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发布时间:2017-03-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1.Would you drop in at my house this afternoon if  ? 

  A.it is convenient for you B.you are convenient

  C.it is convenient of you D.you will be convenient


  解析:句意:如果下午有空的话到我家来做客好吗?if it is convenient for sb. “如果某人方便的话”, 故A项正确。

  2.The team will arrive in Paris to play a friendly match with a team that   French and German selected players. 

  A.consists of B.is formed of

  C.is consisted of D.is made of


  解析:consist of意为 “由……组成”, 不用于被动语态, 也不用于进行时态。句意:这支队伍将到巴黎与法德两国组成的联队进行一场友谊赛。form意思是 “形成, 构建, 建立”, 与题意不符。若选D项,应改为is made up of。

  3.The customers are satisfied with the new 3G cellphones  ,so they sell well. 

  A.practice B.experience

  C.experiment D.performance


  解析:句意:顾客对新款3G手机的性能很满意,因此手机很畅销。practice “实践,练习”;experience “经验,经历”;experiment “试验,实验”;performance “性能,表演,表现”,故D项符合句意。

  4.Jobs   at present are increasing because economy around the world is getting better and better. 

  A.probable B.available

  C.precious D.convenient


  解析:probable “很可能的,大概的”;available “可得到的,可获得的”;precious “珍贵的”;convenient “方便的,便利的”。由题意可知,B项正确。

  5.The computer system   suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet. 

  A.broke down B.broke out

  C.broke up D.broke in


  解析:句意:当他在网上查找信息时,系统突然出现故障。break down“(机器等)发生故障,(人)感情崩溃”;break out“(战争,灾难等)突然发生”;break up“分开,粉碎,结束”;break in“强行进入,打断(谈话等)”。故答案为A项。

  6.Here is a list of names of the guests to be invited to the party.Please don’t   any of them when typing. 

  A.let out B.make out

  C.leave out D.put out


  解析:let out“发出,放出”;make out“分清,辨明”;leave out“遗漏,省去”;put out“扑灭,熄灭”。由句意可知,C项符合题意。

  7.This kind of material can be used to   plastics. 

  A.taking the place of B.take place

  C.taking place D.take the place of


  解析:句意:这种材料可以用来替代塑料。take the place of“替代”;take place“发生”;be used to do sth.“被用来做某事”。

  8.—Have you got any particular plans for the coming holiday?

  —Yes. ,I’m going to visit an old friend in the city. 

  A.If ever B.If busy

  C.If anything D.If possible


  解析:if possible“如果可能的话”。答语句意:是的。如果可能的话,我将去城里看看我的一个老朋友。

  9.The company will   for a car to meet those experts at the airport. 

  A.collect B.organize

  C.unite D.arrange


  解析:句意:公司将安排车到机场接那些专家。arrange “安排, 筹备”;collect “收集”;organize “组织”;unite “联合, 团结”。

  10.It sounds like something is wrong with the car’s engine. ,we’d better take it to the garage immediately. 

  A.Otherwise B.If not

  C.But for that D.If so


  解析:句意:听起来车的发动机好像有问题,如果那样的话,我们最好立刻把它弄到汽修厂去。otherwise “否则,要不然”;if not “如果不”;but for that “若不是因为那件事”;if so “若是这样”,是if it is so的省略。

  11.The traveller   us with his stories, most of which happened in the war and were full of great adventures. 

  A.thrilled B.influenced

  C.challenged D.encouraged


  解析:根据happened in the war and were full of great adventures可知这位旅行者的经历使我们惊骇 (thrilled) 不已。故选A项。

  12.It was   the king’s credit that he was against the establishment of a new political party. 

  A.on B.to

  C.in D.for


  解析:to one’s credit为固定短语, 意为 “值得赞扬”, 符合句意。

  13.The transportation has improved a lot in that province, with two new roads   last year. 

  A.constructing B.to construct

  C.constructed D.construct


  解析:句意:去年两条新路建成后, 那个省的交通已经改善了许多。construct和two new roads之间是动宾关系, 故选C项。

  14.The sale usually takes place outside the house, with the people watching   on benches, chairs or boxes. 

  A.having seated B.seating

  C.seated D.having been seated


  解析:句意:促销通常在室外进行, 人们坐在凳子上、椅子上或箱子上观看。seat是及物动词, 当它用作主动形式时, 后面必须带宾语, 否则应用过去分词表状态。

  15.(2017·浙江名校联盟第一次联考)—Tom is a very hard-working student.

  — .As far as I know,he often burns the midnight oil. 

  A.You can say that again B.I don’t think so

  C.I am sorry to hear that D.You can’t be serious


  解析:句意:——汤姆是非常刻苦的学生。——你说得非常对。据我所知,他总是熬夜。You can say that again.“你说得对极了”;You can’t be serious.“你别太认真”。

  16.It doesn’t make  to buy that expensive coat when these cheaper ones are just as good. 

  A.sense B.opinion

  C.use D.difference


  解析:make sense“有意义,讲得通”。其他搭配不合适。

  17.He hasn’t slept at all for three days. he is tired out. 

  A.There is no point B.There is no need

  C.It is no wonder D.It is no way


  解析:考查特殊句式。There is no point in doing sth.“做某事无意义”;There is no need...“没必要做某事”;It is no wonder“……难怪”;It is no way...“没门”。句意:他三天没睡觉了,难怪他这么累呢。

  18.We had just covered a distance of three miles  the engine  and the car came to a stop. 

  A.then;was broken B.when;broke down

  C.until;was failed D.since;burst out


  解析:句意:我们刚走了三英里的路发动机就出故障了,然后车就停下来了。when作为并列连词,表示“刚……就”;broke down“发生故障,(人身体)毁掉”。故B项正确。

  19.At the end of the year everyone should think what has been   and what is left undone. 

  A.abandoned B.accumulated

  C.acknowledged D.accomplished



  20. ,she is the sort of woman to spread sunshine to people through her smile. 

  A.Shy and cautious B.Sensitive and thoughtful

  C.Honest and confident D.Light-hearted and optimistic




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