Japan’s new finance minister has signalled that the government will borrow to boost the struggling economy as the prime minister, Shinzo Abe, unveiled a “crisis beating cabinet yesterday.
日本新任财务大臣麻生太郎(Taro Aso)昨天表示,日本政府将通过借贷刺激该国举步维艰的经济。此前日本新任首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)公布了一个以“战胜危机为目标的新内阁。
At a press conference following his appointment, Taro Aso announced that he would issue bonds and lift a cap on new debt for the 2012 fiscal year.
“We will not stick to the debt cap of Y44tn ($513bn) [for the year through to March], Mr Aso said. The debt limitation was introduced by the previous Democratic party administration, which was defeated in a landslide by Mr Abe’s Liberal Democratic party. The yen fell to a two-year low against the dollar yesterday, in anticipation of inflationary steps by Mr Abe’s government and potential monetary easing by the Bank of Japan.
麻生太郎表示:“(对截至明年3月的财政年度)我们不会坚持44万亿日元(合5130亿美元)的债务上限。这一债务上限是由日本上届民主党(Democratic party)政府实施的。安倍晋三领导的自民党(Liberal Democratic party)在最近的大选中,以绝对优势击败了民主党。日元兑美元汇率昨日跌至两年低点,因为市场预期,安倍晋三领导的政府将采取通胀性举措,同时日本央行(Bank of Japan)可能会推出货币宽松政策。
As prime minister himself from 2008-09, Mr Aso launched huge economic stimulus packages to combat fallout from the global financial crisis before he lost power.
Mr Abe unveiled a cabinet of close allies and policy experts to push his agenda of economic recovery, just hours after being formally appointed as the country’s seventh prime minister in six years. He has vowed to create a “crisis-beating government to tackle the deflation that has dogged Japan for more than a decade and also the strong yen.
“I will direct the energies of my entire cabinet towards implementing bold monetary policy, flexible fiscal policy and a growth strategy that encourages private investment, Mr Abe said.
He has pledged to reflate the economy through fiscal stimulus and monetary easing. He has also called on the Bank of Japan to carry out “unlimited easing and threatened the central bank’s independence – through legislative changes – if it does not introduce a 2 per cent inflation target.
But the finance ministry is opposed to the kind of big stimulus spending that Mr Abe says is needed to boost the economy, which recently entered its fifth recession in 15 years, unless additional spending is funded by tax increases. It is concerned about Japan’s fiscal situation, with the IMF warning that gross public debt will reach 236 per cent of the size of the economy by next March.
Takao Toshikawa, editor of the current affairs newsletter Insideline, said the veteran Mr Aso was “the only one with the power to keep the finance ministry in line. Mr Aso will also assume the post of financial services minister, overseeing the Financial Services Agency.
时事通讯Inside Line的编辑Takao Toshikawa表示,经验丰富的麻生太郎是“唯一有能力控制财务省的人。麻生太郎还将担任日本金融担当大臣,掌管日本金融厅(Financial Services Agency)。
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