Officials at the US Federal Reserve are split on whether to keep buying assets until the end of 2013, according to the minutes of their December meeting.
美联储(US Federal Reserve)12月份会议的纪要显示,该机构官员对于要不要将购买资产的措施延续到2013年底存在分歧。
The minutes show the new front line for debate on the rate-setting Federal Open Market Committee and give the first indication of how big the Fed’s third round of quantitative easing – so-called QE3 – may be in total.
会议纪要显示了负责制定汇率的联邦公开市场委员会(Federal Open Market Committee, FOMC)新的辩论前沿,并首次发出美联储第三轮量化宽松(QE3)可能总体规模的信号。
If the Fed keeps buying at the current pace of $85bn a month for the rest of 2013, it would accumulate another $1tn in long-term assets.
Under the QE3 programme, launched last September, the Fed is buying long-dated Treasury and mortgage-backed securities to drive down long-term interest rates and stimulate the sluggish economic recovery.
According to the minutes, a “few of the 12 voting FOMC members want to keep buying assets until the end of 2013. They are backed by a “few more who want “considerable accommodation but did not set a date. But “several other members want “to slow or to stop purchases well before the end of 2013 and one member opposes them altogether.
In standard Fed language, a few means two or three, while several might be four or five. That suggests the committee is evenly split. New voting members will rotate on to the FOMC in 2013 but they are unlikely to change its behaviour much.
At its December meeting the Fed said it expected to keep rates low until unemployment falls below 6.5 per cent, as long as inflation is expected to stay below 2.5 per cent. It said it would continue QE3 until there was a substantial improvement in the labour market.
The Fed has not defined what a “substantial improvement would look like, but it forecasts unemployment to be between 7.4 and 7.7 per cent at the end of 2013, suggesting that might be enough to bring QE3 to a halt. The unemployment rate is 7.7 per cent today.
The minutes suggest that there was little opposition to introducing the 6.5 per cent unemployment threshold for raising interest rates.
A “few participants in the meeting wanted to use words to describe the condition for raising interest rates, because they thought that would work just as well as numbers, without the risk of being mistaken for new Fed targets.
But a “number of other participants thought that could be solved by an explanation at chairman Ben Bernanke’s press conference and “most were in favour of the change overall.
但其他“多名与会者认为,这一问题可通过本·伯南克(Ben Bernanke)主席的资讯发布会得到解释,总体来看,“多数人赞同做出改变。
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