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发布时间:2017-01-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


  Richard Rice,a fasttalking man paced up and down in front of freshmen debate class,__1__us about his high expectations.We were special,he declared on our first day at Oak Park High School.But there would be no shortcuts to success.Only those who worked hard would shine.

  Suddenly Mr.Rice__2__in midsentence and stared at me.“You know,”he said,“You’re black!”Somehow,I know he wasn’t trying to hurt me.

  Mr.Rice was not a(n)__3__teacher.I entered high school not__4__quite sure what debate was.I left his class four years later as an outstanding debater.Even today,I’m not sure what__5__such a great teacher of him.He always said__6__he was thinking.He was__7__and he’d march out of the classroom angrily if he thought a student was giving__8__his effort.The worst thing with us was to be taken no notice of.__9__,being torn apart by Mr.Rice in the middle of a practice debate meant you were one of his favourites.

  He wasn’t always__10__on us.I’ll never forget the National Student Debate,at which my calm delivery and my firm grasp of the problems disappeared.The only face I could make out in the audience was Mr.Rice’s face.I could__11__I was doing terribly just by looking at him.After it was over,he came__12__to me.“Not my best__13__,”I said.He shook his head,“No.”Then,to my surprise,he gave me a hug.

  Mr.Rice’s style didn’t make him a great teacher for everyone.Many kids__14__out of the debate class after the first year.But for me four years with him was my unforgettable__15__of a lifetime.




  解析:选A。考查动词的词义辨析。只有tell可用于tell sb.about sth.。




















  解析:选B。考查动词的词义辨析。make sb.of sb.使……成为……。













  C.less than

  D.more than











  解析:选D。be hard on sb.对……苛刻。










  解析:选A。come over to sb.朝某人走过来。










  解析:选D。drop out of意为:逃离。





  解析:选A。这里four years应是难忘的经历。

  第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


  Jet lag(时差感),16.________(cause)by traveling between time zones,is becoming a common problem for frequent travelers:for 49 percent it is only a nuisance and for 45 percent it is a real problem.It is caused by disruption(破坏)to the internal biological clock,and may lead to digestive(消化的)problems,tiredness,and sleep disruption.

  Generally17.________,our biological clock is slightly disturbed18.________we just move into the next time zone,but jet lag becomes a problem once we have passed through three or four time zones.The body takes about one day to get over each hour of time difference.But the seriousness of jet lag problems also depends19.________our20.________of travel.If we go north or south,we won’t notice any difference,because there is usually no time zone21.________.However,if we travel22.________we will be in advance of ourselves as far as our internal clock is concerned,and problems may arise.A westto east journey,23.________the other hand,makes us late compared to the local time.It often demands even greater effort in adjustment since we are not quick24.________to catch up with the new time schedule.Therefore,a trip from New York to Los Angeles often causes25.________problems than a Los Angeles—New York trip.

  16.解析:此句主语是Jet lag,谓语是is becoming a common problem,caused是过去分词作定语修饰Jet lag,cause与Jet lag在逻辑上是动宾关系。






  19.解析:动词短语,depend on意为:取决于,依赖于。








  23.解析:固定短语,on the other hand,另一方面。


  24.解析:固定句型,be+adj.+enough+to do sth.。


  25.解析:从上句的demands even greater effort in adjustment得知向西(from New York to Los Angeles)旅行比向东(Los Angeles—New York trip)旅行问题少一些。less后接不可数名词。



  第一节 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)



  “Failure is not an option (选择)” is a very wellknown saying.But my father told me that “failure has a timeline”.

  You have to know that my father was a true genius (天才).He designed the first jet fighter plane the U.S.Air Force had back in 1954,the F84.

  You also have to know that his only son is anything but a genius.I was born in 1941,and I am still here at 68 years old.I graduated from Point Loma High in San Diego on June 15,1960,and I was “pleased” with being in the top 10% of the lower onethird of my class of about 300 students.Well,at least I graduated!Some years later in the 1960s,my Dad talked to me about failure.

  At the time I was very discouraged at my career plans after serving two years in the Peace Corps in Gabon,West Africa,and some time with Air America in Vietnam.I said to my Dad,“Dad,you know I’ve been a failure at everything I’ve tried in life and I just don’t know what to do now.”

  My dad looked at me with those “genius eyes” and said to me,“Failure is a relative (相对的) thing.It has a timeline!Now just remember that failure is not an option...IN THIS LIFETIME!”He then explained to me that failure is part of a successful path,and that I should always keep in my mind that time,failure and success all work together.

  To this very day,I still love,respect,and honor my dad and my mom.Maybe some day I will “grow up” and be as smart as my dad was.

  【解题导语】 作者的父亲是个天才,但作者不是。他曾因工作问题而灰心丧气。他父亲告诉他在人的一生中,要永不言败。人在某个时候可能会失败,但在一生中你绝不能当个失败者。

  26.In the writer’s opinion,his father was very________.





  解析:选B。推理判断题。根据第二段的You have to know that my father was a true genius.He designed the first jet fighter plane the U.S.Air Force had back in 1954,the F84.可推断作者认为他的父亲是个很了起的人,故选B。

  27.What can we infer from Paragraph 3?

  A.The writer used to consider himself to be a genius.

  B.The writer didn’t get along well with his classmates.

  C.The writer was not good at his studies at school.

  D.The writer failed to graduate from college.


  28.According to Paragraph 4,before talking to his dad,the writer________.

  A.was encouraged by his career plans

  B.had hope for a good life

  C.was very confident

  D.had probably lost heart

  解析:选D。推理判断题。根据第四段的At the time I was very discouraged at my career plans以及作者在第四段中对他父亲所说的I’ve been a failure at everything,可推断作者当初心灰意冷了。

  29.Which of the following statements would the writer’s father agree with?

  A.Some people will never succeed.

  B.People should not experience failure.

  C.Failure at a certain period of time is acceptable.

  D.Success has nothing to do with failure.

  解析:选C。推理判断题。根据作者的父亲在第五段所说的It has a timeline!以及He then explained to me that failure is part of a successful path...可推断在作者的父亲看来,暂时性的失败是允许的,只要确保最终成功即可。

  30.Today the writer still hopes that________.

  A.he will be someone like his father one day

  B.he will have a chance to work with his father

  C.he will be able to make good use of failure one day

  D.he will find out the connection between failure and success

  解析:选A。细节理解题。根据末段的Maybe some day I will “grow up” and be as smart as my dad was.可知作者希望有一天能成为一个像他父亲一样的人,故选A。


  As early as 1894,the newlyformed International Olympic Committee(IOC)considered ice skating as a possibility for the first modern Olympic Games which would be held in 1896.

  In 1911,a member of the IOC suggested that winter sports should be staged as part of the 1912 Olympics in Helsinki.Some opposed the idea.At last,the IOC decided to hold Winter Olympic Games in 1916.However,World War Ⅰ broke out in 1914.After 1920,the national governing bodies for winter sports in several countries began talking about the possibility of a separate Winter Olympics.

  The town of Chamonix,in the French Alps,planned to hold a winter sports festival in 1924,at the same time Paris was to host the Olympics.The Marquis de Polignac,a member of the IOC,suggested that the festival be formally recognized as the Winter Olympic Games.The IOC didn’t go that far,but did agree that Chamonix could call its festival an “Olympic winter carnival”.

  The festival drew 258 athletes from 16 countries to compete in bobsledding (雪橇车比赛),figure skating,hockey,Nordic skiing and speed skating.Charles Jewtraw from the United States won the first gold medal,in the 500meter speed skating,but the festival’s hero was Claus Thunberg from Finland.He won five medals,three of which were gold,in speed skating.

  Weather has often been a major story at the Winter Olympics,and so it was at Chamonix.The festival opened with rain and unseasonably warm temperature that taurned snow and ice to mud.Then temperature dropped as far as 25 below zero and the mud became ice.

  Despite the weather,more than 10,000 people showed up.At its yearly meeting in 1925,the IOC recognized the Chamonix festival as the first Winter Olympics and decided that the Winter Games would be held every four years,just like the Summer Olympics.

  【解题导语】 本文简单介绍了冬季奥运会的由来。

  31.Why was the first Winter Olympic Games not held in 1916?

  A.Because the IOC didn’t agree to it.

  B.Because it was still under discussion.

  C.Because some people opposed the idea.

  D.Because World War Ⅰ broke out in 1914.

  解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第二段中的However,the World War Ⅰ broke out in 1914可知是第一次世界大战打断了冬奥会的进程。

  32.How many years earlier was the first modern Olympic Games held than the first Winter Olympic Games?





  解析:选C。推理判断题。根据第一段的for the first modern Olympic Games which would be held in 1896可知第一届现代奥运会是1896年召开;根据第三段和最后一段可知第一届冬奥会是1924年召开,通过计算可知C正确。

  33.We can know from the passage that________.

  A.the weather destroyed the first Winter Olympics

  B.people from 16 countries watched the first Winter Olympics

  C.Charles Jewtraw won the most medals in the first Winter Olympics

  D.Finland got at least 3 gold medals in speed skating in the first Winter Olympics

  解析:选D。推理判断题。根据第四段的Claus Thunberg from Finland.He won five medals,three of which were gold,in speed skating可知芬兰的Claus Thunberg在速滑中得到了3枚金牌,由此可推断芬兰至少在速滑中得到了3枚金牌。

  34.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

  A.The Winter Olympics was held every two years in the beginning.

  B.The 1924 Winter Olympics and Summer Olympics were held in the same city.

  C.The Winter Olympics depends much more on the weather than the Summer Olympics.

  D.The IOC agreed to recognize the Chamonix festival as the first Winter Olympics in 1924.

  解析:选C。推理判断题。根据第五段Weather has often been a major story at the Winter Olympics可知C正确。

  35.What’s the best title for the passage?

  A.The development of the Olympics.

  B.The importance of weather in the Olympics.

  C.The story of the first Winter Olympic Games.

  D.How did the Winter Olympics come into being?



  The first ancient Olympic Games for which we still have written records were held in 776 BC.Coroebus won the only event at the Olympics.This made him the very first Olympic champion in history.Then they grew and continued to be played every four years.In 393 AD,the Roman emperor Theodosius Ⅰ,a Christian,announced to end the Games because of their pagan (异教的)influences.

  About 1500 years later,a young Frenchman named Pierre de Coubertin began their revival(恢复).In 1892 Coubertin first brought forward his idea to revive the Olympic Games but failed.

  Two years later,Coubertin organized a meeting with 79 delegates(代表)who represented nine countries.At this meeting he got what he wanted.All the delegates at the conference voted for the Olympic Games.They also decided to have Coubertin set up an international committee to organize the Games.This committee became the International Olympic Committee (IOC)and Demetrious Vikelas from Greece was selected to be its first president.Athens was chosen for the revival of the Olympic Games and the planning was begun.

  The very first modern Olympic Games opened in the first week of April,1896.Since the Greek government had been unable to afford a stadium,a rich Greek architect,Georgios Averoff,donated one million drachmas (over $ 100 000) to repair the Panathenaic Stadium,originally built in 330 BC.

  Since the Games were not well publicized internationally,contestants(选手)were not nationally chosen but rather came individually and at their own expense.Some contestants were tourists who happened to be in the area during the Games.

  【解题导语】 本文讲述了奥运会的历史。

  36.What would be the best title for the passage?

  A.The History of the Olympics

  B.How Coubertin Set up IOC

  C.The First Modern Olympic Games

  D.Great Changes in the Olympic Games


  37.Coubertin held a most important meeting with 79 delegates in________.






  38.Who offered money to help the first modern Olympic Games?

  A.Demetrious Vikelas.


  C.Pierre de Coubertin.

  D.Georgios Averoff.

  解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第四段第二句可知,由于当时希腊政府财力不足,是富有的建筑师Georgios Averoff掏钱资助了第一届现代奥运会。

  39.At the first modern Olympic Games,________.

  A.winners were given money as prize

  B.IOC invited contestants to tour Greece

  C.there were no strict rules for being a contestant

  D.many countries chose some athletes to compete


  40.Which of the following statement is true?

  A.In 393 AD,the Games was canceled because of the religious reason.

  B.Coubertin was voted to be the first president of the IOC.

  C.The Greek government didn’t support building a stadium.

  D.The first ancient Olympic Games had several events.



  The final event in the Olympics is the marathon.It is also usually the most exciting.As the leader comes into the stadium to run the last few meters of the 42kilometre race,the crowd rises to its feet to shout and cheer.The name of the race comes from a battle in Ancient Greece.According to the story,a soldier ran from the scene of the battle,Marathon,to Athens,to bring the news of a Greek victory against the Persians.He died just after arriving.

  The marathon has been an Olympic event since the modern games started in 1896.At first the distance was 40 kilometers—the distance between Marathon and Athens.In 1908,however,at the London Olympics,it was changed.The King of England wanted the runners to leave from his castle in Windsor and arrive in a new stadium in central London.The distance was 26 miles—about 42 kilometers.In fact,the 1908 marathon ended dramatically(戏剧性地).When the leader,an Italian,entered the stadium he turned the wrong way and fell onto the ground.Officials picked him up and helped him to the finishing line,just as the second runner,an American,entered the stadium.The Americans protested (抗议)and in the end the American runner was declared(宣布)the winner.Since then,there have been many more exciting marathons.

  In fact,you don’t have to wait for the Olympic Games to run or watch a marathon,as there are marathons in over sixty countries and hundreds of cities around the world today.One of the most famous marathons is in New York,and is watched by two million people around the streets and across the bridges of the city’s five boroughs(纽约市的行政区),and past New York’s famous landmarks.But perhaps one of the most beautiful and extraordinary(最特别的)marathons ever is the Great Wall Marathon,which most competitors find is the toughest course to run.

  The marathon is the final Olympic event because it is thought to be the hardest.But experts believe that most people—even people who are not particularly good at sport—can run a marathon,if they train for it.

  【解题导语】 奥运会最后一个比赛项目是马拉松。对于马拉松你了解多少?让我们一起去感受一下吧。

  41.When the leader came into the stadium,the crowd________.

  A.ran to his feet happily

  B.shouted with excitement

  C.carried him to the line

  D.sang and dance


  42.Which is true according to the passage?

  A.The name of the race comes from a battle in Greece.

  B.The soldier who ran from Marathon to Athens won a gold medal.

  C.The Marathon events in the Games have the same length all the time.

  D.From 1908,the Marathon events are of the same length.


  43.Who ran to the finishing line first?

  A.The American runner.

  B.The leading runner.

  C.The Greek winner.

  D.The Italian soldier.


  44.Which is the most special of the marathon events in the world?

  A.The Marathon in New York.

  B.The Marathon in the Beijing Olympic Games.

  C.The Great Wall Marathon.

  D.The Marathon in London in 2016.


  45.What’s the main idea of the passage?

  A.Marathon is the most important event.

  B.Marathon is the most popular event.

  C.Marathon is the hardest event.

  D.Marathon is the final Olympic event.


  第二节 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)




  46.“I threw the kitchen sink (水槽) at him but he went to the bathroom and came back with his tub(浴盆).”Andy Roddick said so after losing to him in the 2004 Wimbledon (温布尔顿网球公开赛) Final.

  解析:选B。由该题的关键信息“Roddick said so after losing to him in the 2004 Wimbledon (温布尔顿网球公开赛) Final”,可知,Andy Roddick是网球运动员,他评论的网球运动员,与B项图片下面的文字“a tennis player”相对应,故该题的评论与B项匹配。

  47.“His is a car that goes like a Ferrari and is built like a tractor(拖拉机).It just never breaks down.”David Coulthard spoke highly of his car.

  解析:选E。“His is a car that goes like a Ferrari...David Coulthard spoke highly of his car.”关键词为car。E项图片下面的文字“a Formula One (一级方程式) racing driver”中的driver与car对应,故该题的评论与E项匹配。

  48.“He’s like a mad scientist with some of these guys.Most coaches will correct mistakes after they see the film of the game,but he corrects mistakes on the field right away.”Gene Upshaw,head of the NFL players Association commented on him after his team won their third Super Bowl in four years.

  解析:选C。由该评论的内容,尤其是该评论中的关键词“Most coaches”及“his team won their third Super Bowl”可知,Gene Upshaw评价的是一名教练,与C项图片下面的coach相对应,故该题的评论与C项匹配。

  49.“He may be human but he’s from a different planet or even a different universe.”Russian


  Alexander Sukhorukov described racing against him at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

  解析:选A。由该评论的“Russian swimmer Alexander Sukhorukov described racing against him...”可知,Alexander Sukhorukov是游泳运动员,他评价的也是游泳运动员。与A项图片下面的文字a swimmer相对应,故该题的评论与A项匹配。

  50.“These days,you play golf and you play with him.You can beat the field but it doesn’t mean you’re going to beat him.”South African Ernie Els commented on him.

  解析:选D。由该评论“These days,you play golf and you play with him.You can beat the field but it doesn’t mean you’re going to beat him.”中的关键词“golf”可知,South African Ernie Els评价的是高尔夫球运动员,与D项图片下面的a golfer相对应,故该题的评论与D项匹配。


  第一节 基础写作(共1小题,满分 15分)










  参考词汇:National Marine Knowledge Competition全国海洋知识竞赛



  More than 300 students selected from all over the country will gather in our school to attend the National Marine Knowledge Competition.As a creative student,I have an intention of taking part in the activity based on the following reasons.







  One possible version:


  Firstly,the competition can arouse people’s awareness of the protection of the sea through the event.Secondly,I have acquired a good knowledge of seas and oceans and I am expert at expressing myself.What’s more,I’m well prepared for the competition for three weeks.It is a challenge,a good opportunity and a valuable experience for me,and I will try my best in the competition.

  For these reasons,I am greatly convinced that it is a good chance to attend the National Marine Knowledge Competition.

  第二节 读写任务(共1小题,满分25分)


  Not everyone can swim with fish in the ocean.But they can enjoy underwater life in another way—by visiting an aquarium.

  Keeping fish at home in small water tanks called aquariums is extremely popular today.And everyone seems to enjoy visiting huge public aquariums that have opened around the world.The first public aquarium was opened in London,England in eighteen fiftythree.In the next fifteen years,other aquariums opened in Europe and the United States.Today,millions of people visit aquariums in more than thirty countries.About fiftyeight million people visit these places each year.

  The aquarium is also an education center.Workers help visitors and especially children understand sea creatures and their importance in the world.Children and adults can see many sea creatures being fed and watch a movie about underwater life.They can even touch some of these creatures in small tide pools.Workers make sure visitors touch the rays,crabs and sea stars very carefully.








  参考词汇:海洋生物标本:marine biological specimen
















  One possible version:

  The aquarium has a history of more than 150 years.It is the place where underwater life is kept and is very popular with people.It is also an education center where workers can help children know sea creatures better.

  Last week,I visited the Underwater World Aquarium in Qingdao with my parents.It is located in the Huiquan Bay.It is the first aquarium that can display all the parts under the water in China.

  It’s really a wonderful world where you can enjoy so much.The Underwater World Aquarium is well equipped with modern technique.And what’s wonderful is that you can experience some of the programs there.For example,you can touch the whales or sea lions with your hands.It has the most marine biological specimens in the world and is the best place for both ocean tourism and popular science education.

  If you have a chance to visit Qingdao,never miss the Underwater World Aquarium.


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