if you adhere to them. The deal is that people turn up to say goodbye to you if they like you. You buy them a drink. You pretend you’ll miss them.
It’s not even really lying, it’s just obeying the form. At a wedding, the father of the bride is obliged to appear pleased that his daughter has chosen the groom. You are equally obliged to express regret on leaving. That is how it goes.
You say that telling the darker truth would cheer the others up. But would it? If they are still working there I don’t see why they would be remotely cheered by being told their paymasters are blaggards and villains.
The best leaving speeches, indeed the only ones worth hearing, are funny. If you can’t do funny, cut the speech back to the very briefest “Thanks for coming, keep in touch. If you can do funny, you might try a little light satire, gently sending up the bank’s most disliked leaders. But make sure it’s not bitter, as bitter is never funny.
Many readers have suggested that you turn your story into a novel. This idea has some superficial appeal, but is actually a non-starter. There are lots of novels by sacked bankers and none is any good. Writing a novel is quite hard and it takes more than score-setting to get it right: even most novelists don’t do it all that well. If you take this route, you’ll spend so much time on it and earn so little money, that you might start longing for your old job.
Instead, I suggest you wear your dislike of your old employer like a secret cloak. It will make you wise and keep you safe from being employed by a similar outfit in the future. And the memory of how you hated your old job may keep you warm in the long days and nights of unemployment that may lie ahead.
Your advice
Put it in a novel
By all means have your say. But make it a novel. Change the names and be sure to include the phrase that any resemblance to persons living or dead is strictly coincidental. Those who know will be amused and those who do not will be entertained.
Director, male
No badmouthing
Don’t you dare! You have been made redundant along with the people you will be socialising with. You’re all out of work and banking jobs are in short supply, so dog will eat dog and if you badmouth your former employer it will be used against you.
Manager, male
The wrong time
When I stopped being an investment banker and started helping people make money from games, I promised myself I would always tell clients the truth. It is terrifying at first. Bankers are very good at working out what their clients want to hear and telling them that. Now I realise that telling the truth is very good for me as a consultant, good for my clients and good for my health.
But for God’s sake don’t do it at your leaving do, still filled with embittered rage. The secret to telling the truth is that it must actually be true, not coloured by the emotional rollercoaster of a toxic culture combined with a redundancy. Telling the truth is liberating, but this is not the time.
Consultant, male
The relevant part of your question is “32 – if it were “62, the answer would be proceed with gusto, but?.?.?.?
Stockbroker, male
You’ll look mean
I once had to watch a colleague use his farewell party to settle scores. His anger was justified, but I found myself thinking that were I ever to find myself in the position of having to decide whether that man got a job, I would make sure he did not. Who wants to work with someone that small-minded, no matter how likeable he or she may normally be?
Female, freelance
If you have a voice, make up an appropriate version of Gilbert and Sullivan’s “I’ve got a little list?.?.?. They’d none of ’em be missed.
Former Lloyds person
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