2017届高考英语一轮复习单元演练:必修3 Module 1《Europe》(第1课时)(外研版含答案)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习单元演练:必修3 Module 1《Europe》(第1课时)(外研版含答案)

发布时间:2017-03-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  Module 1


  1.The twenty­six countries ________ (签署) an agreement to cut air pollution.

  2.The most popular place for tourists is the Eiffel Tower, the famous ________ (象征) of Paris.

  3.A very big nose in the most striking facial ________(特点) of the young man.

  4.How many ________(代表) have been sent to the UN conference?

  5.F__________ with the difficult situation, we are determined to overcome it.

  6.The team contained ten players whose agree r________ between 10 and 16.

  7.You must cross the river if you want to get to the o________ bank of the river.

  8.S________ near the railway station and airport, this hotel enjoys the convenience of transport..

  答案:1.signed 2.symbol 3.feature 4.representatives 5.Faced 6.ranged 7.opposite 8.Situated



  ________________ quality and service, the car is the best choice you can make.


  ________________ the common background makes us have something in common; ________________ the different views on values make us quite different.


  He was forced to drop out of school ________________ his illness.


  Bill got a good job, and ________________ he paid off his debts.


  The government ____________________________ the project to reduce pollution ________________.

  答案:1.In terms of 2.On (the) one hand,on the other hand

  3.because of 4.little by little 5.has been working on; ever since then



  1.He moved to Jinan in 2017 and ________ (live) there ever since.

  2.Neither I or he ________(be) in favor of the suggestion.

  答案:1.has lived 2.is


  1.Two large portraits hang on the wall.

  →On the wall ________ ________ ________ ________.

  2.The door opened and the children rushed out.

  →The door opened and out ________ ________________.

  3.They entered the classroom, in the front of which ________ ________ ________ ________.

  答案:1.hang two large portraits 2.rushed the children 3.sat a naughty boy



  1.上海位于中国东部,东临东海,是中国第一大城市。(be situated in,face)

  2.上海是一个国际化大都市,也是世界上最繁华的城市之一。 (international metropolis,prosperous city)

  3.上海有众多历史古迹。东方明珠电视塔是上海著名的象征,它坐落在浦东公园。每年都有上百万的游客到此游览。(historic site,symbol,be located in)

  4.上海还以一些建筑而著称,如上海世博园。上海还是一些国际大公司的所在地。(be famous for)








  Shanghai, situated in the east of China,facing the East Sea on the east, is the largest city of China. Shanghai is an international metropolis, and also one of the most prosperous cities of the world. Shanghai has many historic sites. Oriental Pearl TV Tower, the famous symbol of Shanghai, is located in the Pudong Park, which is visited by millions of tourists every year. Shanghai is also famous for some architecture, such as Shanghai World Expo Garden. Shanghai is also the seat of many international companies.


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