(江西)2017届高三英语三轮专项冲刺之专题检测卷5 词法 第5讲 动词的时态和语态-查字典英语网
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(江西)2017届高三英语三轮专项冲刺之专题检测卷5 词法 第5讲 动词的时态和语态

发布时间:2017-04-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1. (原创) It is understood that a 7. 0 magnitude (震级) earthquake the biggest earthquake in the history of Ya’an.

  A. will be B. is C. was D. has been

  2. Many government departments advantage of micro-blogging to get public opinions at present.

  A. will take B. are taking

  C. are to take

  D. have been taking

  3. (2017·大连模拟) —I thought Tony should have won the contest.

  —What a pity! He just too nervous while playing.

  A. had been B. has been

  C. was

  D. would have been

  4. (2017·西安模拟) —You may find the key to the math problem on page 107.

  —Ah, it’s so simple. I wonder why I of that.

  A. hadn’t thought B. haven’t thought

  C. didn’t think

  D. wasn’t thinking

  5. (2017·福州模拟) —Hi, Mr. Smith. Which department do you work in?

  —I am in the Marketing Department now, but I in the Sales Department before long.

  A. worked B. will work

  C. have worked

  D. will have worked

  6. (2017·金华模拟) Mr Black for Shanghai in a few days. Do you know when the earliest plane on Sunday?

  A. leaves; takes off

  B. leaves; is taking off

  C. is leaving; is taking off

  D. is leaving; takes off

  7. —I ran into the back of a truck yesterday and damaged my car badly.

  —I suppose you too fast.

  A. had driven B. drove

  C. have driven

  D. were driving

  8. (2017·北京模拟) I had wanted to help you last night but I couldn’t spare any time, for I a composition which I have to hand in this morning.

  A. wrote B. was writing

  C. had written

  D. have written

  9. (2017·南平模拟) —Did you listen to Mr. Smith’s lecture? It was amazing!

  —I wish I had, but I on my paper that should have been finished earlier.

  A. worked B. was working

  C. had worked

  D. have worked

  10. (2017·宝鸡模拟) —Has Sam finished his homework today, Anne?

  —I have no idea. But heit this morning.

  A. did B. done

  C. was doing

  D. had done

  11. — Betty this morning?

  —Not yet, but she is sure to be here soon.

  A. Have you seen B. Will you see

  C. Do you see

  D. Did you see

  12. (2017·杭州模拟) —Where is your aunt’s home?

  —In Boston. But she in New York for the past four years.

  A. had lived B. is living

  C. lives

  D. has lived

  13. The writer and teacher to our school and waited in the meeting room.

  A. has come B. have come

  C. are coming

  D. come

  14. (2017·洛阳模拟) Please fill in your name and address here. We’ll call you when the book .

  A. has returned B. returns

  C. will be returned

  D. has been returned

  15. An average of 130, 000 Chinese abroad for studies every year over the past few years, boosting exchanges in the educational fields.

  A. was going B. have been going

  C. has been going

  D. are going

  16. For the past few years, hea flat with others and trying to save money to open his own business.

  A. has been sharing B. was shared

  C. had been sharing

  D. is sharing

  17. (2017·杭州模拟) I intend to buy that kind of clothes because I that itwell.

  A. have been told; washes

  B. have told; washes

  C. has told; washed

  D. have been told; are washed

  18. Experts think we won’t have clean water to drink unless something soon, but much remains about environment protection.

  A. would be done; doing

  B. is done; to be done

  C. will be done; to do

  D. is done; to do

  19. (2017·乌鲁木齐模拟) —Is Metro Line 2 still under construction?

  —Yes. It by the end of September, 2017.

  A. is completed B. will complete

  C. has been completed

  D. will be completed

  20. —Put these glasses away before they .

  —OK, I’ll put them in the cupboard.

  A. have broken B. are breaking

  C. get broken

  D. will be broken

  21. What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has ?

  A. used up B. put out

  C. run out of

  D. given out

  22. —Hi, Smith, can I borrow the meeting-room upstairs this afternoon?

  —Sorry. It .

  A. is painted B. had been painted

  C. has painted

  D. is being painted

  23. (2017·福州模拟) —Have you heard about that school bus accident?

  —Yes, fortunately all on board including the driver .

  A. were saved B. was saved

  C. have saved

  D. has been saved

  24. (原创) One more case of human infection of the H7N9 flu virus strain in Fujian, bringing the total to five in the province.

  A. has been confirmed B. has confirmed

  C. confirms

  D. is confirmed

  25. (2017·东城一模) The young couple will have to rent a house, for their newly bought one .

  A. was decorated B. is being decorated

  C. will decorate

  D. had decorated


  1. 【解析】选B。考查一般现在时。句意: 据了解7. 0级地震是雅安历史上最大的地震。根据语境“地震情况叙述”可知为客观事实, 故用一般现在时, 答案为B。

  2. 【解析】选B。考查时态。句意: 现在很多政府部门利用微博征求公众的意见。根据时间状语at present可知, 此处用现在进行时。

  3. 【解析】选C。考查一般过去时。句意: ——我认为Tony本该赢得比赛。

  ——太可惜啦! 他演奏时太紧张了。根据语境“should have won. . . ”表示过去该发生的事情, 由此推知“演奏时紧张”为叙述发生过的情况, 故用一般过去时, 故答案C合适。

  4. 【解析】选C。考查一般过去时。句意: ——你可以在107页找到这道数学题的答案。——哦, 太简单了。我想知道为什么我没有想到那个答案。根据语境“现在想到了”, “没有想到”为过去, 故选项C合适。

  5. 【解析】选B。考查一般将来时。句意: ——你好, 史密斯先生。你在哪个部门工作? ——我现在在市场部, 但我不久就要到销售部工作。根据before long推知“将来”, 故选项B合适。

  6. 【解析】选D。考查一般将来时和一般现在时。句意: 几天后布莱克先生要到上海去。你知道星期天早班飞机什么时候起飞吗? 根据状语in a few days推知此处用将来时; 联系生活常识可知飞机起飞为客观规定用一般现在时。

  7. 【解析】选D。考查过去进行时。句意: ——昨天我撞到了一辆货车的后面, 严重毁坏了我的车辆。——我想你驾车太快了。此处语境“驾车太快”说明当时正在发生的情况, 故用过去进行时。

  8. 【解析】选B。考查过去进行时。句意: 昨天晚上我本想帮你忙但我没能抽出时间, 因为我正在写一篇今天早上要交的作文。根据语境“当时正在发生”推知用过去进行时, 故选项B合适。

  9. 【解析】选B。考查过去进行时。句意: ——你听了史密斯先生的演讲了吗? 非常令人吃惊! ——我希望我听了, 但我当时在完成一篇本该早点完成的论文。根据语境“史密斯先生在做演讲时我正在写论文”由此可知用过去进行时。

  10. 【解析】选C。考查时态。句意: ——安妮, 山姆今天完成他的家庭作业了吗? ——我不知道。但是他今天上午正在做。根据语境“我不知道。但是他今天上午在做作业”可知用过去进行时。

  11. 【解析】选A。考查现在完成时。句意: ——你今天早上见到贝蒂了吗? ——还没有, 但她一定很快就到这里。根据语境“见过……”推知“见”动作已经发生并对现在造成影响, 故用现在完成时。

  12. 【解析】选A。考查过去完成时。句意: ——你姑姑家在哪里? ——在波士顿。但是她在过去的四年里住在纽约。根据语境“在纽约居住”为过去的情况, 并且持续了四年, 即“过去的过去”, 因此用过去完成时, 选项A合适。

  【误区警示】本题学生受for the past four years影响, 容易误选D。本题的突破在于把握in New York为过去情况, 并且持续了一段时间, 由此可知答案。

  13. 【解析】选A。考查现在完成时。句意: 这位作家兼教师已经来到我们学校在会议室等着呢。由the writer and teacher可知主语是单数, 故谓语动词应选单数形式; 根据语境“已经来到”推知动作已发生并与现在有联系“在会议室等”, 故用现在完成时。

  14. 【解析】选D。考查现在完成时的被动语态。句意: 请把你的名字和地址填写在这里, 书返回来时我们就给你打电话。根据语境此处“返回”为可能发生, 对现在造成“书不在这里”的影响, 故推知用现在完成时, “书”作主语, 用被动语态。

  15. 【解析】选B。考查现在完成进行时。句意: 在最近几年每年平均有13万中国人出国深造, 促进了教育领域的交流。根据时间状语over the past few years推知“出国”已经发生并且持续进行, 故用现在完成进行时。

  16. 【解析】选A。考查现在完成进行时。句意: 在过去的几年里, 他一直与他人合用一套房, 他想节省开支来开创个人事业。根据时间状语for the past few years以及语境可知share从过去发生一直持续到现在并仍在进行, 故用现在完成进行时。

  17. 【解析】选A。考查现在完成时的被动语态。句意: 我打算去买那种衣服因为据说它耐洗。根据语境“被告诉”已经发生, “耐洗”为主动形式表示被动意思, 故选项A合适。

  18. 【解析】选B。考查一般现在时的被动语态。句意: 专家认为如果不赶快采取行动的话, 我们就没有清洁水饮用了, 但是关于环境保护仍然有许多事情要做。在条件状语从句中需用现在时态代替将来时; 第二空主语是much, 与do之间是动宾关系, 故用被动结构。

  19. 【解析】选D。考查将来时的被动语态。句意: ——地下铁路2号线仍在建设中吗? ——是的。到2017年9月底竣工。根据句意“到……末”可知还没有到, 为将来时, 并且主语与complete为逻辑上的动宾关系, D项符合题意。

  20. 【解析】选C。考查一般现在时态的被动语态。句意: ——在它们被打碎前把这些玻璃杯放起来。——好的, 我要把它们放到橱柜里。before引导时间状语从句, 从句谓语动词用现在时态代替将来时; glasses与break之间是被动关系, 故选C。

  21. 【解析】选D。考查被动语态。句意: 当世界上的所有石油消耗光了的时候, 我们用什么作为能源呢? 表示“用完”的短语use up, run out of与give out都合适, 但use up和run out of应用被动语态; give out没有被动语态, 故选D。

  22. 【解析】选D。考查现在进行时的被动语态。句意: ——你好, 史密斯。今天下午我能借用一下楼上的会议室吗? ——抱歉。它在被粉刷。根据语境“粉刷”正在进行, 主语与动词paint为逻辑上的动宾关系, 用被动。

  23. 【解析】选A。考查一般过去时的被动语态。句意: ——你听说那次校车事故了吗? ——是的, 幸运的是所有的车上人员包括司机都被救了。根据语境“讨论发生的事情”可知用一般过去时; 而且主语是all, 指全体人员, 谓语动词用复数形式。

  24. 【解析】选A。考查现在完成时的被动语态, 句意: 福建省又有一人感染H7N9禽流感病毒的情况已经得到证实, 使得全省被感染的人数达到5个。根据句意“证实”为被动, 语境“这种感染情况已经被证实”, 故用现在完成时的被动语态。

  25. 【解析】选B。考查进行时态的被动语态。句意: 这对年轻夫妇将不得不租房子, 因为他们新买的房子正在被装修。根据语境可知动作“装修”正在被进行, 故B项合适。


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