LONDON — Hundreds have protested at Cambridge University over the 2 1/2-year suspension of a student who interrupted a politician’s speech with a poem.
Graduate student Owen Holland was this week banned until October 2017 by the university’s Court of Discipline. He disrupted a November speech by Universities Minister David Willetts with a poem entitled “Go Home, David.”
英国大学与技能事务部长Willetts11月在发表演讲时,剑桥研究生Owen Holland用一首题为“回家吧,大卫” 的诗打断了他。根据学校的规定他将被罚休学,处罚从这周起直至2017年10月。
Before the suspension, dozens of staff and students wrote a letter saying they had also taken part in the Willetts protest and asking for the same punishment.
The Cambridge University Student Union said 500 people attended a demonstration against the suspension on Friday.
Protests have erupted at British universities since the government tripled maximum tuition fees to 9,000 pounds ($14,000) a year.
During the protest, the student read out a poem criticizing Willetts for his role in the implementation of £9000 fees and the Higher Education White Paper. He went on to condemn the minister as “a man who believes in the market and in the power of competition.”
Owen Holland在此前参加抗议时大声朗读了一首自己的诗作,讽刺Willetts在政府高额学费政策和高等教育白皮书中的角色,他谴责Willetts是“一个只相信市场和竞争力的人”。
Dear David Willetts/
The future does not belong to you./ This is an epistle/ which is addressed to you./ But it is written/ for those who will come after us./ Why?/ Because we do not respect your right/ to occupy the platform this evening./ Your name/ is anathema to us./ You are not a welcome guest/ because you come with a knife/ concealed beneath your cloak./ Behind your toothy smiles,/ we have already seen/ the fixed gaze of the hired assassin./ You have transgressed/ against all codes of hospitality./ That is why/ we interrupt your performance tonight,/ because nothing is up for debate here;/ your mind is made up;/ you are not for turning./ All your questioners have been planted./ So we, too, have planted ourselves/ in your audience./ We stole in quietly,/ without much fanfare/– because we know your tactics -/ but now that we are here,/ we will not wait to be told/ before we speak./