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发布时间:2016-12-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  1—5 CBABB

  6—10 CBAAA

  11—15 CBBBC

  16—20 ABAAC


  21—25 AABCA

  26—30 ACCAC

  31—35 DCDAD

  21.A 考查定语从句。由句式分析可知这里是一个非限定性定语从句,which引导非限制性定语从句,指代前面整句话的内容,在从句中作主语。

  22.A 考查动词短语辨析。根据语境“from 12th place and became the first one”判断选择speed up“加速”恰当。break down“分解,生效”;come up“走进,发生”;turn out“生产,结果是”。句意:Linda在最后三百米开始加速,从第十二名一跃成为第一名赢得了比赛。

  23.B 考查非谓语动词。由题干可知此处用过去分词作后置定语,其功能相当于一个定语从句,即that/which is intended for。be intended for“打算为……所用,为……做准备”句意为:这将保证专家和研究人员不受诱惑滥用本该为了国家利益的资金。

  24.C考查时态语态。“Gone Girl”与base之间为被动关系,同时这里表示的为客观事实,所以用一般现在时的被动语态。句意:福克斯公司电影《失踪的爱人》是以吉莉安弗林最畅销同名小说为背景,小说讲述了一个丈夫,他的妻子失踪的故事。

  25.A 考查交际用语。根据语境“I don't use it today.”可判断选Go ahead“用吧,开始吧”合适。

  26.A 考查动词辨析。本句语境为“江苏扬州政府采购了314辆混合动力公交车,计划不就将投入运营。”根据语境可知选schedule“安排,计划”。

  27.C 考查冠词。visit用作名词时,前面通常与不定冠词连用,且official是以元音读音开头的单词,故用不定冠词an修饰;a series of“一系列”,为固定短语。选C项。句意:国家总理李克强对俄国进行了正式访问,有望达成一系列针对能源和人员交流的协议。

  28.C 考查介词短语。for fear of“唯恐,为避免”;by means of“用;依靠”;regardless of“不管;不顾”;for lack of“因缺乏”。本句句意“不管费用多少,我们必须采取一切措施抢救这位老人”故选C项。

  29.A 考查状语从句。根据句子的意思可知,上下文是让步关系,所以though引导让步状语从句。

  30.C 考查虚拟语气。proposal后面接从句时,从句中谓语动词用虚拟语气,即should+动词原形,其中should可以省略。同时meeting与put off之间为被动关系,所以用be put off。

  31.D 考查代词。根据语境“I prefer to ride a bike when going shopping”可知后面句意为“因为骑自行车没有开车的任何麻烦”。none“没有任何一个,全无,一点没有”符合语境。

  32. C 考查情景交际。句意:—我认为做一名教师需要很大的耐心和自信心。—不确切,这远不止那些。根据答语可知,答话人对对方的观点不是完全赞同,所以答案选C项。


  34.A 考查名词辨析。句意:如果你不知道如何操作这台新机器,最好首先仔细阅读一下说明书。read the directions意为“读说明书”,符合语境。expression“表达”;explanation“解释”;investigation“调查”,均不符合句意。

  35.D 考查交际用语。Are you joking?“你在开玩笑吧?”;Be my guest“别客气”; It's only your point of view.“这只是你个人的观点”; Let's find some of the action“让我们做点有趣的事情吧”。句意:—我厌烦周末在家无所事事。—让我们做点有趣的事情吧。这周末开车去海边怎么样?选择D项。


  36—40 BACDB

  41—45 ABCBD

  46—50 BCABD

  51—55 ACBAD

  36. B 根据下文的暗示,作者一行都很同情海地人民的不幸,因为2010年海地发生里氏为7.0级大地震,造成大约二十二万人死亡。所以答案选B项,sympathy意为“同情”。

  37. A 根据第三段的“They were the people who had lost every thing and every person that they loved in the earthquake”可知,空格处填earthquake。

  38. C 根据上文的“…had destroyed their spirits”可知,空格处填broken,作者以为地震摧毁了他们的精神,破灭了他们的信念。所以空格处填broken。

  39. D 根据上文的内容和下文的“I could not have been more wrong”可知,作者的发现证明他之前的想法是完全错误的,所以空格处用however。

  40. B 根据下文的内容,作者经过Tent City时,看到的情景跟自己之前对海地人的看法截然不同,这个印象在作者的脑海里依旧非常清晰。所以空格处用vivid。

  41. A 文章提到的Tent City原先是海地唯一的高尔夫球场,现在成了海地人的临时避难所。所以空格处填once“曾经,从前是”。

  42. B 临时避难所居住的都是地震中幸存下来的人,短短四十秒,地震摧毁了这些人的一切。within意为“在……之内”。43. C 根据上文的内容可知,空格处填shelters,意为“避难处,避难所”。

  44. B 根据下文的“there were songs being sung, children playing soccer...sweeping the dirt floors of their tents”可知,海地人表现出来的精神面貌完全出乎作者的意料。

  45. D 根据语境中的“there were songs being sung...laughter everywhere you turned...”这些关键信息可知,海地妇女心情愉快地清扫帐篷里的灰尘。所以空格处填happily。

  46. B 看到眼前的一切,作者突然之间明白了一切事情。it hits sb意为“某人突然明白了,某人突然意识到了”。

  47. C 作者明白了海地人不需要别人怜悯同情他们,他们内心足够坚强。feel sorry for sb意为“为别人感到遗憾,怜悯某人”。

  48. A 作者打从心底认为,海地人是他见过的最快乐的人之一。joyful意为“快乐的,令人高兴的”。

  49. B 海地人的这种乐观的心态也给作者很大的启发,他对海地人充满着希望。所以空格处填hope。

  50. D 作者偶尔也会遇见另外一类人,他们心力交瘁,两目无神。come across意为“遇见,遇到”;knock into意为“撞到,碰撞”;get through意为“使通过,度过”;deal with意为“处理,对付”。

  51. A 根据语境可知,这类人非常低落,眼神暗淡。所以空格处填eyes,emptiness该词意为“空虚,空洞”。

  52. C 然而这类人也时刻让作者想起要富有同情和怜悯之心,不要不以为然。所以空格处填reminded。

  53. B 直到作者海地之行结束后他才真正理解了感恩的意义。根据后面的“to one of the world’s only fourth-world countries”可知,空格处填trip,a trip to...意为“去某地的旅行”。

  54. A 根据下文的“To be grateful is to make the best of every situation you meet with”可知,空格处填grateful,该词意为“感激的,感恩的”。

  55. D 作者认为,感恩就是妥善处理我们经历过的境遇,谦虚地处理每一件事情。handle“处理,解决”。


  56—60 DABCB

  61—65 DCBBA

  66—70 DDCAB

  71—75 CABCD

  56.D 主旨大意题。文章开始介绍英国歌手莎拉布莱曼要去太空高歌,之后文章就此展开,可知本文的目的是报道,故选择D项。57.A 细节理解题。根据第三段“Her training to fly on a Russian Soyuz capsule is to begin this fall.”可知她要在今年秋天开始训练。

  58.B 代词指代题。第四段提到“Lady Gaga, who according to media reports late last year intends to be the first when she performs one song...”判断划线词she指代的是Lady Gaga。这里指莎拉布莱曼受到来自Lady Gaga的竞争,据媒体报道Lady Gaga去年年底就有这样的打算,她准备在2015年初通过乘坐维珍银河公司航天器去往太空演唱以便成为太空演唱第一人。

  59.C 推理判断题。根据文章第五段:莎拉布莱曼的计划还没有完全确定下来,Space Adventures迄今为止已经安排了九个私人太空旅行,微软的创建者查尔斯·西蒙尼去过两次。推知本段是通过举例展开的。选C项。

  60.B 细节理解题。第三段提到“I find that half the lemon is rind(外皮) and there is very little juice.”可知作者认为“一个柠檬几乎一半都是皮,所含有的汁水不多”所以要多买两个。


  推理判断题。根据第四段“Often, a bag of lemons with one slightly moldy lemon becomes a whole bag of rotten lemons during a night if you don’t do this.”判断“霉变对于柠檬腐烂的影响速度很快”。

  62.C 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段“Also, be careful not to add too much water. The lemonade should be slightly concentrated because the ice in the glass will make the liquid weaker a bit.”由此可知“希望让柠檬汁浓缩,不要加太多的水。”

  63.B 标题判断题。本文介绍了夏季制作柠檬汁饮料的秘诀,如选材,把柠檬浸泡在白醋中,在榨汁前把柠檬浸泡在温水或用微波炉打十秒钟,把柠檬汁饮料与糖混合、之后加些冰。可知本文主要介绍了怎样在家里制作口感好的柠檬汽水。

  64.B 推理判断题。根据第一条信息“Our focus is on building self confidence, social skills, and independence in a loving environment.”可知Charis Hills有助于增强孩子的自信心、社交能力和自我独立。

  65.A 细节理解题。根据第三条信息“Learn about science while taking one of our many one week courses”可知孩子们参加Cub Creek Science Camp需要上一个星期关于科学的课程。

  66.D 细节理解题。根据最后一个夏令营的信息可知年龄在6—18岁之间有情感和行为障碍的孩子可以考虑参加此夏令营。

  67.D 推理判断题。本文介绍了四个针对孩子们的夏令营,第一条信息谈到“Contact us today to reserve a spot for your child, camp space is limited.”推断“本文的主要读者应该是家长”。

  68.C 推理判断题。根据文章第二段“Officials said they found no sign of pollutants released from the factories that line the river.”可知“在这条河附近有很多工厂”。

  69.A 词义猜测题。划线词前面提到“Much of our rivers, lakes and even our aquifers have been polluted especially in the densely populated regions.”判断“这导致了严重的风险”,可推知pose意为“造成,形成”于A项词义相近。

  70.B 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的句子“Eighty percent of the water off Wenzhou’s coast is considered polluted.”可知“温州沿岸的多数水源不干净”。

  71.C 作者态度题。根据本文内容,尤其是最后三段可知作者对于中国的环境污染现状持批评态度,但没有信息表明他对此问题的绝望,所以选择C项。

  72.A 细节理解题。第三段提到:Nolan骑自行车时沿着路堤下行突然摔倒,脖子断了。可知是他从自行车上摔下来导致了残疾。

  73.B 细节理解题。由第四段“I was right up front with them when I rolled in. They surprisedly saw me in the wheelchair so I explained to them I have many challenges,”said Nolan.可知当他第一次摇着轮椅进教室时,学生们非常惊讶。

  74.C 推理判断题。该划线句意为:我能用笔记本电脑做任何人在讲台上做的任何事情。可知在讲台上笔记本电脑对他帮助很大。

  75.D 推理判断题。Nolan能够在身体残疾后勇敢地面对现实、克服障碍、重返讲坛。判断他意志坚强。








  82. frequently





  One possible version:

  How to grow up healthily

  As we know, cellphones and computers are common in our daily life. However, children nowadays depend much on them, which, in my opinion does great harm to their growth.

  In my opinion, the major task for children is to learn various knowledge. Therefore, they should fix more attention on it and be less dependent on electronics. Besides, they should spare more time to take exercise. If so, they can have a healthy body, which in turn contributes to their studies.

  The last but not least, children should learn to communicate with others. They can have a heart-to-heart conversation with their parents and teachers if they have some problems hard to solve. As they have more experience in life, they can give children plenty of instructions.


  Text 1

  W: Did you go to the basketball match this morning?

  M: Oh. Yes. It should have started at 9:30, but it was delayed twenty minutes.

  Text 2

  W: Darling, I am running out of petrol.

  M: Why not get the tank full before we set off?

  W: I am sorry, I forgot.

  Text 3

  M: What do you usually do on Sunday morning?

  W: I often do some reading in the library. But sometimes I play chess with a friend for a change.

  Text 4

  W: Can I help you, sir?

  M: Yes, I want to have my computer repaired. Can you tell me where the nearest computer store lies?

  Text 5

  M: Well, I thought you were working for a large foreign company.

  W: I was two years ago, but I decided that I should work near my home.

  M: That's why you changed your job.

  Text 6

  W: Do you know the most successful Formula One driver of all time?

  M: Of course, it is Michael Schumacher. I also know his race victories.

  W: Yes?

  M: The German collected a record 91 race victories through 2012.

  W: Mmm, I hear Schumacher burst into Formula One in 1991 by qualifying seventh in his first race in Belgium and a year later he was racing for Benetton, where he won his first champion in 1992.

  M: Quite right.

  Text 7

  W: It's a pleasure to tell you some film ranks of 2013 around the world.

  M: Oh, I'm glad to have the chance to hear them. W: Have you seen Comic book blockbuster Iron Man 3?

  M: Yes, Robert Downey Jr. plays his role as billionaire crime-fighter Tony Stark.

  W: Quite right. But do you know it made $1.2bn?

  M: Really surprising. Then it must be the highest-earning film of 2013 around the world.

  W: It's true. Animated comedy Despicable Me 2 came in at number two with global takings of $918m.

  M: The third one?

  W: In the third was The Hunger Games: Catching Fire which made $795m.

  Text 8

  W: Terrible! A tragedy again!

  M: What do you mean?

  W: Haven't watched the news on TV? A boat carrying around 500 people turned over early Thursday off the coast of the Italian island of Lampedusa.

  M: What is the result?

  W: At least 111 died, and 200 are still missing.

  M: Shocking news. What are the Italians doing now?

  W: The Italians are mourning those who lost their lives in the boat accident.

  M: The tragedy is not the first, and probably won't be the last. Last year, the route saw some 500 deaths.

  W: You are right. It is sad to think about people who were looking for a better life for them and for their children. As our parents and grandparents did going to America, and unfortunately they found death.

  Text 9

  W: Can I help you?

  M: I'm trying to find a present for my wife's birthday. Your jewelry is really beautiful—these designs must have taken you a lifetime to create.

  W: Well, thank you! But I've actually only been in jewelry for a couple of years. I was a nurse and had a bad back, so I was advised to try something lighter.

  M: And you took up jewelry?

  W: Not immediately. I did an evening course in life drawing at a school of art, hard work but fun, and then when I saw some of the jewelry that students produce, I was addicted!

  M: It must all be a total change from nursing…

  W: Well, it was a bit of a shock not having a regular income.

  M: I've never seen anything like these delicate glassy shapes you've put into your designs.

  W: I have been very lucky because my work became popular and fashionable right away, so this made me sure I should continue along the same lines, but I still leave the making to the last minute. I find I do my best work when I'm under a bit of pressure actually.

  Text 10

  Earlier this year, 24-year-old Pham Minh Dap and his brother established a school they called Stand By You. Volunteers teach poor students English and Japanese. Many classes are free. Mr. Dap pays about $500 to rent the language center space and for other costs. He gives about $150 from his earnings as a street seller and private language teacher. His brother gives the same amount from money he earns as a secretary. Friends provide the rest.

  Students come to the city from the countryside and must pay for food or rent. The students' parents are farmers. And farmers are very poor in Vietnam. But Pham Minh Dap is also poor. He sells balloons and children's toys outside Hoa Binh Park in the center of Vietnam's capital. He works there for a few hours on most afternoons. He earns about five dollars each day.

  Demand for the school is growing. About 1,000 people are on a waiting list to enter. Ten people have offered to teach for free. And Mr. Dap says he is hoping to raise money to pay for a bigger place. He wants to open more classes.


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